Alphabetical Index.
Note.—The page number refers to the page upon which the dispatch or paper begins in which the subject referred to is discussed.
- Acapulco: The firing upon Consul Sutter’s flag; regret expressed by
Mexico; report of investigation 580
- officer in command of fort at time to be tried by court-martial 580
- Admeasurement of vessels—the Moorsom system:
- The Netherlands: adoption of system; basis for reciprocal acceptance of certificates proposed 703
- Spain: adoption of Moorsom system 764
- certificates of, to be accepted if total tonnage be expressed; readmeasurement only as to exemptions contrary to American law 774
- American and Spanish system of record different; difference explained 787
- report of Consul-General Hall as to excessive tonnage tax imposed in Cuban ports through readmeasurements 768
- temporary arrangement as to acceptance of certificates in Cuba 768
- necessity of agreement to reciprocally accept certificates
indicated 768
- [See Moorsom system and tonnage tax.]
- Alaska and British Columbia: conditional boundary line in valley of the Stickine proposed; report 339
- Alfonso XII: approaching marriage announced 773, 808
- Allegiance:
- Americans, destitute in foreign countries: appropriation in aid of, asked by Mr. Bingham 481
- American fishermen: outrage upon, on coast of Newfoundland 346, 349, 284, 308, 314, 323
- Ammunition: trade of Montana Indians with British provinces in 349
- Andine, Trans, railway: aided by Argentine Congress 7
- Andrassy, Count: announces policy of Austria to be the protection of Austrian interests 24
- Arbitration: Argentine and Paraguay boundary question submitted to the President 16, 709
- Areola: leader of Mexican raiders from Ximenes: 612, 622
- Argentine Republic: army and navy, strength of; commercial marine 6
- Congress convenes: message of President Avellenada 13
- boundary question with Chili 9, 13
- boundary question with Paraguay submitted to arbitration of the President of the United States 16
- case decided for Paraguay 18
- mail and telegraph service 6
- to enter postal union under treaty of Berne 11
- revolutionary movements in San Juan and Corientes 5, 10
- revolutionists of 1874 amnestied: officers restored to army; reconciliation with Mitre party; proclamation of President Avellenada 8
- Paraguay and Uruguay Rivers: deep-water channel; surveyed by Captain Hunter Davidson 9
- Sandy Point mutineers: surrender to Chili refused 9
- Armenia: military operations in; fall of Kars; retreat of Moukhtar Pacha
upon Erzeroum 849
- condition of, and of its people, after the war; report of Mr. R. M. Cole 894
- Asylum: right of; evils of the system; a breeder of revolutions; an insurance of immunity; its abolition or modification recommended 443
- Athens: stock of flour and grain on hand 380
- Athos, Mount: Mr. Maynard’s visit 880
- monks of; stipulations concerning; article 22, treaty of San Stefano 885
- Atzala, State of Puebla: outbreak; Catholics attack Protestants; 27 of latter killed 658
- Aube, Captain: French Navy; thanks of the President to be given to him for aid rendered consul at Apia, Samoa 165
- d’Audiffret Pasquier, Duke: interview with President of France; Senate will not sanction revolutionary movements 164
- Auersperg, Prince: ministry of, embarrassed by disagreement between the “delegations” on questions of taxation; they resign 29
- Austria-Hungary: organization of empire illustrated 24
- effect of dual organization; questions of taxation; influence of the empire-weakened 29
- Count Andrassy explains policy of empire 24
- taxation disagreement between Austria and Hungary 29
- debt of the Empire, and of Austria and Hungary 26
- adjustment of relations reached 44
- disastrous effect upon Austrian industry of free trade-treaty with Germany; treaty denounced 19
- Aymeri, A.: respecting the Chinese famine 118
- Baden: cases of naturalized citizens; naturalization discussed; Ganzenmuller and Wiel 216, 229, 232
- Baez: President of San Domingo; able to maintain himself against revolutionists; three parties in the field 414
- Bamiah cotton-plant: seeds sent from Egypt 924
- Bandinel, T.: vice-consul at New Chwang; as to circulation of trade-dollar
