No. 61.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts.

No. 706.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that all the members of the diplomatic corps here have received a printed circular dated September 29, 1877, purporting to have been issued from the foreign office of Costa Rica, in which information is given of the following facts: That Herrera had retired permanently from the presidency of Costa Rica, and on the 11th of that month had called Ex-President Guardia to the exercise of the executive power; that President Guardia called a grand assembly, which, on the 23d instant, designated him as provisional President, with the extraordinary power of nominating the deputies to a convention (assamblea constituyente) he might convoke when he thought it well to do so; that Guardia had declined to exercise that extraordinary power and had called for the election of deputies to meet in the capital, on the 23d of December next, for the purpose of declaring the political code (con objeto de declarar el codigo politico).

All the members of the diplomatic corps here propose simply to acknowledge the receipt of the circular.

I have, &c.,