No. 245.
Mr. William H. Jordan to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: We see by recent dispatches from Halifax that the Canadian Government propose seizing schooner James A. Garfield whenever they have an opportunity, for having purchased bait and ice within their jurisdiction as they allege. The captain of the Garfield denies their charge of purchasing bait and ice, but that will make no difference about the seizure of the vessel, and if seized will be condemned whether guilty or not, judging from our past experience, as we had a vessel seized some years since (schooner A. I. Franklin) and condemned for alleged violation of their laws, and we had absolute knowledge that their charge was not correct in whole or in part. What we want to know is this: Can we be sustained by our Government in resisting capture to the best of our ability, where we are sure we have not violated their laws, and so instruct our captains?

We have another case, occurring about four weeks ago. The captain of schooner Annie H. Jordan wished to purchase bait at St. Andrews, New Brunswick. He had a permit to touch and trade, but being afraid of trouble he anchored the vessel outside the three-mile limit and went ashore in a dory to enter vessel at custom-house. The collector refused to allow him to enter his vessel, and ordered him to leave forthwith, saying they would have nothing to do with his vessel.

Yours, respectfully,

Secretary American Fishing Union
(Firm of Rowe & Jordan).