in China 144
- reporting arrest of the French bishop by the Coreans 131
- Barrios, President: attempted assassination of 73
- decrees liberty of the press in Guatemala 74
- Barrera and Dominguez: extradition cases; opinion of Señors Vallarta, Bautista, and Ramirez 560
- Baumer: case of; may return to Germany under two years-clause of treaty 210, 228
- Bautista, Señor: opinion in extradition cases of Barrera and Dominguez 560
- Bativerrez and Mieto: eases of; illegally removed from Mexico into Texas, while under arrest under extradition treaty 688
- Beaconsfield, Lord: effect of speech in Berlin congress 221
- Beira Alta Railway: aid granted by Portugal 744
- Beiram, Feast of: observed with less spirit than usual in Turkey 487
- Belgium: Eastern question; grant of credit; prepared for eventualities 55
- Berlin: celebration of the Emperor’s birthday 205
- Bessarabia: cession to Russia 885, 894
- Birney, Mr.: report upon socialism; and the meetings of Verviers and Ghent 694
- Bismarck, Prince: speech in Reichstag on Eastern question 195
- Black Sea: to be free from blockade; Bosphorus to be free to merchant
ships in peace or war; articles 23, 24, treaty of San Stefano 865
- Odessa torpedo regulations 760
- Blyden, Mr., Liberian minister: letter asking co-operation of United
States in building railway from the coast of Liberia inland 281
- his letter to be submitted to Congress 287
- Bolivar: national festival in commemoration of, at Caracas 948
- Borges, Mr: requesting a letter from, to authorities at Para in behalf of Madeira River surveying party 70
- Bosnia: Austrian occupation of 36, 53, 890
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: article 14, treaty of San Stefano 865
- article 25, treaty of Berlin 894
- Brazil: trade with; no facilities for; steamship line needed 60
- line of mail, steamers established 61
- visit of Emperor to new steamship City of Rio; its outgoing cargo 67
- increased trade dependent upon increased means of intercommunication 66
- agreement as to form of consular certificate to clearance papers proposed 71
- Parliament not in session; new ministry; political condition of country 62, 63
- the superiority of Brazil in civilization and order to the other South American countries recognized by the press of Caracas 941
- British diplomatic corps: report by Mr. Nadal upon 251
- Bremen: emigration via 216
- Buenos Ayres: mint to coin gold and silver to be established 7
- Bulgaria: autonomy conceded; articles 6 and 7, treaty of San Stefano 50, 865
- boundaries and constitution; articles 1 to 12, inclusive; treaty of Berlin 894
- Bullis, Lieutenant: expedition across frontier into Mexico; correspondence 531, 536, 664
- von Bülow, Mr.: notes in Ganzenmuller case 216
- [See Naturalization and Germany].
- Cabe, William M., sheriff: cases of Bativerrez and Mieto secretly removed
from Mexico to Texas by 668, 675
- [See Mexico and Extradition].
- Cairns, Lord: speech in House of Lords on introducing bill to extend jurisdiction of courts to territorial waters 245
- Cairoli, Mr.: forms new ministry in Italy 471
- Camp, Walsh, and Andreté: arrested in Mexico for not performing military service; correspondence 576
- Camphausen, Mr., Prussian minister of finance: opposed to Prince
Bismarck’s centralizing ideas 202
- his position upon the tobacco-tax question 202
- Campos, General: appointed governor-general of Cuba 789
- Canada: agreement as to regulations for the transportation of
dutiable goods between the two countries under Article XXX, treaty of
Washington 350, 351,
355, 357
- proposing conditional boundary-line between Alaska and British Columbia in valley of the Stickine 339
- conditionally accepted by the United States 346
- conditionally accepted by Canada 347
- Canadian customs regulations in conflict with free navigation of the Stickine, secured by treaty of Washington; case of steamboat Nellie 352
- inquiring if Canada will grant right to American vessels to aid those disabled in Canadian waters in return for accordance of same right to Canadian vessels in our waters 351
- case of tug Champion: need for such reciprocal action 352
- Canadian fishery question. (See Fishery Question.)
