No. 299.
Mr. Jackson to Mr. Bayard.

No. 158.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 152 of 16th instant, inclosing copy of a note addressed by me to Mr. Mariscal, I now have the honor to transmit copy and translation of his reply advising that the attention of the Mexican Government had already been directed to the unhappy conflict between the troops of the United States and the troops of Mexico, in which Captain Crawford was killed, and had been collecting all the necessary data to form an exact idea of the same.

I am, sir, &c.,

[Page 575]
[Inclosure in No. 158.—Tanslation.]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Jackson.

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor of receiving the esteemed note of your Excellency, dated the 15th instant, in which, by instructions from your Government, you are pleased to advise me of the facts connected with the skirmish which took place on the 10th of January last, near Nacori, between a local force of Chihuahuans a detachment of American troops under the command of Captain Crawford, who was mortally wounded.

The attention of the Mexican Government had already been directed to the occurrence to which your excellency refers, and in this department there is being collected all the necessary data to form an exact idea of the same.

Now, in view of the account of the facts contained in the note to which I reply, a very careful investigation will be made to the end of ascertaining who were the responsible parties in this lamentable affair.

I renew to your excellency, &c.,