List of papers, with their subjects
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1 | Mr. Seward to the consular officers in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Germany. | 1878. Mar. 18 | Requiring reports showing the prices at which actual sales are made within their several districts, to other countries, of the leading articles of export to the United States. In the case of staple goods, the reports should show the value of raw materials, cost of labor, and whole cost of manufacture. | 1 |
2 | Mr. Seward to consular officers in Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, and Denmark. | Apr. 11 | Requiring reports as to rates of wages; cost of living of laboring classes; relative rates for five years past; state of trade; character of circulating medium; relation born by paper to coin; business habits and systems. | 2 |
3 | Mr. Seward to consular officers in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, and Germany. | Apr. 15 | Requiring that samples of goods exported to the United States shall be sent to the proper customs officers at the port of final destination of goods, instead of to those at the port of first arrival. | 2 |
4 | Mr. Seward to diplomatic and consular officers at sea-ports. | Aug. 21 | Requiring sanitary and commercial reports for the use of the Surgeon-General of the Marine-Hospital Service. | 3 |
5 | Mr. Evarts to consular officers. | Sept. 23 | Requiring consular officers to exercise vigilance in the inspection of all American vessels engaged in the coolie trade arriving at their ports. | 3 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1 | Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Sept. 12 | Revolution in province of San Juan: Government troops to sustain the governor of the province: partisans of D. C. Sarmiento engaged in the revolution. | 5 |
2 | do | Sept. 18 | Mail and telegraph service: 4,530 miles of wire, partly owned by government; 7,500,000 letters and papers sent through the mails during the current year: service, not self-sustaining. | 6 |
3 | do | Sept. 19 | Strength of the army, 12,300 men; of the navy, 31 vessels of war; commercial marine, 1,562 vessels, with aggregate tonnage of 43,000 tons; Indian frontier less troubled. Attention called to the deep-water channel up the Parana and Uruguay Rivers surveyed by Capt. Hunter Davidson. | 6 |
4 | do | Oct. 3 | Congress adjourns: Bills passed establishing a mint at Buenos Ayres to coin gold and silver; abolishing the old Spanish system of weights and measures and adopting the decimal system; and granting aid to the Trans-Andine Railway. | 7 |
5 | do | Oct. 8 | Amnesty accepted by revolutionists of 1874: General Mitre and other officers restored to the army; changes in the cabinet in consequence. | 8 |
6 | do | 1878. Mar. 5 | Boundary dispute with Chili still unsettled: The surrender of the Sandy Point mutineers to Chili refused: their trial for the murder of some of their comrades while in Argentine territory ordered. | 9 |
7 | do | Mar. 14 | Revolution in Corientes: Governor Durqui to be sustained: rebels defeat state troops; propose a compromise in the nature of a new election: reconciliation with the Mitre party not so complete as supposed; rumored trouble in Santa Fé. | 10 |
8 | Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts | Mar. 23 | Revolution in Corientes over: April 1 the Argentine Republic enters Postal Union under treaty of Berne. | 11 |
9 | do | Apr. 26 | Crisis in the cabinet: Representatives of the Mitre party withdraw; trouble apprehended; revolutionary movements in Corientes and Santa Fé. | 12 |
10 | do | May 14 | The President opens Congress: Foreign relations satisfactory; the boundary dispute with Chili to be submitted to arbitration; peace restored to the country; national debt, $61,277,802; reduction during the year, $4,000,000; finances in a satisfactory condition; immigration maintains its volume. | 13 |
11 | Mr. Garcia to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Nov. 29 | Asking attention to dispatches from his government respecting the reconciliation effected with the revolutionary party; intimating that the boundary question with Chili will be amicably settled; and expressing the hope that friendly relations with the United States may be maintained. | 14 |
12 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Garcia | Dec. 7 | Reciprocating the friendly sentiments expressed in the above note. | 15 |
13 | Mr. Garcia to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Mar. 23 | Requesting the appointment of March 25 to deliver the memorial, documents, charts, and books relating to the boundary question with Paraguay, to the President, to whose arbitration it has been submitted. | 16 |
14 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Garcia | Mar. 23 | Acceding to the above request | 16 |
15 | Mr. Garcia to Mr. Evarts | Mar. 25 | Submitting papers in the arbitration | 17 |
16 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Garcia | Mar. 30 | Acknowledging their receipt | 18 |
17 | do | Nov. 13 | The question determined in favor of Paraguay | 18 |
18 | Mr. Garcia to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 13 | Acknowledging the receipt of the award | 18 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
19 | Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts. | 1877. Nov. 10 | Disastrous effect of the free-trade treaty with Germany upon Austrian industry: The treaty denounced; a new tariff proposed: effect of the silver standard upon customs receipts; and of the suspension of specie payments upon national industry: conclusions based upon present industrial and commercial conditions; that customsdues should be collected in the best and least variable standard money; that customs barriers should be sufficiently high to protect domestic industry; that the “most favored nation” clause is the safest basis for commercial treaties; that for special relations and countries, “reciprocity, treaties” may afford means for the development of special interests. (See dispatch March 4, 1878.) | 19 |
20 | do | Dec. 14 | Meeting of the “Delegations,” the common legislature of the empire: The organization of the Austro-Hungarian Empire illustrated: the Eastern question; a revision of treaties to be the result of the war; the three Emperors acting in unison; Count Andrássy explains the policy of Austria to be “the protection of Austrian interests.” | 24 |
21 | do | Dec. 23 | Detailed statement of the debt of the Austro-Hungrarian Empire; and of Austria and Hungary. | 26 |
22 | do | 1878. Jan. 30 | The effect of the dual organization of the empire respecting questions of taxation. A ministerial crisis the result of disagreement between the Delegations. | 29 |
23 | do | Feb. 21 | The currency of the, empire based upon silver; specie payments suspended in 1848; never since resumed: no prospect of resumption: statement of paper circulation; no specie reserve against government issue; paper depreciated; no specie in circulation; government compelled to buy [Page XXIII] silver in excess of customs receipts; debt bearing silver interest chiefly held abroad; views of Baron von Hoffman: gold ultimately to be the standard; the present relationship susceptible of establishment by international agreement; without such agreement, countries of the higher standard will absorb the better money. | 30 |
24 | Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts | Mar. 4 | Tendency of legislation in the direction of higher duties: Free-trade theories giving place to those of pr election; extract from proposed French tariff; the danger to our industries from this movement in Europe, respecting a home tendency toward tree trade. (See Mr. Noyes’s dispatch of March 28, 1878.) | 32 |
25 | do | Mar. 8 | The desirability of a common unit of money for international account and use: The submission of the question to the monetary conference suggested. | 34 |
26 | do | Mar. 30 | Forwarding map of Turkey as affected by the treaty of San Stefano: Uneasy feeling respecting war between England and Russia; the aims of England in the Levant. (See Mr. Maynard’s dispatches of April 3 and 29.) | 34 |
27 | do | Apr. 9 | Invitation to monetary conference given | 35 |
28 | do | May 8 | Austrian intervention in Bosnia probable. Efforts to maintain peace; positive gains made by England in consequence of her decided policy. Diplomats reticent. | 36 |
29 | do | May 14 | Appeal from Mussulmans of Silistria. Turkey the field of diplomatic intrigue; dissatisfaction with the treaty of San Stefano. | 38 |
30 | do | May 19 | Count Schouvaloff’s mission thought to have been successful; the meeting of the congress probable; interest manifested in our ability to maintain strict neutrality in the event of war; the effect of the “three rules” clause of the treaty of Washington, and the right to buy ships and munitions of war in our ports, pending hostilities, discussed. | 39 |
31 | do | June 1 | Hungary accepts invitation to monetary conference. | 41 |
32 | do | June 5 | Suggesting that the recognition of Roumanian in dependence should be conditioned upon the accordance of equality of rights to the Jews. | 42 |
33 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Kasson | June 18 | Monetary conference to be held at Paris: Invitation accented by leading powers. | 43 |
34 | Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts | June 29 | Constitutional questions, until recently pending between Austria and Hungary, adjusted. Customs tariff to be raised; Austrian Bank debt to be assumed; quota of each toward national expenses determined. The Imperial Government strengthened by the agreement. | 44 |
35 | do | June 30 | Austrian policy respecting the Eastern question based upon two principles: Hostility to Sclavic influence; and the extension of commercial relations. Her action at Berlin to be guided by these principles. Bosnian occupation the first step. Austria supported by England. Results of the policy. Influence of existing railways. | 44 |
36 | do | July 13 | The Shah of Persia visits Austria: Changed for the better since his last visit; more inclined to adopt Western ideas; accompanied by his chiefs of administration; Austrian mission to be established in Persia; trade statistics; chance of introducing American products into Persia; a favorable commercial treaty could be negotiated foreign trade of Persia estimated at $18,000,000 per annum. | 46 |
37 | do | July 13 | Invitation to monetary conference accepted | 48 |
38 | do | July 24 | Same subject: Programme of proceedings desirable. | 49 |
39 | do | Aug. 3 | Treaty of Berlin: Items, Bulgaria, autonomy conceded, with right to negotiate; treaties to remain in force: Roumania, independence granted, with full treaty-making power: Servia, existing treaties in force: Montenegro, independence granted, but commercial association with Austria established. Necessity for consular representatives at Bucharest, Belgrade, Antivari, and other points indicated. A thorough examination of existing treaties recommended. For text of treaty see Mr. Maynard’s dispatch, September 28. | 50 |
40 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Kasson | Aug. 5 | Monetary conference to adopt its own programme | 51 |
41 | do | Aug. 5 | The same repeated | 52 |
42 | Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts | Aug. 27 | General Grant visits Vienna: Is received by and dines with the Emperor. Official and other attentions. | 52 |
43 | do | Sept. 30 | Bosnian occupation: Austrian army 125.000 men. Character of the population. Semi-independence of the Begs under Turkish rule; prospects of pacification. | 53 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
44 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Apr. 7 | Invitation to monetary’ conference given | 54 |
45 | do | Apr. 15 | The Eastern question: A credit of 10,500,000 francs granted; Belgium prepared for eventualities. | 55 |
46 | Mr. Goodloe to Mr. Evarts | June 14 | Early answer to invitation to monetary conference | 56 |
47 | do | June 21 | Change of ministry | 56 |
48 | do | June 28 | Detailed account of election: Ministry defeated, and resign; liberals successful; new ministry formed. (See dispatch June 21.) | 57 |
49 | do | June 26 | Invitation to monetary conference accepted. | 59 |
50 | do | July 12 | Same subject: Paris approved as place of meeting. | 60 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
51 | Mr. Milliard to Mr. Evarts. | 1877. Nov. 6 | Trade with Brazil: We import largely from, but export little to Brazil; American products are shipped to, and sold in, England, reshipped to Brazil, and resold at advanced rates; steamship lines established with Europe, but none with the United States; the need of such line indicated: the Emperor favors its establishment. | 60 |
52 | do | Nov. 14 | Contract for monthly steamers to the United States entered into: Mail subsidy of $100,000 for ten years granted by Brazil; the question determined by the intervention of the Emperor; increased steam communication with Brazil recommended to attention of Congress. | 61 |
53 | do | Dec. 31 | Resignation of the ministry: Parliament not in session; temporary appointments to be made; American influence extending. | 62 |
54 | do | 1878. Jan. 16 | Liberal ministry formed: Probable dissolution of Parliament: discussion of political affairs. | 63 |
55 | do | May 23 | Interest manifested in new steamship line: First shipment of coffee will be at least 30,000 sacks; Brazilian trade may be secured by extending the facilities of intercommunication. | 66 |