- Canal, President: proclamation respecting relations between Hayti and San
Domingo 406
- suppresses revolt at Port-au-Prince 431
- Caracas, notable rain-fall: report of Academy of Sciences 947
- Carnarvon, Lord, retires from the cabinet; Lord Derby also retires 259
- Central America: peace prevails; good coffee crop 80
- Cerro del Pasco, Peru: work upon tunnel to drain mine 712
- Champion, tug: case of [See Canada] 352
- Chavero, Mr.: speech in Mexican Congress against American railways in Mexico 550
- Chevallier and Tanis, leaders of the Haytian revolt 431
- Chihuahua: exactions upon Americans; cases of MacManus & Sons, Muller; Nordwald; Smith; and Walter Henry 527
- Chili: Argentine boundary question; to be submitted to arbitration 9, 13, 86
- China: currency of; extended memorandum upon, by Mr. Seward 132
- famine in North China; report npon; labors of missionaries; measures of relief 96
- North China Daily Mail; reports upon; the famine 115, 116, 117
- foreign trade upon the Yang-tze River; regulations concerning 146
- legation accredited to Japan 485
- legation accredited to Russia 150
- legation to be accredited to China by Peru 720
- mining of coal and iron; service railway; concession granted by viceroy of Tientsin; report upon mineral resources 122
- South China Daily Mail; article upon coal and iron mining in China 123
- position of Americans in China contrasted with that of Chinese in the United States; treaty revision discussed 129
- trade-dollar; conditions of circulation in China; consular reports 93, 101, 141
- treaty with Spain as to treatment of Chinese in Cuba; analysis of treaty; text of treaty 96
- Chinese: abduction of; two Chinese charged with; intervention at instance
of Mr. Comly 148
- their position in Peru; reports and efforts of Peruvian consul at San Francisco to induce emigration thence to Peru 716, 721
- their treatment in Peru 733
- representative from China needed in Peru 716
- Olyphant emigration line established; fails to bring immigrants; hostility of governor of Hong-Kong 723, 733
- Cherif Pasha: note from, as to extension of jurisdiction of international tribunal in Egypt 916
- Cholera: disappears from Japan 481
- Circulating medium: requiring reports as to volume and character; and relation of coin to paper 2
- Civil service: organization of that of England; letter of lords of the treasury in answer to Mr. D. B. Eaton 237
- Coahuila: Mexican troops make campaign against Indians 621
- Coal and iron to be mined, and railway built north of Tientsin, China 122
- Coal trade of Egypt: report upon; imports at Alexandria and Port Said 914
- Coffee: shipment from Brazil to New York by City of Rio 66, 67
- Coffee crop:
- Cole, R. M.: statement as to condition of affairs in Armenia 894
- Coleman, Mr.: his retention at Berlin requested 223
- Colombia: case of C. G. Scrafford: released from custody of United States officer by order of; extradition treaty to be negotiated 151
- Collisions at sea: international regulations for prevention of, submitted
- rules accepted by the United States 355
- Colston, Colonel: indemnified for disabilities incurred in Egyptian service 923
- Commerce:
- Austria-Hungary: policy, higher tariff, and extension of control in the valley of the Danube 19, 32, 44
- Brazil: chiefly in hands of Great Britain; could be diverted to the United States through the establishment of proper facilities of intercommunication 60
- Chili: suffering from commercial depression 83
- if time thought to be favorable, authority to negotiate new treaty will be granted 87
- China: foreign commerce upon the Yang-tze River relieved of certain restrictions 146
- France: commercial policy; a barter of privileges under conventional stipulations 170
- Greece: exports, $18,500,000; imports, $11,400,000; list of articles imported; trade chiefly in hands of Great Britain 358
- Hawaiian Islands: business in hands of European traders, notwithstanding reciprocity treaty 379
- Italy: customs regulations at Leghorn 478
- Liberia: commerce with, could be increased by developing interior, and establishing means of communication 281
- Mexico: hampered by imperfect customs regulations, and by excessive contraband trade 587, 636, 660
- Morocco: food supplies imported 684
- Persia: foreign trade estimated at $18,000,000; commercial treaty could be negotiated 46
- Peru: chiefly in hands of Great Britain; freights against the
United States; no direct communication with the United States 724
- list of articles imported and exported 724
- Spain: (See discussion of admeasurement of vessels, and tonnage tax) 764, 765, 768, 774, 787, 804, 806, 807, 815, 818
- Switzerland: increase of tariff, especially on tobacco 829
- Egypt: reform in the line of the Rivers Wilson report 940, 943
- Venezuela: great depression; revival dependant on good coffee crop 940, 943
- Condon, E. O’M., case of: released from prison at intervention of the United States; correspondence 258, 278, 280, 283, 284, 285, 288, 312
- Constantinople: British fleet off the Bosphorus; Russians threaten to
enter; consternation 853
- text of convention of 886
- Consul, Mexican, in Arizona: report upon raids; efforts of Army to restrain Indians 592, 623
- Consular certificate to clearance papers: agreement as to form of,
proposed to Brazil 71
- convention with Italy denounced; Italy objects to Article VI; willing to renew treaty if this article be excluded 462
- fees, excessive, charged by Spanish consuls 765
- excessive invoice tax; its form objectionable; discussion with Haytian Government 411, 415, 416, 427, 445
- reports upon circulation of trade-dollar in China 101, 141
- Contagious diseases act; exemption from, for American cattle shipped to England, asked 356
- Coolie trade: consuls to inspect American vessels engaged in 3
- Corea: war with Japan probable; arrest of Bishop Ridel 131
- Corientes: revolutionary movements; suppressed by central government 10, 11
- Corlis-Carbajal bonds: recognized by Mexico as a valid issue 624
- Corti, Count, appointed minister for foreign affairs of Italy 471
[Page 954]
- his action at congress of Berlin in accordance with his instructions, and approved by the ministry 475
- Costa Rica. (See Central America) 75, 76, 80
- Cotton: Egypt; seeds of the Baimah plant sent to department from 924
- Greece: duty upon cotton and cotton-seed abolished 361
- Cotton goods imported by Greece, Hawaiian Islands, Mexico, Persia, Peru. (See, respectively) 358, 379, 636, 46, 724
- Crete: Article 23, treaty of Berlin; reforms 894
- Criminals: importation into United States prohibited; inquiry by Mr.
