No. 259.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Boutelle.

Dear Sir: I have just received your telegram of this date, stating that you had a dispatch from Eastport, Me., that American boats after herring for sardines at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, were driven away by the Dominion cruiser Middleton, with the announcement that no American boats will be allowed to take herring for any purpose.

And to this you invoke the immediate attention of this Department.

On the 2d of Jun6 last you called at this Department in company with Senator Hale, of Maine, and then drew my attention to a similar threat of interference with the purchase of small herring for canning as sardines from the Canadian weirs.

On the same day I made representation of the alleged threats to the British minister at this capital, and drew his attention to the alleged violation of lawful commercial intercourse between British subjects in Canada and the citizens of the United States.

I was in hopes that further interference with a recognized and legitimate trade would be prevented, but will again address the British minister on the subject.

It will assist materially in all such cases of alleged violation of commercial rights, if accurate and full statements of all the facts in each case are procured and forwarded to this Department accompanied by affidavits;

A great deal of loose rumor and sensational statement would be thus disposed of, and a tangible basis be laid for claim for compensation by the injured parties.

I have, &c.,