56 | do | June 7 | Arrival of the City of Rio: Ceremonies upon the occasion of the visit of the Emperor and empress; return cargo, 37,000 sacks of coffee, valued at $700,000; the largest and most valuable single cargo ever shipped from Brazil. | 67 |
57 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Borges | Apr. 30 | Requesting a letter commending the commander of the Madeira River surveying party to the consideration of the authorities of Para. | 70 |
58 | do | July 17 | Inviting suggestions relative to a common mode and form of procedure respecting consular certifications to port clearances. | 71 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
59 | Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 10 | The assassination of President Barrios of Guatemala attempted: Death of the priest, Felix Pajes, who made the attempt. | 73 |
60 | do | Oct. 20 | Liberty of the press decreed in Guatemala: Comments upon the mode of death of Pajes thought to have influenced its issuance. | 74 |
61 | Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 20 | Herrera retires from the Presidency of Costa Pica in favor of Ex-President Guardia; election of deputies decreed. | 75 |
62 | do | 1878. Jan. 14 | Guatemala reduces the duty on flour $1 per quintal, or one cent per pound. | 75 |
63 | do | Jan. 18 | Costa Pica breaks off relations with Guatemala: Conies of natters from Costa Pica. | 76 |
64 | do | Feb. 16 | Ex-President Medina of Honduras, and Marin of Salvador shot, by order of President Soto. | 79 |
65 | do | Sept. 2 | Peace throughout Central America: Friendly relations restored between Nicaragua and Costa Pica; crops good; large coffee crop. | 80 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
66 | Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 8 | Ceremonies upon the delivery of the awards of the Centennial Exposition. | 80 |
67 | do | 1878. Jan. 24 | Commander Rodgers’s action respecting the Punta Arenas revolt approved: no more convicts to be sent to that settlement; claims commission appointed. | 82 |
68 | do | Jan. 31 | Adjournment of Congress; commercial depression continues; state of the finances unsatisfactory; deficits, for 1876, $2,000,000: for 1877, $3,000,000; probable deficit for current year, $2,000,000; bonds issued to meet deficits; commission of inquiry appointed. | 83 |
69 | do | Mar. 1 | Inquiry as to the effect upon our relations with Chili of her notice of 1849 to terminate certain clauses of the treaty of 1832; the present a favorable time for the negotiation of a commercial treaty. | 85 |
70 | do | Mar. 9 | Probability of the submission of the Argentine boundary question to the arbitration of the King of the Belgians. | 86 |
71 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Osborn | Mar. 9 | The effect of the notice of 1849 is full and complete in respect of all clauses of the treaty of 1832, except those relating to peace and friendship: Should Chili favor the negotiation of a new treaty, newer to negotiate will be granted. | 87 |
72 | Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts. | Apr. 18 | Account of the earthquake of May 9, 1877 | 89 |
73 | do | June 5 | Congress opened by the President: Financial statement unsatisfactory; income tax, and increase of duties, recommended; imports and exports show a falling off; work upon the code, and upon coast and interior surveys, progressing satisfactorily; public education liberally maintained. | 91 |
74 | do | Oct. 24 | Pitcairn’s Island, and its population | 93 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
75 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Sept. 22 | Currency circulation in China regulated by custom; the premium independent of intrinsic value; the Mexican dollar received for customs at market rate; the trade dollar at rates established by proclamation; suggestions for extending its circulation. | 93 |
76 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Seward | Nov. 14 | May join colleagues in representing the inadvisability of discontinuing the Woosung Railway. | 94 |
77 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 21 | The Woosung Railway used by large numbers of Chinese before its destruction; an impression of the value of railways made: The famine, and the insufficiency of transportation will increase this impression: The railway future discussed. | 95 |
78 | do | 1878. Jan. 10 | The good offices of the United States requested by China in respect of the execution of her treaty with Spain regulating the treatment of the Chinese in Cuba: Text, and full analysis of the treaty. | 96 |
79 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Evarts | Feb. 7 | No steps taken to establish a mint: Coined silver circulates at a premium over bullion; custom maintains premium on Mexican dollars; inquiry instituted as to methods of increasing circulation of trade-dollar. | 101 |
80 | do | Feb. 8 | Common effort to be made by consuls at Shanghai to maintain the status quo respecting the Woosung telegraph. | 102 |
81 | do | Feb. 9 | Shanghai harbor protection rules submitted to diplomatic corps: Question raised as to competency of China to establish regulations independent of foreign representatives; a Survey of the harbor desirable. | 103 |
82 | do | Feb. 23 | Same subject: Chinese note of submission amended; rules approved; consuls instructed; the question of harbor conservation discussed. | 105 |
83 | do | Mar. 4 | Changes in the approaches to Shanghai: Consuls to collect harbor data for submission by their governments to competent engineers. | 107 |
84 | do | Mar. 14 | Report upon the famine in Shansi, Chihli, Shantung, Shensi, Honan, Szchuen, and Kansu: sixty million people suffering from high price of food; actual famine pressing upon districts with a population of ten million; the missionaries active in rendering aid. | 109 |
85 | do | Mar. 22 | The viceroi of Tientsin grants concession to Mr. Tong-King-Sing to mine coal and iron and build service-railway in Chihli; report upon mineral resources. | 122 |
86 | do | Mar. 22 | Treaty revision discussed: Inequality of rights enjoyed by Chinese in America and of Americans’ in China; question submitted as to whether the time has not come to remove, or at least modify, this inequality by negotiation. | 129 |
87 | Mr. Holcombe to Mr. Evarts | June 20 | Imprisonment of Monseigneur Ridel, French bishop, by the Coreans; war with Japan apprehended by Corea. | 131 |
88 | do | June 24 | Extended memorandum upon the currency of China by Mr. Seward. | 132 |
89 | do | June 25 | Letter of thanks of the Shanghai chamber of commerce to Mr. Seward. | 140 |
90 | do | June 20 | Letter conveying the thanks of the President of Peru to Mr. Seward. | 140 |
91 | do | July 1 | Trade-dollar only circulates at Amoy. Canton, Foo-Chow, Swatow, and the Formosan polls; official action of little value to increase circulation; attention called to practice of “chopping” or mutilation; report of consuls. | 141 |
92 | do | July 2 | Modifications in the Yangtze River trade regulations. | 146 |
93 | do | July 2 | Mr. Comly’s request for intervention in behalf of two Chinese subjects arrested upon the charge of illegally transporting Chinese to Hawaii complied with. | 148 |
94 | do | July 3 | Ch-ng How, senior vice-president board of civil office, appointed minister to Russia. | 150 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
95 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Dichman. | 1878. Nov. 12 | The case of C. G. Scrafford, released by order of the Colombian Government from the legal custody of a United States officer while being transported across the Isthmus of Panama, en route from Peru to the United States: Negotiations for an extradition treaty with Colombia, with a clause providing for the rearrest of Scrafford, to be entered upon; correspondence in the case. (See report of Royal Commission upon Extradition; Mr. Welsh’s dispatch of June 22.) | 151 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
96 | Mr. Cramer to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Aug. 18 | Disagreement between the two houses of the Rigsdag upon a financial law: Provisional law decreed by the King; political dissatisfaction; the inhabitants of cities generally conservative; the peasants radical. | 155 |
97 | do | Nov. 20 | Same subject: Cause of trouble, the desire of the opposition to introduce the practice of ministerial responsibility to the chambers. | 156 |
98 | do | 1878. Mar. 1 | Danish troops not to occupy Schleswig | 157 |
99 | do | Apr. 3 | The Rigsdag adiourned: Financial law passed | 158 |
100 | do | May 10 | Denmark to remain neutral in the event of war: Sympathy of people with Russia; army concentrated near the capital; launch of the iron-clad Helgoland; navy to be held in readiness. | 159 |
101 | do | Nov. 4 | The negro revolt in Santa Cruz: 43 out of 80 plantations destroyed; Fredericksted greatly injured; revolt caused by reduction of wages at annual period of rehiring. | 160 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
102 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 19 | Election for deputies passed off quietly: Government defeated; Bonapartists make largest relative gains; a ministry from the “left” will be constituted. | 161 |
103 | do | Nov. 9 | Resignations of ministry refused by the President: A change inevitable. | 162 |
104 | do | Nov. 16 | The conduct of the recent elections to be inquired into by the chambers: The people restless; business paralyzed. | 163 |
105 | do | Nov. 16 | Ministers again resign: Resignations to be accepted. | 163 |
106 | do | Nov. 30 | A reconstitution of the ministry will end the crisis: Peaceful measures prevail; interview of the Duke d’Audiffret Pasquier with the President; Dufaure, Leon Say, Waddington, and Leon Renault will enter the ministry. | 164 |
107 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes | Dec. 5 | The thanks of the United States to be conveyed to Captain Aube, of the French man-of-war Le Seignelay, for assistance rendered the consul at Apia, Samoa. | 165 |
108 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 7 | The Dufaure cabinet to be constituted upon the principle of responsibility to the chambers: Ministers to have the right of removal from office; effect of the bureaucratic spirit. | 166 |
109 | do | Dec. 14 | Mr. Waddington appointed minister of foreign affairs, and Mr. Leon Say minister of finance. | 167 |
110 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Noyes | Dec. 19 | Invitation to participate in the Paris Exposition accepted: Mr. McCormick appointed commissioner-general. | 168 |
111 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 21 | The President accepts the result of the elections as the judgment of the people in favor of parliamentary government with ministerial responsibility. | 169 |
112 | do | Dec. 28 | Invitation to Paris Exposition accented | 169 |
113 | do | 1878. Jan. 11 | Note from Mr. Waddington relative to the appointment of Mr. McCormick. | 169 |
114 | do | Mar. 28 | Tariff revision receiving attention: Prior to 1860, France was protectionist; since 1860, the French tariff has been twofold in character, conventional, i. e., regulated by special commercial treaties, and general and retaliatory in respect of the products of nations having no tariff treaties with her. The policy of the new bill is retaliative, i. e., the duties imposed are protective, with the reservation that its stipulations may be modified by treaty stipulation. The growth, of protectionist ideas and theories in Europe recognized. (See Mr. Kasson’s dispatches of November 10, 1877, and March 4, 1878.) | 170 |
115 | do | Apr. 5 | France to consult members of Latin Union: Probability of acceptance of invitation to monetary conference. | 172 |
116 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | Apr. 26 | Report of Dr. William E. Johnston upon the organization and plan of operation of the international commission for the exchange of works of science. | 173 |
117 | do | May 31 | France has assent of all members of Latin Union but Italy to join in monetary conference. | 175 |
118 | Mr. Hitt to Mr. Evarts | June 9 | France and Italy accept; Paris suggested as place of meeting. | 175 |
119 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes | June 10 | Smithsonian system of exchanges explained; Mr. Noyes to act with international commission. | 175 |
120 | Mr. Hitt to Mr. Evarts | June 13 | Members of Latin Union accept invitation to conference; United States to propose time of meeting. | 176 |
121 | do | June 14 | Same subject: Report; invitation of France to meet at Paris. | 176 |
122 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Hitt | June 28 | Diplomatic representatives in Europe to be informed that conference will meet in Paris August 10. | 176 |
123 | Mr. Hitt to Mr. Evarts | July 17 | Asking if France shall be requested to issue invitations to the conference. | 178 |
124 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Hitt | July 19 | Same subject: Request to be made | 179 |
125 | Mr. Hitt to Mr. Evarts | July 19 | Same subject: Arrangements for meeting of conference. | 179 |
126 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | Aug. 9 | Asking if the Smithsonian Institution will represent the United States in International Commission of Exchanges. | 180 |
127 | do | Sept. 19 | $6,000 contributed for yellow-fever sufferers | 181 |