Out-rey as to law 192
- reply citing law of Massachusetts, and act of Congress, approved March 3, 1875 193
- Cuá: destroyed by earthquake, April 12, 1878; consternation at Caracas 934
- Cuba: army in, to consist of such force as may be necessary 788
- arrearages of taxes question; remonstrance to be made 800
- pacifiation of; proceedings in Spain; General Campos appointed governor-general 784, 789
- suspension removed from certain papers in consequence of 791
- terms of surrender 809
- pacification complete; insurgent chiefs surrender 815
- cases of Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee. (See Spain, and entries under their names.)
- excessive tonnage tax imposed in ports of, through readmeasurement of vessels; report of Consul-General Hall 765
- temporary agreement to accept certificates as to Cuba 768
- [For full discussion of this subject see Spain, Admeasurement of vessels, and Tonnage tax.]
- Currency:
- Customs regulations: port of Leghorn 576
- navigation of the Yang-tze River 146
- Customs tariff: Austria-Hungary; revision in direction of higher duties
19, 32, 44
- Chili: revision in direction of higher duties 83, 91
- Germany: revision in direction of higher duties 202, 204
- France: revision in direction of higher duties 170
- Mexico: discussed in reference to its effect upon American commerce 636
- Spain: tariff changes for 1878–’79 794
- Switzerland: revision in direction of higher duties 829
- Customs circular from Treasury Department as to tourists’ effects 184
- Cyprus: assigned to the administration of Great Britain; correspondence
and text of convention of Constantinople 886
- its occupation by Great Britain 890
- Danube: Austrian aims in valley of 44
- fortifications upon, to be razed; war vessels excluded; articles 12 and 13 treaty of San Stefano 885
- same provisions; improvement of navigation; free navigation below Iron Gates; continuance of European commission; Russian and Roumanian boundaries; fishery rights of the latter, articles 45 to 47 inclusive, and 52 to 57 inclusive, treaty of Berlin 894
- Davidson, Captain Hunter: survey of deep-water channel up Parana and Uruguay Rivers 6
- Debt:
- Argentine Republic, statement of aggregate 13
- Austria-Hungary, and of Austria and Hungary, full and detailed statement 26
- Chili; annual deficits; bonds issued to meet same 83
- Egypt; reform in accordance with the Rivers Wilson programme to be inaugurated 924, 926
- Japan; statement of aggregate 513
- Mexico; full and detailed statement of foreign debt; of resources;
of the issues held in the United States; action of Mexico respecting
the debt 548, 624, 630, 636
- “Woodhouse” and “Corlis Carbajal” bonds 624
- Portugal; deficiency for current year $3,000,000; debt increasing 744
- Russia; article from the Journal of St. Petersburg upon debt and finances 749
- Switzerland; yearly deficits anticipated; debt not oppressive, but increasing 829
- De Lano, M. M., consul at Foochow; report upon circulation of trade-dollar in China 144
- Denny, O. N., consul at Tientsin; report upon circulation of trade-dollar in China 143
- Denmark: Disagreement between houses of the Rigsdag upon financial law; political situation 155, 156
- Derby, Lord, and Lord Carnarvon: retire from the cabinet; political effect of their withdrawal 259
- Diaz, President: speech upon opening Congress; condition of Mexico
reviewed 525
- recognition accorded by the United States 543
- speech upon opening of second session of Congress 545
- his experience illustrates the difficulty of dealing with revolutionary movements upon the frontier 555
- adherents successful in election; elections no test of public sentiment; government party usually the only one voting 567
- earnest in movement to suppress Indian depredations 621
- earnest in endeavor to develop the resources of the country 549
- project to extend his terra for six years, with increased power, or to establish a dictatorship, discussed 658
- Diplomatic service:
- Discriminating duties: Hayti; consular tax 411, 415, 416, 427, 428, 445
- [See Hayti and Consular invoice tax.]
- Russia: in favor of wine and tools imported by land; protest of American merchants 747
- Spain 764, 765, 768, 774, 787,
804, 806, 807, 815, 818
- [See Admeasurement of vessels; Tonnage tax; subject discussed under these heads.]
