No. 62.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States at Central America,
Guatemala, January 14, 1878.
(Received February 16.)
No. 752.]
Sir: I have the honor of inclosing you a copy and
translation of a decree of the Government of Guatemala, just issued,
reducing the duty upon flour $1 per quintal, or about 1 cent per pound. The
duty on that article still remains very high.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
decree reducing duty on flour.
National Palace,
Guatemala, January 5, 1878.
Looking to reduction as convenient and as may be permitted by the
necessities, of the treasury the taxes created during the last war, and
maintained for some time
[Page 76]
afterward, to cover with their products the heavy expenses occasioned by
the same, the General President, with the idea of favoring the interests
of the inhabitants of the republic, and particularly the poorer class,
who suffer more fully the consequences of the increased taxes in matters
of consumption of primary necessity, has thought well to decree that
from the 15th of the present month of January the quintal of flour of
the country will be free from the tax of eight reals imposed by the
decree No. 150, of March 14, 1876. Let it be communicated. Sealed by the