128 | do | Sept. 20 | American exhibit at exposition highly creditable; shall receive more prizes relatively than any other country; Mr. McCormick’s management satisfactory. | 181 |
129 | do | Sept. 24 | $4,000 additional for yellow-fever fund | 182 |
130 | do | Sept. 27 | Report of fund; list of contributors; total to date about 60,000 francs. | 182 |
131 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes | Sept. 28 | Treasury circular as to customs duties upon tourists’ effects. | 184 |
132 | Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 11 | Additional list of contributors to yellow-lever fund. | 189 |
133 | do | Oct. 17 | $4,000 additional for yellow-fever fund | 190 |
134 | do | Oct. 25 | Additional list of contributors to yellow-fever fund. | 190 |
135 | do | Nov. 14 | Final list of contributors to fund; 82.718.70 francs sent through Mr. Noyes; grand total from France about 150,000 francs. | 191 |
136 | Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts | Jan. 14 | Respecting the refusal of the captain of an American vessel to transport from Guiana to Salem, Massachusetts, persons released from imprisonment, and asking copies of State or national laws upon the subject. | 192 |
137 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Outrey | Jan. 23 | Inclosing extract from statutes of Massachusetts, and copy of act of Congress of March 3, 1875, forbidding such transportation. | 193 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
138 | Mr. Everett to Mr. Evarts. | 1878. Feb. 25 | Prince Bismarck’s speech in the Reichstag, February 19, respecting the Eastern question; Germany’s position that of mediator; the meeting of the, of the congress probable. | 195 |
139 | do | Mar. 4 | Measures to reorganize the imperial chancery and to revise taxation to increase revenue, discussed by the Reichstag; the budget for 1878–’79. | 202 |
140 | do | Mar. 11 | The budget debate continues; the appointment of Mr. Taylor gives satisfaction; the veto of the silver bill favorably commented on. | 204 |
141 | do | Mar. 18 | The chancery substitution bill passed; report upon emigration; aggregate from ports of Hamburg and Bremen for current year, 41,759. | 204 |
142 | do | Mar. 28 | The celebration of the Emperor’s birthday | 205 |
143 | do | Apr. 8 | I Prussian Diet closed: ministerial changes; comments upon Lord Salisbury’s circular of April 1; the meeting of the congress probable. | 209 |
144 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Everett. | Apr. 30 | The case of Julius Baumer, a naturalized citizen, arrested in contravention of the treaty of 1868, while upon a visit to his former home in Westphalia, to be called to the attention of the German Government and reparation asked. | 210 |
145 | Mr. Taylor to Mr. Evarts | May 25 | The government hill to suppress social democratic demonstrations lost in the Reichstag by a vote of 57 to 251; the political effect of the attempt upon the Emperor’s life discussed; the resignation of Doctor Falk. | 212 |
146 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Taylor | June 3 | The congratulations of the President upon the escape of the Emperor from assassination. | 214 |
147 | Mr. Taylor to Mr. Evarts | June 5 | The Emperor’s condition not one of immediate danger; the regency of the Crown Prince anticipated; the congress to meet in Berlin. | 214 |
148 | do | June 10 | The regency of the Crown Prince; Dr. Falk withdraws his resignation; the Prussian Government proposes the dissolution of the Reichstag; the proposition will be acceded to by the imperial council; the belief in a widespread conspiracy against society on the part of the socialists, prevails. | 215 |
149 | do | June 12 | The thanks of the Crown Prince for the congratulations of the President. | 216 |
150 | do | June 15 | Cases of Ganzenmuller and Weil, naturalized citizens: Ordered to leave Baden, because their exemption from military service as American citizens, was of bad influence; action taken under Baden law; protest of legation; report of Consul Smith, and note of Mr. Von Billow. (See dispatch, August 7.) | 216 |
151 | do | June 17 | The congress convenes; England offers to withdraw her fleet if Russia will withdraw her army; attitude of Austria undeveloped; confidence in the maintenance of peace; Mr. Taylor received by Prince Bismarck. | 221 |
152 | do | July 1 | General Grant visits Berlin; is received and dines with the Crown Prince; a military review held in his honor; Mr. Taylor’s audience with the empress; Prince Bismarck and General Grant; Mr. Coleman’s retention requested. | 223 |
153 | do | July 5 | Case of Willimek: May return to Germany under “two years” clause of treaty; must be provided with documents to establish character and identity. | 225 |
154 | do | July 15 | The treaty of Berlin: No permanent basis of peace established; religious liberty accorded to Roumania, Bulgaria, and Roumelia. | 227 |
155 | do | July 15 | Case of Julius Baumer: May return to Germany under “two years” clause of treaty; Germany declines to make compensation. | 228 |
156 | do | Aug. 7 | The case of Ganzenmuller: His last letter claiming citizenship and protection of legation, dated June 12; case settled by his applying the next day, June 13, for Baden citizenship. Analogous cases; correspondence; trouble occasioned by failure of naturalized citizens to observe local regulations applicable alike to natives and foreigners. (See following dispatch.) | 229 |
157 | do | Sept. 27 | Naturalization cases: The settlement of just claims complicated by unwarrantable ones; treaty stipulations observed; naturalization often sought as a means of protection from military service; the necessity for the test of intention clause of treaty, i. e., the “two years” clause, demonstrated. | 232 |
158 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Taylor | Oct. 19 | Action of Germany in naturalization cases occasions satisfaction; the Willimek case. | 233 |
159 | Mr. Von Schlozer to Mr. Evarts. | Apr. 8 | Requesting a limitation of consular demand for samples of goods shipped to the United States; and that consuls shall not allow inspection of samples deposited with them. | 234 |
160 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Von Schlozer. | May 1 | Consuls will be instructed not to permit inspection of samples; Treasury regulations as to samples. | 235 |
161 | Mr. Von Schlozer to Mr. Evarts. | Oct. 18 | Contribution of German Emperor to yellow-fever fund. | 236 |
162 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Von Schlozer. | The thanks of the President to the Emperor | 236 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
163 | Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 25 | A trade-mark convention with Great Britain concluded. | 237 |
164 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Pierrepont | Oct. 26 | Authorizing Mr. Pierrepont to attend telegraph conference. | 237 |
165 | Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 15 | Reply of the lords of the treasury to Mr. Eaton’s request for opinions respecting the result of the change in method of appointment to the civil service. The change still in progress. The limitations and conditions under which the principle of competition ought to be applied cannot he said to have been placed beyond question. The practical permanence of tenure (although legally at pleasure) of office, as well deserving of attention as the rules of admission to the service. The competitive system more generally introduced into the Indian service than into any of the other great services. The questions proposed appear to be such as could only be answered by politicians in a parliamentary debate. | 237 |
166 | do | Dec. 5 | Editorial from the Times of December 5 upon the Eastern question. | 239 |
167 | do | Dec. 22 | Mr. Welsh arrives in London the 12th; is introduced to Lord Derby on the 14th, and has an audience of the Queen at Windsor on the 22d; on which occasion Mr. Pierrepont took leave. | 241 |
168 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Jan. 18 | Parliament opened. The Queen’s speech read by the lord chancellor. | 242 |
169 | do | Feb. 16 | The Franconia-Strath Clyde case: Collision, with loss of life, off Dover, within two miles and a half of land; master of Franconia tried for manslaughter; convicted; judgment quashed upon appeal—the Lord Chief Justice, with majority of court, holding that no action would lie because no jurisdiction to try causes arising below low-water mark, and within area of territorial waters, had been conferred by Parliament; territorial waters, below low-water mark, outside the area of common-law jurisdiction, yet within the nation; act of Parliament required to give jurisdiction; speech of Lord Cairns introducing bill to confer jurisdiction; territorial waters defined to be national waters within cannon-shot, or one marine league, of shore, American and European authorities cited. | 245 |
170 | do | Mar. 15 | Inclosing and commending a report by Mr. Nadal upon the organization of the British diplomatic service. | 351 |
171 | do | Mar. 29 | The refusal of British, consul at Tamatave, Madagascar, to entertain complaints of Americans against British subjects, due to treaty restrictions upon his jurisdiction; Great Britain willing to consider proposals for enlargement of consular jurisdiction. | 257 |
172 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Apr. 2 | Case of E. O’M. Condon to be brought to attention of British Government. | 258 |
173 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | Apr. 4 | The Eastern question: Lords Carnarvon and Derby retire from the cabinet; Lord Salisbury appointed minister for foreign affairs; his circular dispatch defining the position of Great Britain respecting the treaty of San Stefano; the ministry firm and united; a sentiment of uneasiness prevails. (See Mr. Maynard’s dispatches April 3 and 29.) | 259 |
174 | do | Apr. 15 | Inquiring if representation at monetary conference will commit Great Britain to double standard. | 264 |
175 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Apr. 16 | Attendance commits to no special line of policy. | 264 |
176 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | June 14 | May conference consider standards of currency with view to adoption of a uniform and universal system. | 264 |
177 | do | June 15 | Liberian boundary commission not to meet until after rainy season. | 265 |
178 | do | June 22 | Qualified acceptance of invitation to monetary conference. | 266 |
179 | do | June 22 | Report of royal commission upon extradition: Extradition founded upon two principles—common interest, to insure punishment of crime, and local interest, to be freed from the presence of the criminal; extradition should be granted whether there be extradition treaty or not with demanding nation; treaties desirable to regulate form of procedure, to list crimes, and to save from extradition offenders of a purely political character; the same reason holds for the extradition [Page XXXI] of subjects accused of crimes in foreign countries as for the extradition of foreign criminals; surrender should be made upon the making out of a prima-facie case; accused should have right to bring his case before a magistrate; extradited criminals in transitu should not be liberated; suggestions for modifications of laws. (See Mr. Evarts’s instruction to Mr. Dichman of November 12.) | 268 |
180 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | July 1 | The case of E. O’M. Condon to be reopened | 278 |
181 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | July 2 | Invitation to monetary conference accented | 279 |
182 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | July 24 | Instructions as to case of E. O’M. Condon | 280 |
183 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | Aug. 13 | The Liberian minister requests American co-operation in building a railway from the coast to the high lands of Liberia. The advantages to our commerce of developing the rich agricultural land back from the coast pointed out; the subject commended to the consideration of Congress. | 281 |
184 | do | Aug. 17 | Condon’s pardon probable | 283 |
185 | do | Aug. 21 | Cabinet will recommend Condon’s pardon | 284 |
186 | do | Aug. 24 | Inclosing Lord Salisbury’s note and Captain Sullivan’s report upon the fishery outrages upon the coast of Newfoundland | 284 |
187 | do | Aug. 27 | Condon and Melody to be pardoned | 285 |
188 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Welsh | Sept. 2 | Mr. Blyden’s letter requesting American cooperation in building a railway in Liberia to be submitted to Congress. | 287 |
189 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hoppin | Sept. 3 | Approval of Mr. Welsh’s conduct of the Condon case. | 287 |
190 | Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Evarts | Sept. 11 | Condon case: further correspondence | 288 |