- Dobroutcha: ceded to Roumania; article 46, treaty of Berlin 894
- Domingues and Barrera: extradition cases; judgment of Mexican supreme court; opinions of Señors Vallarta, Ramirez, and Bautista 560
- Dominican Republic: relations with Hayti “badly defined;”
proclamation of President Canal of Hayti 406
- revolutionary movements; three parties in the field; President Baez able to maintain himself 414
- Double standard: Austria; views of Baron von Hoffman 30
- Mexico: gold driven out of circulation by silver; silver unlimited legal tender; purchasing power determined by London market rate; exchange 22 per cent, premium 663
- Dufaure, M.: ministerial crisis; he constitutes cabinet; ministerial responsibility recognized 164, 166
- Durqui, governor of Corientes: to be sustained by government troops 10
- Dutiable articles: regulations, under article xxx treaty of Washington, for transportation of, between Canada and the United States, agreed to by both; correspondence 350, 351, 355, 357
- Duty on Hour reduced by Guatemala $1 per quintal 75
- [See tariff.]
- Dye, Colonel, indemnified for disabilities contracted in Egyptian service 923
- Earthquake: account of that of May 9, 1877, upon coast of Chili and Peru
- Account of that of April 12, 1878, at Cuá, Venezuela; consternation at Caracas 934
- East Roumelia. (See Roumelia.)
- Eastern question:
- Austria Hungary, position and policy; military operations since treaty of Berlin 24, 34, 36, 39, 42, 44, 50, 53
- Belgium: credit of 10,500,000 francs; prepared for eventualites 55
- Denmark: to remain neutral; army concentrated; sympathy with Russia 159
- Germany: Prince Bismarck’s speech defining the position of; comments upon the circular notes; meeting of the congress; effects of the treaty 195, 209, 221, 227
- Great Britain: article from the Times; resignation of Lords Carnarvon and Derby; Lord Salisbury appointed to foreign office; the circular notes; treaties of San Stefano and Berlin, and convention of Constantinople 239, 259, 865, 872, 885, 894
- Greece: war sentiment; riot in Athens; fortification of the Piræus; army crosses frontier; dissatisfaction with congress 362, 364, 365, 366, 375, 377, 890
- Italy: dissatisfaction with treaty of Berlin not so great as represented; questions of Trieste and the Trentino discussed 475
- Russia: finances; reception of Emperor on returning from the army
749, 754
- [See Turkey.]
- Turkey: military situation; Turkish army; negotiations; circular notes of Lord Salisbury and Prince Gortschakoff; text of treaties of San Stefano and Berlin, and convention of Constantinople 847, 849, 852, 853, 855, 865, 872, 886, 890, 894, 913
- Eaton, Dorman B.: reply of the lords of the treasury to request for opinions as to working of civil service appointment system 237
- Egypt: American officers, except General Stone and one other, discharged
from the service of 922
- coal trade of: imports at Alexandria and Port Said 914
- Colonels Colston and Dye indemnified for disabilities contracted in the service of 923
- international tribunal: jurisdiction of, extended to include cases affecting members of the parquet 916
- decree modifying code of procedure 920
- extension of jurisdiction to cases in which all parties are natives 923, 926
- the Khedive accepts report of the Rivers Wilson committee of inquiry; reforms 924
- Nubar Pasha appointed president of the council; majority vote to determine questions; letter of the Khedive 926
- slavery: exists as a domestic institution; manumission of three slaves from Central Africa 920
- Erzeroum: fall of Kars; retreat of Moukhtar Pasha upon 849
- Ellen Rizpah, Edward Lee, and Rising Sun: whaling-ships 769, 775, 777, 784, 786
- [See Spain.]
- Emigration:
- Estates in Holland: law as to settlement of: American claimants without necessary data 696
- Escalante, Mr., Mexican consul in Arizona: report upon raids, and efforts of American Army to restrain Indians 592, 623
- European Congress: convened June 13, at Berlin; treaty signed July 13. 221, 894
- Evarts, Mr.: instruction reviewing the fishery award 290
- instruction as to Fortune Bay fishery question 308
- Exposition, Paris, 1878: invitation accepted; commissioner-general appointed 168, 169
- Expatriation: Germany. (See naturalization
- Italy: right not recognized. (See Largomarsino case.)
