No. 157.
Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard.

No. 218.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 104, of the 10th instant, I have the honor to inform you that, before the receipt of the same, the error made in giving the date of the emigration of C. H. G. J. F. Burmeister in the communication presenting his case had been corrected in an informal note addressed by the legation to the foreign office. The error seems to have occurred from the confusion growing out of the circumstance that in one of the papers submitted in connection with the case, the date of emigration was stated to be 1881. In another, however, it was given as 1880, and as the latter date tallied with other essential facts presented, such as the date of his birth, his age at the time of emigration and with his possession of a certificate of naturalization, it seemed proper to assume that it was correct.

I have the honor, &c.,


P. S.—Immediately on the discovery of the error referred to I applied to the American consul at Hamburg for more definite information but [Page 325] was informed by him that Burmeister had returned to America, and that he knew nothing more concerning the case than appeared in the papers submitted to the legation.

G. H. P.