191 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Sept. 27 | Reviewing the award of the fishery commission. The correspondence due to the desire to reach a complete understanding between the two governments as to the conformity of the award to the terms of the treaty of Washington. The protest to the award based upon the proposition that it transcends the submission. By the treaty the United States surrendered no right previously held. Its fishery rights under the treaty of 1818, and its interpretation of the same, were maintained before the Joint High Commission. The rights secured by the Treaty of Washington were to be in addition to those already held. The scope of the arbitration was the determination of the value of a temporary possessory privilege in respect of the fisheries; and in forming their estimate of the value of such privilege, the commissioners were restricted to the measuring, as against privileges granted to the fishermen of the United States, concessions made by the United States in favor of Canadian fishermen under Articles XIX and XXI of the treaty, by which the right to fish in our waters, within certain limits, and to import into the United States free of duty, certain articles of great value in the commerce of the provinces, articles which hitherto were only admitted after the payment of a high rate of duty, were granted. The narrow scope of the arbitration: The record of the value, for certain periods, of the concession made by Great Britain; the record of the value of the duties remitted in respect of the concession made by the United States; and the nature of the catch, essentially limited to the inshore mackerel fisheries; taken in connection with the magnitude of the award, compel the conclusion that the award could only have been based upon other grounds than those of the submission. This view of the award and protest thereto, to be brought to the attention of the British Government in order that the position of the United States respecting its fishery rights may be understood, and that through its consideration a permanent and comprehensive settlement of the fishery interests of the two governments may be reached. | 290 |
192 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Sept. 28 | The injuries suffered by our fishing fleet at Fortune Bay discussed. The position that the treaty rights of American fishermen may be affected by local provincial legislation inadmissible. If it shall appear at any time necessary to formulate regulations respecting the enjoyment of such rights, such regulations can only be established by convention between the two governments. | 308 |
193 | Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Evarts | Sept. 28 | Condon case: Further correspondence | 312 |
194 | do | Sept. 28 | The thanks of the Lords of the Admiralty for the reception accorded the British fleet at Newport. | 313 |
195 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 1 | Lord Salisbury to reply to Mr. Evarts’s fishery dispatches: Extract from Daily Chronicle respecting the Fortune Bay outrage. | 314 |
196 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Nov. 8 | Form of notice and protest to be used in the event of the payment of the fishery award. | 315 |
197 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts. | Nov. 9 | Reply of Lord Salisbury: The validity of the Halifax award maintained. | 316 |
198 | do | Nov. 9 | Reply of Lord Salisbury to complaint in Fortune Bay fishery case: British sovereignty, as regards those waters, is limited in its scope by the engagements of the Treaty of Washington, which cannot be modified or affected by any municipal legislation. | 323 |
199 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Welsh | Nov. 12 | Receipt of above acknowledged. | 333 |
200 | Mr. Welsh to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 22 | The Halifax award paid: the protest delivered to Lord Salisbury. | 333 |
201 | Mr. Jackson to Mr. Evarts. | 1877. Dec. 5 | Discussing the Halifax award | 334 |
202 | Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 1 | Indian Government offers prize for best machine for the preparation of ramie; competition open. | 337 |
203 | do | 1878. Jan. 19 | Inquiring if the United States would accept temporarily, boundary line between British Columbia and Alaska, in the Valley of the Stickine, as found by Canadian engineer. Report of survey. | 339 |
204 | do | Feb. 19 | Movements of Sitting Bull: precautions taken by Canadian Government. | 344 |
205 | Mr. Evarts to Sir E. Thornton | Feb. 20 | Alaska boundary line suggested by Sir Edward Thornton conditionally accepted: right of reviewal reserved. | 346 |
206 | do | Mar. 2 | American fishermen interfered with off coast of Newfoundland. | 346 |
207 | Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Evart | Mar. 6 | Provisional character of Alaska boundary line agreed to by Canada. | 347 |
208 | do | Apr. 18 | Thanks of Government of New Zealand for salmon ova. | 348 |
209 | do | May 20 | British Government institutes inquiries in relation to fishery troubles. | 349 |
210 | Mr. Evarts to Sir E. Thornton | June 17 | Communicating information as to the trade in ammunition between the Montana Indians and the British Possessions. | 349 |
211 | Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Evarts | July 11 | Requesting agreement upon rules and regulations for the transportation of dutiable merchandise between Canada and the United States, as provided for in Article XXX, Treaty of Washington. | 350 |
212 | Mr. Seward to Sir E. Thornton. | July 15 | Inquiring if Canada will grant reciprocal right to American vessels to aid those wrecked or disabled in Canadian waters, which the United States is ready, by act of Congress, to accord to Canadian vessels in its waters. | 351 |
213 | Mr. Evarts to Sir E. Thornton | July 31 | Changes in regulations under Article XXX, Treaty of Washington, to be announced by each government to the other. Transmitting amendments. | 351 |
214 | Mr. Seward to Sir E. Thornton. | Aug. 26 | Case of tug Champion: Reciprocal action respecting disabled vessels desirable. | 352 |
215 | do | Aug. 27 | Case of steamboat Nellie: Canadian customs regulations in conflict with clause of Treaty of Washington insuring free navigation of the Stickine. | 352 |
216 | Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Evarts | Sept. 16 | Requesting acceptance of international sailing regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea, as submitted. | 354 |
217 | Mr. Seward to Sir E. Thornton. | Oct. 9 | Same subject: Accepting regulations. | 355 |
218 | Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 12 | Amendments to regulations under Article XXX, Treaty of Washington, accepted by Canada. | 355 |
219 | Mr. Seward to Sir E. Thornton. | Oct. 25 | Requesting exemption from contagious diseases act, for American cattle: The law of the United States respecting importation of hides and cattle. | 356 |
220 | Mr. Evarts to Sir E. Thornton | Oct. 29 | Regulations, as finally amended, under Article XXX, Treaty of Washington, accepted by the United States. | 357 |
221 | do | Oct. 31 | An announcement as to the Stanford prize for best essay on hydrophobia, made through the press. | 358 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
222 | Mr. Read to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Nov. 30 | Trade report: Annual value Greek trade; imports, $18,500,000; exports, $11,400,000. Imports: Cotton and woolen goods, iron, hides, sugar, salt fish, grain, flour, petroleum. | 358 |
223 | do | Dec. 18 | Aggregate of grain and flour in Athens December 6. | 360 |
224 | do | 1878. Jan. 25 | New ministry formed; its policy to be “national”. | 360 |
225 | do | Jan. 26 | Duty upon cotton-seed and cotton abolished. | 361 |
226 | do | Jan. 29 | War riot in Athens and Piraeus: Houses of the ministry attacked; mob fired upon by soldiery, and return the fire; quiet restored; no disaffection to the King. | 362 |
227 | do | Feb. 2 | The Marion ordered to the Piraeus: War between Greece and Turkey probable. | 364 |
228 | do | Feb. 5 | The Greek army enters Epirus and Thessaly: Domestic trouble apprehended; the Piræus to be fortified; the national guard armed. | 365 |
229 | do | Feb. 5 | Precaution taken to protect Americans and American interests in event of war. | 365 |
230 | do | Feb. 6 | Greek troops to be withdrawn from Turkey. | 366 |
231 | do | Mar. 9 | General Grant’s reception at the Piraeus: Foreign fleets in harbor fire national salute; his entry into Athens: a public reception at both places. | 366 |
939 | do | Mar. 9 | Account continued | 368 |
233 | do | Mar. 11 | General Grant received by, and dines with, the Ring. | 368 |
234 | do | Mar. 12 | Account continued | 369 |
235 | do | Mar. 13 | The King visits the Vandalia: Is received by General Grant. | 369 |
236 | do | Mar. 14 | Account continued | 369 |
237 | do | Mar. 15 | Account continued: The enthusiasm manifested upon the arrival of General Grant continues throughout his visit. | 370 |
238 | do | Apr. 4 | Excitement occasioned by the assassination of Mr. Ogle, an Englishman. | 371 |
239 | do | Apr. 11 | The massacres at Macrinitza: Mr. Ogle’s funeral | 371 |
240 | do | Apr. 12 | The Marion ordered to Volo | 372 |
241 | do | Apr. 12 | Greece to attend monetary conference | 372 |
242 | do | Apr. 12 | Same subject | 372 |
243 | do | Apr. 13 | Condition of affairs critical; time ill-judged to withdraw mission. | 373 |
244 | do | May 23 | Same subject: Importance of mission in Greece indicated. | 374 |
245 | do | June 20 | Dissatisfaction with proceedings at Berlin: Greek interests disregarded; King and people united. | 375 |
246 | do | June 27 | Greece admitted to the congress | 375 |
247 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Read | July 10 | Regret expressed at omission of appropriation for mission: The ability and integrity with which Mr. Read has discharged various consular and diplomatic duties recognized by the department. | 377 |
248 | Mr. Read to Mr. Evarts | July 13 | Anxiety as to action at Berlin | 377 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
249 | Mr. Comly to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Dec. 28 | Admiral Murray and staff presented to the King | 378 |
250 | do | Dec. 28 | Trade report: Americans not taking advantage of reciprocity treaty. Although working against a differential duty, Englishmen are getting control of the trade; Hawaiian crops sold in the United States, but purchases made through European traders. | 379 |
251 | do | May 1 | Parliament opened by the King: Speech favorable to American interests. | 381 |
252 | Mr. Comly to Mr. Evarts | 1878. July 8 | England to waive claim to entry of goods on same conditions as specified in our reciprocity treaty, if differential duty shall not exceed 10 per cent., ad valorem: Integrity of treaty endangered by proposition; Hawaiian Government not favorable to it; parliamentary reports upon the subject; hostility to treaty manifested; reports of envoys to England and Germany. | 382 |
253 | do | July 8 | Change of ministry | 405 |
254 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Comly | Aug. 6 | The position taken respecting claim of Great Britain and Germany to participate in benefits of reciprocity treaty approved. | 405 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
255 | Mr. Bassett to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Sept. 24 | Relations between Hayti and San Domingo “badly defined”; proclamation of President Canal. | 406 |
256 | do | Oct. 23 | Aid rendered to American crews of the General Marino, disabled, and General Maza, sunk, Columbian vessels. | 408 |
257 | do | Oct. 23 | Mr. Faubert appointed minister to France | 409 |
258 | do | Oct. 23 | Outbreaks at San Marc and Quatier Marin | 409 |
259 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Langston. | Nov. 7 | Case of A. Nones & Co.: Excessive consular fee for the certification of invoices; the spirit of the treaty violated; The fee a discriminating duty; representations to be made to Hayti. | 411 |
260 | Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts. | Nov. 29 | Peace prevails. Coffee crop a good one | 412 |
261 | do | Dec. 6 | Revolutionary movements in San Domingo: President Baez able to sustain himself; three parties in the field. | 414 |
262 | do | Dec. 6 | Consular-fee question brought to the attention of the government. | 415 |
263 | do | Dec. 22 | Same subject: Tax held by Hayti to be a customs duty, imposed to raise revenue; that it affects the commerce of all nations trading with Hayti alike; and that its imposition is within the national competency. | 416 |
264 | do | Dec. 22 | The difficulty with Spain respecting the D’José Santisi case settled. | 418 |
265 | do | 1878. Jan. 9 | Consular-tax question: Answer to Haytian note; position of the United States reaffirmed. | 427 |
266 | do | Jan. 24 | Same subject: British minister enters similar protest. | 428 |
267 | do | Mar. 18 | Revolution at Port au Prince; suppressed by President Canal. | 431 |
268 | do | Mar. 26 | Detailed account of the revolution at Port au Prince: Tanis and Chevalier its leaders. | 431 |
269 | do | Apr. 10 | Same subject: Refugees in American legation, finally shipped to Kingston. Policy of “right of asylum” discussed; ill effect illustrated; it induces revolutionary movements, because it secures practical immunity to offenders. Propriety of the restriction of the “right” suggested. | 443 |
270 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Langston. | Apr. 12 | Consular-fee question: Consultation with British representative enjoined; form of tax objectionable; efforts to be made to secure is discontinuance. | 445 |
271 | Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts. | May 10 | Agricultural fête: The exhibit; condition of agriculture; rude implements used; land fertile; people industrious, but badly informed; no means of instruction as to new processes of cultivation; opening for American machinery and methods. | 446 |
272 | do | May 25 | Tardy meeting of legislative assembly; addresses at opening. | 450 |