- Switzerland: right not recognized; negotiations for its recognition suggested 841
- Exterritoriality: fully enjoyed in Egypt; its abolition to be attempted 916, 926
- Extradition: Colombia; case of C. G. Scrafford, released from
custody while in transitu across Isthmus of Panama;
note from Mr. Evarts 151
- Great Britain: report of royal commission upon the laws and treaties concerning 268
- Mexico: Dominguez and Barrera cases; opinions of supreme court judges Ramirez, Bautista, and Vallarta; citizens may be extradited at pleasure of government 560
- Mieto and Bativerrez cases: conveyed secretly without the jurisdiction of Mexico into Texas 668, 675
- Rio Grande City jail cases 534, 535, 539
- Subject discussed by Mr. Evarts and Mr. Seward 572, 668, 675
- Subject discussed by Mr. Mata, Mr. de Cuella, and Mr. de Zamacona 608, 668, 679
- Fabens, Schooner A. J.: collision with Haytian war vessel St. Michel 456
- Falk, Dr.: resigns; resignation withdrawn. (See Germany) 212, 215
- Famine: China; detailed report upon; efforts of the missionaries; 60,000,000 people suffer; 10,000,000 exposed to actual famine 109
- Finances:
- Argentine Republic; satisfactory condition; debt reduced $4,000,000 during current year 13
- Austria-Hungary: disastrously affected by free-trade treaty with Germany; detailed’ debt statement; currency; tariff regulations as affecting the finances 19, 26, 30, 44
- Chili: commercial depression; finances embarrassed; periodical deficits; loans resorted to 83, 91
- China: coined money in circulation, Mexican and trade dollars; finances as affected by currency. (See memorandum of Mr. Seward) 93, 101, 132, 141
- Denmark: disturbed by failure of financial law in the Rigsdag; provisional law decreed by the King; final passage of regular law 155, 156, 158
- Egypt: reforms under the Rivers Wilson programme 924, 926
- France: as affected by tariff revision 170
- Germany: increased taxation necessary; budget for 1878–’9; debates in the Reichstag 202, 204
- Japan: report of minister of finance 514
- Mexico: treasury embarrassed; officials unpaid: revenue decreasing; debt statement 548, 587, 624, 630, 636, 663
- Peru: treasury notes issued for Meiggs notes; relief afforded; condition embarrassed; decree 712
- Portugal: condition unsatisfactory; deficit about $3,000,000 744
- Russia: article from Journal of St. Petersburg 749
- Switzerland: deficits anticipated; increased expenses; national credit to be maintained 829, 841
- Fishery question:
- Flour: duty upon, in Guatemala, reduced $1 per quintal 75
- amount in store in Athens, December 6 360
- Forbes, T. B.: as to circulation of trade-dollar in China 146
- Fourth of July: its observance in Hayti 453
- France: commercial policy; tariff revision toward higher duties; protectionist theories taking the place of those of free trade 170
- Exposition: invitation accepted; appointment of commissioner-general 168, 169
- Franconia—Strath—Clyde case; Lord Cairns’ exposition of case; bill to give jurisdiction over territorial waters introduced into the House of Lords 245
- Fredericksted, Santa Cruz: greatly injured in negro revolt 160
- Free trade: revision, of commercial treaties in the direction of higher duties; growth of protectionist ideas:
- Firing upon the flag of Consul Sutter at Acapulco in 1877: regret expressed by Mexico; commandant of fort at the time to be tried by court-martial 580
- Frontier relations:
- Canada: Alaska boundary 339, 346, 347
- case of steamboat Nellie; Canadian customs regulations contravene treaty provisions for free navigation of the Stickine 352
- regulations for the transportation of dutiable articles from one country to the other 350, 351, 355, 357
- aid to disabled vessels in waters of either; case of tug Champion 351, 352
- Mexico: speeches of President Diaz at opening of Congress 525, 545
- cases of MacManus & Sons, Muller, Nordwald, Thomas N. Smith, Walter Henry: reports of Consul Scott 527
- cases of Mieto and Bativerrez: improperly withdrawn from Mexican jurisdiction 668, 675
- expeditions of Bullis, Shatter, Mackenzie, and Ward 531, 533, 540, 552, 553, 555, 664
- Indian relations upon frontier 537, 592, 623
- raids, and depredations; by Indians; the Areola band: murder of Henry; report of Consul Schuchardt 527, 572, 592, 603, 606, 612, 622, 623
- Rio Grande City jail extradition case 534, 535, 539
- “reciprocal crossing” 553, 555, 572, 592, 608
- revolutionary movements on frontier 555, 674, 675, 678, 679, 682
- Sentiment in Mexico upon frontier relations 552, 553, 570, 575, 592
- Zona Libre: its establishment unconstitutional; a measure of hostility to American commerce; contraband trade 654, 660
- Canada: Alaska boundary 339, 346, 347
- Frontier States of Mexico: law restricting ownership of realty in 575
- Ganzenmuller: case of; naturalized citizen; ordered to leave Baden; intervention of legation 216
- Garcia, Mr.: calling attention to the reconciliation of parties in the Argentine Republic 14