273 | do | July 11 | Observance of Fourth of July | 453 |
274 | do | July 11 | Changes in cabinet probable; revolution apprehended. | 453 |
275 | do | July 24 | New cabinet appointed: acquiescence in selections. | 454 |
276 | do | July 25 | Collision between Haytian war-vessel St. Michel and schooner A. J. Fabens; case to be presented to government. | 456 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
277 | Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts | 1877. June 2 | Influx of pilgrims: Meetings of ecclesiastics; observance of fiftieth anniversary of election of Pius IX to the episcopate; propriety of the removal of Pope and Curia to Lyons discussed. | 457 |
278 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Marsh | July 25 | Case of Largomarsino, naturalized citizen, impressed into Italian army: To be inquired into. | 458 |
279 | Mr. Wurts to Mr. Evarts | Aug. 7 | Same subject: History of case; Italian government contends for principle of inalienability of allegiance. | 459 |
280 | do | Aug. 11 | Same subject: Case submitted; only exception to Italian law of allegiance in case of son whose father has been naturalized abroad; Largomarsino case not within this exception. | 460 |
281 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh | Sept. 2 | Same subject: Circumstances in case to be again presented, and friendly request made for his discharge. | 461 |
282 | Mr. Wurts to Mr. Evarts | Sept. 16 | Consular convention denounced by Italy: Willing to renew same except Article VI. | 462 |
283 | do | Sept. 18 | Same subject: Objection to inviolability of consular dwellings secured by Article VI; provision hostile to policy of Italy; its continuance would neutralize treaties with other powers, under operation of “most favored nation” clause. | 462 |
284 | Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 3 | Case of Largomarsino: No disposition to modify application of local law. | 464 |
285 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Marsh | Oct. 24 | Inquiring as to practice of billeting troops upon foreigners in time, of peace. | 464 |
286 | Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 1 | The law of marriage as it affects contracts between Americans and Italians: Ante-nuptial settlements, and strict compliance with provisions of Italian civil code, recommended; compliance with this recommendation not always possible; great uncertainty as to attitude of Italian courts respecting marriages not performed in accordance with Italian law; the local civil authorities alone authorized by law to celebrate marriages, and then only when all the requisites of the civil code have been fulfilled; present regulations insufficient; suggested that subject be made matter of treaty stipulation between the two governments. | 465 |
287 | do | Dec. 29 | Change of ministry: Mr. Depretis president of the council; state ownership and operation of railways exciting interest. | 466 |
288 | do | 1878. Jan. 9 | The death of Victor Emanuel announced: A sketch of his career. | 467 |
289 | do | Jan. 10 | Accession of the crown prince to the throne as Humbert I. | 468 |
290 | do | Jan. 20 | The funeral of the King attended with pomp: Vast concourse of people from all parts of Italy; foreign governments represented. | 469 |
291 | do | Feb. 8 | The death of Pope Pius IX announced; no excitement. | 470 |
292 | do | Feb. 20 | Accession of Cardinal Pecci to the pontificate as Leo XIII; policy of new pope. | 470 |
293 | do | Mar. 24 | Parliament opened by the King; new ministry formed by Mr. Cairoli; Count Corti appointed minister for foreign affairs. | 471 |
294 | do | June 24 | Invitation to monetary conference accepted | 474 |
295 | do | July 23 | Dissatisfaction with treaty of Berlin not so deep as represented by British and French papers: The subject of the “Trentino” discussed; its possession essential to the military security of the kingdom; its population and character Italian; the case of Triest different; its territory Austrian by five centuries of occupation. | 475 |
296 | do | July 30 | Delegates to monetary conference appointed. | 477 |
297 | Mr. Wurts to Mr. Evarts. | Aug. 17 | Customs regulation as to entry of merchandise at port of Leghorn: “Consular certificate of origin,” and “two bills of lading” required. | 478 |
298 | Baron Blanc to Mr. Evarts | Jan. 9 | Announcing the death of King Victor Emanuel and succession of King Humbert. | 478 |
299 | Mr. Evarts to Baron Blanc | Jan. 10 | Acknowledging the above | 479 |
300 | Baron Blanc to Mr. Evarts | J an. 18 | Inviting the President to attend memorial services at Saint Aloysius. | 479 |
301 | Mr. Evarts to Baron Blanc | Jan. 22 | Acknowledging the above | 479 |
302 | Baron Blanc to Mr. Evarts | Mar. 4 | The attendance of the President and other officers of the government at the memorial services appreciated by the Government of Italy. | 480 |
303 | Mr. Evarts to Baron Blanc | Mar. 28 | Acknowledging to above | 480 |
No | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
304 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Nov. 13 | Trial of Satsuma rebels reported: Leniency of Japanese Government. | 481 |
305 | do | Nov. 15 | Disappearance of the cholera: Deaths numerous in Japanese settlements; few deaths among foreigners; board of health organized; the appropriation by Congress of a fund for relief of destitute Americans recommended. | 481 |
306 | do | Dec. 1 | Admiral Patterson and staff presented to the Emperor. | 483 |
307 | do | Dec. 1 | Closing exercises at the Industrial Exposition: Exposition visited by several hundred thousand people. | 484 |
308 | do | Dec. 17 | A Chinese legation accredited to Japan: Dr. D. B. McCartee, an American, secretary. | 485 |
309 | do | 1878. Jan. 12 | The Emperor and Empress receive the diplomatic corps January 1. | 486 |
310 | do | Feb. 21 | Harbor regulations for Yokohama approved | 486 |
311 | do | May 16 | Assassination of Mr. Okubo Toshimichi, minister of the interior: Assassins engaged in late rebellion: action of the envoy. | 491 |
312 | do | June 6 | Same subject: Public services of Mr. Okubo. | 495 |
313 | do | June 29 | Same subject: Address of the assassins to the Emperor; the assassination political. | 499 |
314 | do | Sept. 10 | Same subject: Address of the assassins to the Emperor: the assassination political. | 499 |
315 | do | Sept. 12 | The Emperor well received during his visit to the north of the empire: Interest in education. | 507 |
316 | do | Sept. 12 | Revolt of a part of the garrison of Tokei: Its suppression. | 508 |
317 | do | Sept. 12 | The assassins of Mr. Okubo executed | 511 |
318 | do | Sept. 13 | The Emperor presents 30,000 yen to the family of Mr. Okubo. | 512 |
319 | do | Sept. 13 | The assassins of Messrs. Ap Jones and Russell arrested. | 513 |
320 | do | Sept. 16 | Japanese debt, 375,000,000 yen: Revenues for current year estimated at 53,275,000 yen; expenses about the same; three-fourths of the revenue derived from land tax; debt to be reduced each year by payment of 20,000,000 yen. | 513 |
321 | do | Oct. 7 | Case of Frank Gasper: Trial requested by Japanese Government for violation of railway regulations; case referred to Mr. Benson for action; correspondence. | 514 |
322 | do | Oct. 9 | Case of Thomas Glass: Inquiring if the right to decree deportation of Americans “convicted of felony, or twice convicted of misdemeanors,” exists. | 518 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
323 | Mr. Turner to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Jan. 2 | The President impeached: The Vice-President Acting President. | 520 |
324 | do | Jan. 8 | The Secretary of the Treasury impeached: Sentence of Payne for assault upon representatives. | 521 |
325 | do | Jan. 8 | President Gardner inaugurated | 522 |
326 | do | Jan. 26 | Proceedings in impeachment trials | 523 |
327 | do | Feb. 15 | Arrival of bark Liberia with fifty-three immigrants, and two commissioners to select land for colonies from Arkansas; missionary movements. | 523 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
328 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Sept. 28 | Address of President Diaz at opening of Congress: Peace prevails; frontier question discussea; foreign relations, otherwise, satisfactory; public work and education question. | 525 |
329 | do | Oct. 6 | Exactions upon Americans in Chihuahua: Property seized; forced loans imposed; examinations by governor unsatisfactory; reports of Consul Scott; cases of MacManus & Sons; Muller; Nordwald; Thomas N. Smith: and Walter Henry. | 527 |
330 | do | Oct. 27 | Crossing into Mexico of Lieutenant Bullis and Colonel Shafter: Report of Mexican officers; strict compliance with instructions of June 18, as to crossing of frontier by our troops, ordered by minister of war; Mexican legation at Washington instructed to protest. | 531 |
331 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 27 | Rio Grande City jail extradition cases: Proceedings at Matamoras; extradition denied in three cases because of Mexican citizenship of offenders; in fourth case, because offender was undergoing sentence in another cause. | 534 |
332 | do | Nov. 9 | Movements for a renewal of diplomatic relations with Great Britain are being made: Occasion of withdrawal of British legation from Mexico in 1867. | 534 |
333 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster. | Dec. 7 | Inquiry to be made as to whether the Rio Grande City jail offenders have been punished in accordance with Mexican penal code. | 535 |
334 | do | 1878. Jan. 2 | The Shaffer expedition: Mr. de Cuellar’s note; American reports differ from Mexican; no damage to Mexico; Mr. Vallarta to be furnished unofficially with particulars. | 536 |
335 | do | Jan. 2 | Gratification of government at co-operation of Mexican troops with the Ward expedition. | 536 |
336 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | Jan. 3 | Historical sketch of Indian tribes: Indian relations with Mexico. | 537 |
337 | do | Jan. 10 | Mexico has no information as to punishment of Rio Grande City offenders. | 539 |
338 | do | Jan. 17 | The Ward expedition denounced as an invasion: Co-operation of Mexican troops condemned by press and government; officer in command to be punished. | 540 |
339 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster | Mar. 23 | Directing resumption of official relations. | 543 |
340 | Mr. Richardson to Mr. Evarts. | Apr. 2 | General Gonzales succeeds General Ogazon as minister of war: The change a victory for the radical revolutionary, or Tuxtepec party. | 544 |
341 | do | Apr. 6 | Address of President Diaz at opening of Congress: Foreign relations peaceful; order maintained; a system of general surveys instituted; questions of finance, education, and public works discussed. | 545 |
342 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | May 4 | Foreign debt of Mexico, $130,000,000: Interest unpaid for many years; value of bonds nominal; no adjustment with creditors attempted; private purchase in 1868 by Mexico of certain bonds, at 18¾ per cent.; some “Carbajal bonds” bought at that time; recent private purchase of Spanish convention debt, at 4 per cent. (See dispatches, October 8, 9, 25.) | 548 |
343 | do | May 6 | Present administration evinces earnest desire to develop the country: Several public works undertaken; the wagon-road from Tampico to San Luis Potosi opened. | 549 |
344 | do | May 7 | The amended constitution renders ineligible to re-election to next succeeding term, the President of the republic, and the governors of States. | 549 |
345 | do | May 29 | The railway question: Opposition to the Palmer-Sullivan contracts likely to prevail; hostility manifested to American corporations, or to connection with the railway system of the United States; speech of Mr. Chavero in Congress in “opposition to American railways in Mexico.” | 550 |
346 | do | June 17 | Mr. Mata to be appointed minister for foreign affairs: The frontier question the only serious one before foreign office; no reason why an amicable adjustment should not be reached. | 552 |
347 | do | June 26 | Secret action of Senate respecting crossings of frontier: Attacks of opposition press; moderate article from “Monitor Republicano” respecting relations with United States; “reciprocal crossing” thought to be “inadmissible.” | 553 |
348 | do | July 15 | Mexico to protest against crossing of frontier: Negotiations may be affected; the Mackenzie-Shafter expedition complained of as a violation of territory; American position restated by Mr. Foster; the June 1, 1877, order cannot be withdrawn until frontier question is settled; the United States will accord to, what she asks of, Mexico; obligations to be reciprocal; denial entered that Americans raid into Mexico, and proofs asked; the experience of President Diaz illustrates difficulty of suppressing revolutionary movements upon frontier. | 555 |
349 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | July 17 | The extradition of Dominguez and Barrera, charged with murder: Judgment of Supreme Court; opinions of Magistrates Ramirez and Bautista against extradition, and of Señor Vallarta in favor of granting it; citizens may be extradited in the discretion of the government. | 560 |
350 | do | Aug. 3 | Diaz party successful in election: No real expression of public opinion; voting usually confined to government party; the other parties look to revolution: election methods: party divisions. | 567 |