- Gardner: President of Liberia inaugurated 522
- Gaspar, Frank: arrested at instance of Japanese Government for violation of railway regulations; case in consular court 514
- Germany: attempted assassination of the Emperor; political
effect; congratulations of the President 212,
- his condition not one of immediate danger 214
- regency of the Crown Prince; thanks for the President’s congratulations 214, 215, 216
- the Emperor’s birthday celebrated 208
- the Empress receives Mr. Bayard Taylor; the Emperor’s message 223
- chancery reorganization bill; passed 202, 204
- Eastern question: speech of Prince Bismarck defining position of Germany 195
- comments upon Lord Salisbury’s circular of April 1. 209
- the congress convenes; England offers to withdraw her fleet if Russia will withdraw her army 221
- treaty of Berlin: no permanent basis of peace; temporary relief only 227
- emigration: report 204
- Falk, Dr.: his position; resigns; resignation withdrawn 212, 215
- naturalization: subject discussed; valid cases complicated by unworthy ones; unwillingness of naturalized citizens to obey local law 229, 232
- treaty stipulations observed: necessity of test of intention clause of treaty, demonstrated 232
- naturalization cases: Julius Baumer 210, 212
- Prussian Diet adjourns; changes in the ministry 209
- Reichstag to be dissolved upon request of Prussia 215
- socialist conspiracy believed to be widespread 215
- bill to suppress social-democratic demonstrations: lost in Reichstag by vote of 57 to 254 212
- taxation: budget for 1878–’9 202, 204
- Yellow-fever fund: contribution of the Emperor; thanks of the President 236
- Ghazi, Conqueror: title conferred by the Sultan upon Osman and Moukhtar Pashas 847
- Glass, Thomas: case of; question of right of consular courts in Japan to decree deportation of Americans “convicted of felony, or twice convicted of misdemeanors” 518
- Gold: the ultimate standard; views of Baron von Hoffman 30
- driven out of circulation by silver in Mexico 633
- Grain: imported by Greece and Morocco 358,
- Peru submits proposition for reciprocity treaty, agreeing to admit grain free of duty in exchange for free admission of sugar into the United States 729
- Grant, General: account of his visits to:
- Austria-Hungary: reception by the Emperor; official attentions 52
- Germany: reception by the Crown Prince; message of the Emperor; meeting with Prince Bismarck; military review 223
- Greece: salute by foreign fleets; reception in Athens; receives the King upon the Vandalia 366, 368, 339, 370
- Netherlands: official and private reception; review of troops 701
- Portugal: met upon the frontier by aid-de-camp; meeting with the King 738, 745
- Spain: received by the King at Vittoria; attends review upon the battlefield; official reception at Madrid 803
- Sweden and Norway: received by the King at Christiania; is waited upon by deputation of artisans at Stockholm; throngs before his hotel 823
- Switzerland: distinguished honors shown him at Zurich 839
- Turkey: official reception at Constantinople; press reports 861
- Egypt: received with royal honors; the guest of the Khedive 915
- Greece: trade report; exports $18,500,000, imports $11,400,000; list of
exports and imports 358
- duty on cotton and cotton-seed abolished 361
- war riot at Athens: houses of ministers attacked; troops fire on people; new ministry 360, 362
- war feeling: troops cross the frontier; withdrawn 364, 365, 366
- precautions take to guard American interests: the Marion at the Piræus 364, 365
- massacres of Macrinitza; death and funeral of Mr. Ogle; the Marion ordered to Volo 371, 372
- disatisfaction at treatment at Berlin; anxiety as to action of the congress 375, 377
- Turkish note upon the claims of Greece 890
- Affairs in critical condition; time ill-judged to withdraw mission 373, 374
- Great Britain:
- Alaska boundary question 339, 346, 347
- case of steamboat Nellie: customs regulations inconsistent with treaty right to free navigation of the Stickine 352
- civil service: reply of the lords of the treasury to Mr. Eaton’s request for opinions as to working of system of appointment to office through competitive examination 237
- E. O’M. Condon: case of; released from prison at intervention of United States 258, 278, 280, 283, 284, 285, 288, 312
- contagious diseases act: request for exemption of American cattle 356
- disabled vessels: in Canadian and American waters; respecting
reciprocal aid 351
- case of tug Champion: necessity for agreement 352
- dutiable articles: transportation of, between Canada and the United States under Article XXX Treaty of Washington; regulations for 350, 351, 355, 357
- Eastern question:
- Lords Derby and Carnarvon resign; Lord Salisbury appointed minister for foreign affairs; public sentiment 259
- Lord Salisbury’s note of April 1, and Prince Gortschakoff’s reply of April 9 259, 872