351 | do | Aug. 6 | Excitement respecting frontier relations, and General Ord’s visit to Washington: Government bitterly attacked by opposition press; Mata–Foster correspondence thought to presage war. | 570 |
352 | do | Aug. 8 | Unhappy influence of divisions in liberal party: The institutions of the country threatened by party recklessness. | 571 |
353 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster | Aug. 13 | Frontier relations unchanged: No effective steps taken by Mexico to check raids; action delayed; marauders unpunished; criminals rarely extradited: conceding the disposition, the ability of Mexico to maintain order upon the frontier is questioned: the United States compelled to protect its own frontier: American troops do not invade Mexico, they repel invasion from Mexico: I see Mr. Foster’s dispatch September 19.] | 572 |
354 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 15 | Restrictions upon ownership of realty by foreigners: Especial limitations as to ownership in frontier States. | 575 |
355 | do | Aug. 15 | Relations with the United States chief topic of public discussion. | 575 |
356 | do | Aug. 22 | Arrest of Thomas Walsh, W. W. Camp, and Rafael Andrete, Americans, at Nueva Laredo, for refusal to perform military service: Protest of Commercial Agent Haynes; Mexico to investigate subject; correspondence in case. | 576 |
357 | do | Sept. 3 | The firing upon the flag of Consul Sutter at Acapulco, May, 1877: Regret expressed by Mexico; firing unintentional; by whose order unknown; officer commanding fort at time to be tried; correspondence in case. | 580 |
358 | do | Sept. 7 | Mexican treasury embarrassed: Officials unpaid; Supreme Court makes issue respecting payment of salaries: smuggling generally prevalent; honest commerce: endangered: army dissatisfied; several attempts at revolution; Jalapa revolt most serious; its suppression. | 587 |
359 | do | Sept. 7 | Mexican publications upon frontier relations: Expedition against Lipans to punish them for depredations upon Mexicans; Kickapoos protected by Mexico; report of Mr. Escalante, Mexican consul in Arizona, disproves charge that American Indians raid into Sonora; the United States will recapture refugee Indians if permitted by Mexico; Governor Mariscal favors “reciprocal crossing”; Kickapoos, as well as Lipans, raid from Chihuahua and Coahuila; [see dispatch October 7.] | 592 |
360 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster | Sept. 11 | The murder of Walter Henry: Seizure of his merchandise; subject must be investigated by Mexico, and participants punished; Mr. Schuchardt’s reports. | 603 |
361 | do | Sept. 14 | Same subject: Further information as to murder and robbery of Henry; customs authorities thought to be implicated; the punishment of offenders to be taken as measure of Mexico’s ability to enforce law and protect life and property on frontier. | 606 |
362 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | Sept. 19 | Frontier question: Mr. Mata’s reply to Mr. Evarts instruction of August 13; the revocation of the Ord order condition precedent to agreement as to “reciprocal crossing”; extradition question discussed. | 608 |
363 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster | Sept. 20 | Raids from direction of Ximenes under lead of Areola continue: The border kept in ceaseless turmoil; ample reparation must be secured. | 612 |
364 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Sept. 20 | Case of Gustave Sommer, naturalized citizen: Application for matriculation based upon State Department passport, refused; Mexico holds that in cases of naturalized citizens, naturalization papers are the only evidence to citizenship receivable; Mr. Foster holds that State Department passport as evidence to citizenship, may not be impeached; applications for matriculation suspended until Question is decided. | 613 |
365 | do | Sept. 23 | Mexican troops to make campaign in Coahuila: Funds deposited to meet expenses; the Executive earnest in movement to suppress Indian depredations; civil-service officials unpaid for August. | 621 |
366 | do | Oct. 4 | Co-operation of alcalde of Las Vacas in recovery of stolen Texas cattle. | 622 |
367 | do | Oct. 5 | Raids of Areola: Unsettled condition of frontier called to attention of Mexico. (See instruction, September 20.) | 622 |
368 | do | Oct. 7 | Mexico informed that American Indians depredating will be punished, unless protected by Mexico: Mr. Escalante’s report communicated to Mexico; not yet published; rumored murders in Chihuahua probably work of protected refugee Indians. (See dispatch, September 7.) | 623 |
369 | do | Oct. 8 | Mexican debt held in United States: “Woodhouse bonds” repudiated; “Corlis-Carbajal” bonds recognized; total issue outstanding, $1,438,000; security, pledge of revenues; Mexico’s necessities compel use of fund for current expenses; private purchase of bonds by Mexico. (See dispatch, May 4.) | 624 |
370 | do | Oct. 8 | Foreign debt, $131,914,665: Created by issue of bonds, discounts, claims, overdue interest; English debt of 1823, netted, $11,800,000; present aggregate, $88,846,305; entire customs revenue pledged to pay interest; owing to current necessities, to revolution, and foreign wars, pledge violated. | 630 |
371 | do | Oct. 9 | The Zamacona commercial meeting in Chicago: Letter to Chicago manufacturers; trade relations discussed as to; means of communication; need of direct railway between City of Mexico and Rio Grande; hostility to idea of connection with American railway system; transportation companies to be Mexican; no payment of subsidy possible; no pledge of customs revenue of value; tariff almost prohibitory; state as well as national duties imposed; trade regulations imperfect; no bonded system; excessive contraband trade; unsettled condition of country; debt and finances. (See dispatches, May 4 and 29, August 3, September 7, October 8 and 15.) | 636 |
372 | do | Oct. 14 | Abolition of Zona Libre discussed: Its establishment by State government, although unconstitutional, approved by Congress as a measure of hostility to American commerce; action as to abolition postponed. | 654 |
373 | do | Oct. 15 | Relative peace prevails: Religious and political outbreak at Atzala, in State of Puebla; Catholics attack Protestants; 27 of latter killed; gloomy views of press as to future of Mexico; dictatorship discussed; alternative proposition, to extend term of President Diaz, and increase his power; contraband trade active; treasury receipts and disbursements; payment of salaries postponed; international exposition in 1879 proposed: Con press in session. | 658 |
374 | do | Oct. 25 | Contraband trade conducted through Gulf ports as well as across Zona Libre; treasury embarrassed; customs revenue falling off; officials unpaid; increased taxation; apprehensions of revolution. | 660 |
375 | do | Oct. 28 | No action taken respecting protest as to discriminating bounty granted by Yucatan on hemp exported to Europe. | 661 |
376 | do | Oct. 29 | The double standard: Gold driven out of circulation by silver; silver unlimited legal-tender; its decline in London unfavorable to Mexico; exchange 22 per cent, premium; removal of export duty on silver recommended. | 663 |
377 | Mr. de Cuella to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 4 | Protesting against the Shafter-Bullis expeditions as a violation of Mexican territory. | 664 |
378 | Mr. Seward to Mr. de Cuella. | 1878. Jan. 3 | Cases under extradition treaty to be decided in a candid spirit as they may arise: Right of appeal from local to national authorities recognized. | 668 |
379 | Mr. de Cuella to Mr. Evarts. | Apr. 27 | Cases of Mieto and Bativerrez; arrested in Mexico under extradition treaty, through aid of local magistrate; conveyed secretly into Texas by Sheriff Cabe. | 668 |
380 | do | May 3 | Calling attention to revolutionary movements on frontier under Escobedo | 674 |
381 | Mr. de Zamacona to Mr. Evarts. | May 6 | Presentation to the President | 675 |
382 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. de Zamacona. | May 8 | Cases of Mieto and Bativerrez: Attention of governor of Texas to be called to cases. | 675 |
383 | Mr. de Zamacona to Mr. Evarts. | June 8 | Revolutionary movements on frontier: Asking orders to troops to prevent crossing into Mexico. | 675 |
384 | Mr. Seward to Mr. de Zamacona. | July 22 | Same subject: Those engaged to be prosecuted; convictions difficult: evidence insufficient. | 678 |
385 | Mr. de Zamacona to Mr. Evarts. | July 31 | Same subject: Report of Mexican consul at San Antonio as to revolutionary movements. | 679 |
386 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. de Zamacona. | Oct. 30 | Same subject: Efforts of military officers to aid Mexican authorities; report of Captain Sellers | 682 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
387 | Mr. Mathews to Mr. Evarts | 1878. June 14 | Famine in Morocco: No rain in southern provinces; cattle dying by thousands; rice and flour imported; prices have advanced 300 per cent.; great suffering in cities apprehended. | 684 |
388 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Mathews | July 2 | The Jews in Morocco: Friendly offices to be extended to them. | 685 |
389 | Mr. Mathews to Mr. Evarts | July 5 | Further account of famine: Great suffering; pricelist of provisions. | 686 |
390 | do | July 5 | Observance of the 4th July | 687 |
391 | do | Aug. 7 | Enlargement of cemetery: Requesting allowance of $155 as our share of expense. | 688 |
392 | do | Aug. 24 | Cholera in Fez and Mequinez: Report of Dr. Martinez: filthy condition of those cities. | 689 |
393 | do | Sept. 20 | Protection extended to Jews of Arzila | 691 |
394 | do | Sept. 30 | Further account of the famine and cholera: Death-rate increasing; foreign assistance; apathy of government; superstition of people; filthy condition of cities. | 692 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
395 | Mr. Birney to Mr. Evarts. | 1877. Oct. 11 | Proceedings of the “International Workingmen’s Association,” and the “Socialist Congress,” at Verviers and Ghent: Their platform, the abolition of private ownership of property, and of existing forms of society, and the union of the people into federations of laborers; their object to be attained through a series of revolutions; its difficulty of accomplishment recognized; alliances to be made with all associations or parties hostile to existing systems; the workingmen’s party of the United States in association and correspondence with the socialist party of Europe, with same plan of action, and same ultimate aim. | 694 |
396 | do | 1878. Mar. 1 | The law of wills, and of the custody and distribution of estates: The law of 1852, under which estates are settled, provides for escheatal of estates in hands of commissioners after five years from date of publication of second six months’ notice of estate: numerous American claimants without exact data as to the estates which they claim. | 696 |
397 | do | Apr. 6 | Invitation to monetary conference given | 700 |
398 | do | May 2 | Invitation accepted | 700 |
399 | Mr. Birney to Mr. Evarts | June 25 | General Grant visits The Hague: Official and private reception; a review of troops held in his honor. | 701 |
400 | do | Oct. 1 | Opening of States General: Speech from the throne; royal marriages announced. | 702 |
401 | Mr. de Pestel to Mr. Evarts | Feb. 27 | The application of the Moorsom system of admeasurement of vessels different in the two countries: Plan of agreement by which certificates of either nation may be received in the other, presented; agreement may be extended to Dutch colonies. | 703 |
402 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. de Pestel | Mar. 28 | No reason seen for change in American practice of admeasurement: Customs officers are directed to deduct from gross tonnage under foreign admeasurement, places and closed spaces exempt from tonnage tax by our law; foreign vessels practically on same basis as America vessels as to tonnage tax, under Treasury circular of November 27, 1876. | 706 |
403 | Mr. Burlage to Mr. Evarts. | July 31 | Same subject: Decree exempting American vessels from readmeasurement in Netherlands ports. | 707 |
404 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlage | Aug. 12 | Same subject: Similar exemption accorded their vessels in our ports. | 708 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
405 | Dr. Aceval to Mr. Evarts. | 1878. Mar. 27 | Submitting papers in boundary question with Argentine Republic, to the President. | 709 |
406 | Mr. Evarts to Dr. Aceval | Mar. 29 | Acknowledging receipt of above | 710 |
407 | do | Nov. 13 | Same subject: The award of the President in favor of Paraguay. | 711 |
408 | Dr. Aceval to Mr. Evarts. | Nov. 15 | Acknowledging receipt of the award | 711 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
409 | Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Aug. 27 | Peruvian finances: Treasury notes substituted for the “Meiggs notes” issued in aid of public works; decree of the government. | 712 |
410 | do | Sept. 10 | The Chinese in Peru: Their position; report of Peruvian consul at San Francisco respecting anti-Chinese riots, and emigration of Chinese thence to Peru; Chinese representative needed. | 716 |
411 | do | Oct. 24 | Requirement of Peruvian law that ships’ registers shall be deposited in the office of “captain of the port.” | 718 |
412 | do | Oct. 26 | Quiet election; strong opposition to government party. | 720 |
413 | do | 1878. Feb. 11 | Mr. Stuart authorized to open dispatches: Peru to send mission to China; suggestion to send students to learn Chinese appreciated. | 720 |
414 | do | Feb. 11 | Movement to induce Chinese emigration from California to Peru: Press comments; advertisement of Peruvian consul at San Francisco. | 721 |
415 | do | Apr. 11 | Attempt of Olyphant & Co. to establish a line of emigrant steamers between China and Peru; first steamer arrives without emigrants; governor of Hong-Kong interferes with enterprise. | 723 |
416 | do | Apr. 26 | Trade report: bulk of trade with Great Britain: articles of export, guano, sugar, nitrate of soda, wool; of imports, cotton and woolen goods, machinery, crockery, boots and shoes, lumber: American shipping increasing; freights against the United States; no direct communication. | 724 |
417 | do | June 28 | Interview with President respecting extension of trade: Peru desires a trade convention granting free entry into our ports of Peruvian sugar, in exchange for free entry of grain into Peru. | 729 |
418 | do | June 26 | Reconstitution of the cabinet | 730 |
419 | Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts | July 31 | Election favorable to “civilist party:” Congress organized by that party; Ex-President Pardo, in exile, elected president of senate; nationalists manifest dissatisfaction; indications of disturbances. | 731 |
420 | do | Aug. 7 | Revolutionary movements at Arequipa: Colonel Suarez proclaimed provisional president. | 732 |
421 | do | Aug. 14 | Same subject: Quiet restored. | 733 |
422 | do | Aug. 20 | Chinese emigration from Hong-Kong restricted; hostility of governor; failure of Olyphant emigrant line; treatment of Chinese in Peru. | 733 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page |
423 | Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Dec. 11 | Regret expressed by the Marquis d’Avila at General Grant’s determination not to visit Portugal. | 736 |
424 | do | Dec. 22 | New site for naval cemetery at St. Vincent, Cape Verde, determent upon. | 737 |
425 | do | 1878. Jan. 3 | The Cortes opened by the King: Finances unsatisfactory; the creation of an artificial harbor near Oporto discussed. | 739 |
426 | do | Feb. 1 | Change of ministry: Señor Foutes appointed president of the council. | 742 |
427 | do | Feb. 5 | The completion of the work of measuring the difference of longitude between Lisbon and Madeira reported by Captain Green. | 743 |
428 | do | May 6 | Adjournment of the Cortes: Its proceedings without interest to foreign nations; financial condition unsatisfactory; deficiency about $3,000,000; country measurably prosperous; railway project. | 744 |
429 | do | Oct. 16 | Election for delegates conducted with order; majority for the government. | 745 |
430 | do | Nov. 5 | General Grant’s visit to Portugal: His reception by the King; every official courtesy extended; cordiality of the people. | 745 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
431 | Mr. Boker to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 12 | Discriminating duty in favor of tools and wines imported by land: Protest of American merchants. | 747 |
432 | do | Oct. 25 | The Journal of St. Petersburg upon Russian finances: The national credit to be maintained. | 749 |
433 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Boker | Oct. 31 | The discrimination in favor of importations by land equivalent to a bounty, and consequently to a tax upon American importations, which must be by sea, and to that extent is an infraction of the treaty of 1832; this view to be presented to Russian Government. | 751 |
434 | Mr. Boker to Mr. Evarts | Nov. 22 | Same subject: Above instruction complied with | 752 |
435 | do | Dec. 20 | The budget for 1876 more favorable than anticipated | 753 |
436 | do | Dec. 24 | Enthusiastic reception of the Emperor upon his return to St. Petersburg from the army. | 754 |
437 | Mr. Stoughton to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Mar. 29 | Russia holds that she may classify her import trade, imposing one rate of duty upon that by land, and another rate upon that by sea: Position untenable in respect of clause of treaty insuring equality of treatment to American imports, because so long as this classification exists equality is impossible. | 755 |
438 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts | Apr. 9 | Invitation to monetary conference given | 757 |
439 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Stoughton | Apr. 19 | Position of United States as to interpretation of treaty of 1832 reaffirmed. | 758 |
440 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts | Apr. 29 | Trial of Vera Zasulitch for attempt upon the life of General Trepoff, chief of police: The crime confessed; the verdict of the jury, “not guilty;” the trial held to be of the police system; the verdict, its public condemnation; motive of the crime, to attract the attention of the Emperor to the system. | 758 |
441 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts | May 23 | The Eastern question: Probable meeting of congress; no similar vessel to the Cambria sailed; the Shah of Persia in Russia. | 760 |
442 | do | May 29 | The visit of the Shah: Military review held in his honor: fine appearance of the troops. | 760 |
443 | do | June 3 | Invitation to monetary conference accepted | 761 |
444 | do | June 3 | Same subject: (Dispatch) | 761 |
445 | do | June 4 | Reply to note as to discriminating duties: Amendment of regulations declined; the position of Russia not thought to conflict with treaty of 1832. | 762 |
446 | do | June 6 | Torpedo regulation Odessa | 760 |
447 | Mr. Stoughton to Mr. Evarts | Aug. 8 | Mr. de Thoerner appointed delegate to monetary conference. | 763 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
448 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Nov. 8 | Acceptance by Spain of Moorsom system of admeasurement of vessels; Spanish certificates, issued since 1876, expressed in terms of gross and net tonnage. | 764 |
449 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell | Nov. 12 | Excessive tonnage-tax imposed upon American vessels trading with Cuba through readmeasurement; excessive consular charges upon clearance papers; no similar charges made in American ports or by American consuls; report of Consul-General Hall. | 765 |
450 | do | Nov. 12 | Acceptance by Spain of agreement to receive reciprocally each others certificates of admeasurement, desirable; effect of readmeasurement in Cuba upon American commerce, shown in preceding instruction; temporary agreement as to Cuba established. | 768 |
451 | do | Nov. 13 | Cases of the Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee, American whaling-ships, fired upon by Spanish cruisers in the Caribbean Sea; reparation for the offense, and precautions for the future, to be requested. | 769 |
452 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 13 | The approaching marriage of the King to the Princess Mercedes announced. | 773 |
453 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Lowell | Dec. 17 | If Spanish certificates of admeasurement under Moorsom system express tonnage capacity of all parts of ships, they win be accepted by customs officers; only such parts as may be exempted by Spanish law, but not by our law, will be admeasured in our ports. | 774 |
454 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | Dec. 27 | Cases of the Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee called to attention of tile Spanish Government. | 775 |
455 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell | 1878 Jan. 22 | The President’s message in relation to Spanish affairs; appreciation of prompt payment of awards. | 777 |
456 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | Feb. 1 | Spain allows $10,000 damages in cases of the Ellen Rizpah and Rising Sun; similar outrages to be guarded against in future. | 777 |
457 | do | Feb. 6 | The marriage of the King: Reflections suggested by the ceremonial. | 780 |
458 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell. | Feb. 25 | Damages allowed in cases of the Ellen Rizpah and Rising Sun accented. | 784 |
459 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | April 2 | Debate in the Cortes upon the pacification of Cuba; resistance practically at an end. | 784 |
460 | Mr. Reed to Mr. Evarts | April 18 | The payment of the indemnity in the Rising Sun and Ellen Rizpah cases to be made by Señor Mantilla. | 786 |
461 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell | April 26 | Explaining difference of detail in admeasurement of vessels in the two countries, and asking if a uniformity of practice cannot be established. | 787 |
462 | Mr. Reed to Mr. Evarts | April 27 | The strength, of the army in Spain fixed at 100,000 men; Cuban army to consist of such force as may be necessary. | 788 |
463 | do | June 9 | Pacification of Cuba: Official proceedings; General Campos appointed captain-general; General Jouvellar to be made secretary of war. | 789 |
464 | do | June 11 | Sentence of suspension against certain journals withdrawn. | 791 |
465 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell | June 28 | The death of the Queen: The sympathy of the President to be expressed to the King. | 791 |
466 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts | July 3 | Same subject: Sincere sorrow felt and expressed by all classes; multitudes before the palace; the influence of the Queen already great and beneficent; the President’s instruction complied with. | 792 |
467 | do | July 25 | Tariff policy, of Spain to induce special treaties: Tariff changes for 1878–’79; direct shipments from Spanish colonies to Spain to determine-character of voyage, notwithstanding stoppage of vessel at American port to complete cargo. | 794 |
468 | do | Aug. 6 | The phylloxera makes its appearance: Great danger to wine interest: precautions taken. | 798 |
469 | do | Aug. 30 | Spanish papers sent to the United States stopped by customs officers: Inquiry as to such action. | 798 |
470 | do | Sept. 25 | Favorable effect upon Spanish shipping of abolition of differential dues in aid of national ships; increase of tonnage. | 779 |
471 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell. | Sept. 12 | Americans in Cuba excluded from exemption accorded German subjects as to payment of arrears of taxes; collection ordered; tax obnoxious as a war tax; colleagues to be consulted; remonstrance to be made as to injustice of unequal treatment of citizens of friendly powers. | 800 |
472 | Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts. | Oct. 29 | The King’s life attempted: His gallant conduct; assassin arrested; avows himself a socialist and internationalist; disappearance of his weapon thought to indicate accomplices; the congratulations of the President communicated. | 801 |
473 | do | Oct. 29 | General Grant received by the King at Vitoria; attends a review of Spanish troops; reception at Madrid; Portuguese minister arranges for his visit to Portugal; is prevented by such action from taking formal leave of the, Knur. | 803 |
474 | Mr. Mantilla to Mr. Evarts. | 1877. Oct. 19 | Protesting against advance in tonnage dues on Spanish vessels from 30 cents to 80 cents per ton, and claiming exemption from advance on ground of present enjoyment by American vessels in Spanish ports of equality with Spanish vessels. | 804 |
475 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Mantilla. | Oct. 26 | Reply: Upon receipt of assurances that no discriminating tonnage dues are levied upon American vessels in Spanish ports, the President will direct remission of tax complained of. | 806 |
476 | do | Nov. 2 | Same subject: Treasury circular remitting 50 cent extra tonnage dues. | 807 |
477 | Mr. Mantilla to Mr. Evarts. | Dec. 28 | The approaching marriage of the King to the Princess Mercedes announced. | 808 |
478 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Mantilla. | 1878. Jan. 12 | Reply: Congratulations of the President | 808 |
479 | Mr. Mantilla to Mr. Evarts | Mar. 23 | Pacification of Cuba nearly completed: Conditions, pardon to those surrendering; representation in National Cortes; reconstruction of local administration upon model of municipal and provincial system of Spain; unification of laws with those of. Spain; freedom of slaves in ranks of insurgents; release of embargoed estates: leaders of rebellion chiefly foreigners. | 809 |
480 | do | June 7 | Pacification completed; insurgent chiefs accept terms of peace. | 815 |
481 | do | June 14 | Case of bark Los Amigos: Requesting revision of Treasury circular as to repayment of 50 cent extra tonnage dues, to include all cases in which payment was made, whether under protest or not. | 815 |
482 | do | June 26 | The death of the Queen of Spain announced | 817 |
483 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Mantilla | June 26 | Reply: American minister at Madrid instructed to express to the King the President’s profound sympathy. | 818 |
484 | do | July 9 | Case of Los Amigos: Treasury willing to refund extra tonnage tax. | 818 |
485 | Mr. Mantilla to Mr. Evarts | July 12 | Reply of the King to the President’s expressions of sympathy. | 819 |
486 | Count Brunetti to Mr. Evarts | Oct. 26 | The King’s life attempted: The assassin an international socialist. | 819 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
487 | Mr. Andrews to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Aug. 22 | Relative rates of wages of ordinary seamen in two countries: $15 to $18 per month in United States; $10 per month in Sweden. Rations quite the same: cost, about 32 cents per day. | 820 |
488 | Mr. Stevens to Mr. Evarts | Apr. 12 | Review of naval recruits: Exercises conducted by the King; recruits drawn from maritime provinces; serve one year, undergoing naval instruction, then pass into naval reserve for twenty years; reserve, 6,000 men. | 822 |
489 | do | July 29 | General Grant received by the King at Christi-ania; visits Stockholm; is waited upon by deputation of artisans; vast throngs before his hotel; earnest and respectful enthusiasm manifested. | 823 |
490 | do | Aug. 31 | Second meeting international prison congress: Large attendance of delegates; executive committee hereafter to consist of members appointed by governments; subjects discussed, prisons and penitentiaries; reformatory and preventive institutions; penal legislation; next meeting to be held at Rome in 1884. | 824 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
491 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Feb. 23 | Celebration of Washington’s birthday: Participation of President of Switzerland; hope expressed that American representative may not be withdrawn. | 828 |
492 | do | Mar. 7 | Financial condition unsatisfactory: Deficiencies anticipated; national credit to be maintained; debt not excessive; military expenses increased; new taxes to be levied; higher tariff duties, especially on tobacco, to be imposed. | 829 |
493 | do | Apr. 6 | Invitation to monetary conference given: International rule respecting bills of exchange suggested for discussion at conference. | 834 |
494 | do | Apr. 9 | Switzerland will send delegate to conference, but advocates single standard. | 836 |
495 | do | Apr. 18 | Invitation to conference accepted | 837 |
496 | do | July 11 | Latin union will probably act together in conference | 838 |
497 | do | Sept. 25 | General Grant received with distinguished honor at Zurich; enthusiasm of the people. | 839 |
498 | do | Sept. 30 | Emigration statistics: 31,345 emigrants to America between 1868 and 1876. | 841 |
499 | do | Oct. 21 | Military exemption tax: Americans liable; right of expatriation not recognized; propriety of negotiating for its recognition suggested. | 841 |
500 | do | Oct. 21 | A quiet election anticipated; no question of general interest enters into canvass; but few changes in delegations probable; the Swiss electoral system. | 845 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
501 | Mr. Maynard to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Oct. 31 | Military situation more favorable to Russia: The Sultan confers upon Osman and Moukhtar Pashas the title Ghazi (conqueror); success the only criterion; feast of Beiram observed with less spirit than usual. | 487 |
502 | do | Nov. 30 | Fall of Kars; retreat of Moukhtar Pasha upon Erzeroum; Russians close in about Plevna; affairs at Shipka Pass, and upon the Lom, unchanged; weather moderate; great saffering in Bulgaria; corps of Christians to be incorporated with Turkish army; coast blockaded from Spizza to Dulcigno. | 849 |
503 | do | Dec. 17 | Speech of the Sultan upon opening Parliament: Reforms promised; equality of subjects reaffirmed; Christians to be incorporated in the army; council of state to submit projects of laws: financial and military affairs. | 852 |
504 | do | 1878. Feb. 15 | British fleet off the Bosphorus: Russians threaten to enter Constantinople; no resistance possible; excitement in the city; extraordinary council of ministers. | 853 |
505 | Mr. Maynard to Mr. Evarts. | Feb. 28 | Summary of terms of armistice; demands of Russia; negotiations progressing at San Stefano. | 855 |
506 | do | Mar. 6 | Treaty of San Stefano signed March 3. | 859 |
507 | do | Mar. 6 | Same subject: Historical sketch of San Stefano; a European congress proposed. | 859 |
508 | do | Mar. 7 | General Grant visits Constantinople; is received by the Sultan, and the great officers of State; press comments. | 861 |
509 | do | Mar. 13 | Passport and police regulations | 864 |
510 | do | Apr. 3 | Treaty of San Stefano: Stipulations, articles 1 and 2, boundaries and independence of Montenegro; article 3, of Servia; article 5, of Roumania; article 6, constitution of autonomous province of Bulgaria, and article 7, election of prince, assembly of notables, organization of administration, Russian supervision; article 8, Turkey to evacuate, and Russia to occupy, Bulgaria; article 9, railways to pass to Bulgaria; article 10, right to move’ regular troops across, reserved to Turkey; articles 12 and 13, Danubian fortresses to be razed, wai-vessels excluded, navigation to be restored; article 14, reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina; article 15, reforms in Crete; articles 16, 17, 18, reforms in Armenia; article 19, retrocession of Bessarabia; articles 19 and 20, indemnity, 1,400,000,000 rubles—deductions, territory ceded—valued at 1,100,000,000 rubles, balance 310,000,000 rubles, payable by Turkey; articles 4 and 21, rights of property, and of withdrawal from ceded territory, reserved; article 22, monks of Mt. Athos; articles 23 and 24, free navigation of Bosphorus to merchant-ships in peace or war; Black Sea exempt from blockade; articles 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, amnesty to those engaged in war, exchange of prisoners, withdrawal of Russian army, ratifications. (See Mr. Maynard’s dispatch September 28.) | 865 |
511 | do | Apr. 29 | Russian and Turkish armies still confront each other; Russian officers visit Constantinople; British influence rapidly increasing. Lord Salisbury’s circular of April 1, objects to retrocession of Bessarabia, to pecuniary impositions upon Turkey, to preponderating influence of Russia in Bulgaria, and to constitution of that province; and declares that no treaty affecting European interests may be definitely concluded without the assent of the powers, parties to the treaties of 1856 and 1871; and requires the submission of the treaty of San Stefano to a European congress for revision. Prince Gortschakoff’s dispatch of April 9, claims complete liberty of action for Russia as a consequence of rights acquired by conquest; contends that the conditions under which the treaty of Paris was negotiated no longer exist, “that existing treaties have been successively infringed for twenty-two years;” and declares that each power in any congress considering the treaty of San Stefano will “have full liberty of appreciation and action.” | 872 |
512 | do | May 9 | Visit to Salonica, Mount Athos, and Mytilene; question as to size of consular suite at Mytilene; importance attached to retinue in the East. | 880 |
513 | do | May 21 | The restoration of Ex-Sultan Murad V attempted | 882 |
514 | do | May 29 | Change of ministry; rapid succession in office; office of prime minister abolished; that of Grand Vizier restored. | 884 |
515 | do | June 5 | Change of ministry; Safvet Pasha appointed Grand Vizier. | 885 |
516 | do | June 16 | The convention of Constantinople; England to join the Sultan in defending Asiatic Turkey by force of arms if necessary; the Sultan to introduce reforms therein; and to assign to England the occupation and administration of Cyprus. | 886 |
517 | do | Aug. 30 | Cessation of military movements; occupation of Cyprus by Great Britain; entry of Austrian troops into Bosnia; Turkish fortresses surrendered; Greece dissatisfied; rectification of frontiers in Thessaly and Epirus recommended by treaty of Berlin; Turkish note upon claims of Greece. | 890 |
518 | Mr. Maynard to Mr. Evarts. | Sept. 28 | Turkey still agitated: Insurrections in Asiatic and European provinces; account of affairs in Armenia by Mr. R. M. Cole: death of Mehemet Ali and suite: disturbances upon Creek frontier. Text of the treaty of Berlin—stipulations: Articles 1 to 12, inclusive, boundaries and constitution of Bulgaria; election of prince; commission of notables; religious freedom; Russian commissioner to administer; existing treaties in force; no transit dues to be levied; to assume part of debt; tribute, and railway relations to be determined; Turkish troops to be withdrawn: Articles 13 to 22, inclusive, boundaries and constitution of East Rumelia; Porte to appoint governor; administrative autonomy; Turkey may fortify frontiers; regular troops admitted; religious freedom: Article 23, reforms in Crete; Article 24, mediation as to Greece: Article 25, Austrian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Articles 26 to 33, inclusive, boundaries and independence of Montenegro; freedom of religion, and rights of property, insured; Austria to protect merchant flag; not to have ships or flag of war; to assume part of Turkish debt: Articles 34 to 42, inclusive, boundaries and independence of Servia; existing treaties to remain in force; religious freedom, and rights of property, insured; no transit dues to be levied; to assume part of Turkish debt: Articles 43 to 51, inclusive, boundaries and independence of Roumania; religious freedom, and rights of property, insured; Bessarabia surrendered to Russia, the Dobroutcha to Roumania; no transit dues to be levied; fishery rights to be determined by commission; full treaty-making power granted; obligations of Turkey to be assumed: Articles 52 to 57, inclusive, navigation of Danube below the Iron Grates free; fortresses to be razed; no war ships allowed upon; European commission maintained: Articles 58 to 61, boundaries and cessions in Asia: Article 62, Turkey concedes religious freedom: Article 63, treaties of 1856 and 1871 in force where not inconsistent with treaty of Berlin: Article 64, ratifications. | 894 |
519 | do | Oct. 21 | Bulgaria as affected by the war, and the treaties of San Stefano and Berlin. | 913 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
520 | Mr. Farnam to Mr. Evarts | 1878. Feb. 13 | The coal trade of Egypt: Imports from England; 300,000 tons at Alexandria; 250,000 tons at Port Said. | 914 |
521 | do | Feb. 12 | General Grant received with royal honors in Egypt; is the guest of the Khedive. | 915 |
522 | do | Apr. 5 | Extension of jurisdiction of international tribunal to include cases affecting members of the parquet: exterritorial rights enjoyed to fullest extent; criminal cases before consular courts; note of Cherif Pasha. | 916 |
523 | do | Apr. 10 | Decree modifying code of procedure | 920 |
524 | do | June 8 | Slavery exists as a domestic institution: Slave trade carried on secretly; manumission of three slaves from Central Africa secured; are received into mission school by Dr. Hogg. | 920 |
525 | do | July 3 | American officers in Egyptian service, except General Stone and one other, discharged. | 922 |
526 | do | July 10 | Extension of jurisdiction of mixed tribunals to civil and commercial cases in which parties are natives, discussed. | 923 |
527 | do | July 15 | Indemnification of Colonels Dye and Colston for injuries received in Egyptian service. | 923 |
528 | Mr. Comanos to Mr. Evarts. | Aug. 8 | Seeds of the Bamiah cotton plant sent to department. | 924 |
529 | do | Aug. 18 | Speech of the Khedive accepting report of the Rivers Wilson commission of inquiry: Reforms promised; Nubar Pasha appointed president of the council; probable appointment of Mr. Rivers Wilson to the ministry of finance. | 924 |
530 | Mr. Comanos to Mr. Evarts. | Sept. 3 | New ministry constituted: letter of the Khedive; majority vote in council to determine questions; jurisdiction of mixed tribunals to be extended to all subjects; abolition of exterritoriality to be attempted. | 926 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
531 | Mr. Heap to Mr. Hunter | 1878 Jan. 25 | Visit of the Gettysburg to various Tunisian ports: Consul and officers everywhere received with distinction. | 929 |
532 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Hear | Feb. 28 | The president gratified at the reception met with | 921 |
533 | Mr. Heap to Mr. Hunter | Aug. 2 | Increased tonnage-tax proposed to meet lighthouse expenses. | 931 |
534 | do | Aug. 13 | Same subject: Consular recommendations respecting increase of tonnage-tax. | 932 |
535 | Mr. Evarts to Mr. Fish | Oct. — | Same subject: Increase of tax confirmed, if concurred in by other powers. | 933 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
536 | Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Evarts | 1877. Nov. 15 | Revolutionary movements: Ex-Minister Machain killed; quiet restored. | 934 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
537 | Mr. Baker to Mr. Evarts | 1878. June 5 | The town of Cuá destroyed by earthquake; consternation at Caracas. | 934 |
538 | do | July 25 | Observance of the Fourth of July: Public expressions of respect for the United States. | 938 |
539 | do | Aug. 14 | The coffee crop of Venezuela and Brazil a partial failure. | 939 |
540 | do | Aug. 16 | The country suffering from commercial depression; a revival dependent upon a good coffee crop. | 940 |
541 | do | Sept. 11 | Superior order and civilization of Brazil recognized by press of Caracas; Brazil contrasted with other South American countries. | 941 |
542 | do | Sept. 13 | Commercial depression: Short coffee crop; excessive contraband trade; uneasy political feeling. | 943 |
543 | do | Oct. 24 | Constitutional convention convoked for December 10. | 944 |
544 | do | Oct. 29 | Notable rainfall December 3: Extract from report Society of Natural Sciences of Caracas. | 947 |
545 | do | Oct. 30 | The national festival in commemoration of Bolivar. | 948 |