- attitude at Berlin 221
- views attributed to her at Vienna: supports Austria; influence increasing 34, 38, 44
- interest manifested in our ability to maintain neutrality in event of war: three-rules clause of Treaty of Washington, and right to sell ships pending hostilities, discussed 39
- sympathy of Denmark for Russia 159
- editorial from the Times of December 5, 1877 239
- text of treaty of San Stefano 865
- text of convention of Constantinople; and correspondence 886
- text of treaty of Berlin 894
- Fishery question: Halifax award; notes from—
- Fortune Bay disturbance: notes from—
- Extradition: report of the royal commission upon the law and
treaties affecting 268
- (see Mr. Evarts’s instructions to Mr. Dichman in Scrafford case) 151
- Franconia—Strath-clyde collision case; question of jurisdiction over territorial waters; discussed by Lord Cairns in House of Lords 245
- Alaska boundary question 339, 346, 347
- Green, Lieutenant-Commander: reports completion of work of measuring difference of longitude between Lisbon and Madeira 743
- Gonzales, General: succeeds General Ogazon as Mexican minister of war 544
- Gortschakoff, Prince: attends Berlin Congress; interview with General
Grant 221, 223
- note of April 9, in reply to Lord Salisbury’s note of April 1, respecting the treaty of San Stefano 872
- Guatemala: (See Central America) 73, 74, 75, 76, 80
- Guardia, Ex-President: assumes the Presidency of Costa Rica 75
- Grand Vizier: office restored; that of prime minister abolished 884
- Halifax award:
- Mr. Evarts’s note, September 27, reviewing the award 290
- Novembers, form of notice and protest to be used if the award shall be paid 315
- Lord Salisbury’s reply to Mr. Evarts’s note of September 27 316
- dispatches from Mr. Welsh: the award paid under protest 314, 316, 333
- dispatch from Mr. Jackson, discussing the award 334
- Mr. Evarts’s note, September 27, reviewing the award 290
- Hamburg: immigration via 204
- Harbor conservation:
- Haynes: commercial agent; protest and correspondence in. Nueva Laredo military impressment cases 576
- Hayti: agricultural fete; state of agriculture; rude;
methods 446
- collision between the bark A. J. Fabens and the St. Michel 456
- consular tax question: case of Nones & Co.; excessive and discriminating character shown 411, 415, 427, 445
- British minister also protests against tax 428
- question held by Hayti to be one of method of taxation 416
- outbreak at San Marc and Quatier Marin; revolution at Port au Prince; suppressed by President Canal 409, 431, 443
- right of asylum: its abuses; a breeder of revolution’s; should be modified if not abolished 443
- disagreement with Spain settled 418
- relations with Dominican Republic 406
- Hawaiian Islands:
- reciprocity treaty: favored nation clause gives no right to other
nations to participate 405
- efforts of England and Germany to have their trade placed upon same basis as our trade under treaty; England to waive claim if tariff be fixed at 10 per cent, ad valorem 382
- reports in parliament, and of envoys to Great Britain and Germany 382
- attitude of government not deemed hostile to treaty 381, 382, 405
- trade report: crops sold in the United States; purchases made of European traders; Americans not taking advantage of the reciprocity treaty 379
- reciprocity treaty: favored nation clause gives no right to other
nations to participate 405
- Henderson, J. A., consul at Amoy: circulation of trade dollar in China 146
- Henry, Walter:
- Hogg, Dr.: receives manumitted slaves into mission-school at Cairo 920
- Honduras: Ex-President Medina, and Marin of Salvador, shot by order of President Soto 79
- Humbert I: accession of the Crown Prince to the throne of Italy as 488, 478
- Hydrophobia: Stanford prize of £100 for best essay upon, announced through the press 358
- India, Government of: offers prize for best machine to prepare ramie or china grass 337
- Indians of Montana buy ammunition in British Possessions 349
- International commission for exchange of works of science: report of Dr. William E. Johnston upon organization and plan of action 173
- International Exposition, Paris—Invitation accepted: Commissioner-general appointed: note of Mr. Waddington 168, 169
- Industry: noting depressed condition of Austrian industry, due to free-trade treaty with Germany 19
- Internationalism and socialism:
- Germany: the assassin of the Emperor an avowed internationalist;
widespread conspiracy apprehended 212,
214, 215
- bill to suppress social-democratic demonstrations 212
- Netherlands: report of the proceedings of the “International Workingmen’s Association,” and the “Socialist Congress” at Verviers and Ghent; their platform; policy; aims 694
- The workingmen’s party of the United States associated with the socialist party of Europe 694
- Russia: presence manifested by the attempt of Vera Zasulitch upon the life of General Trepoff; and the course and result of her trial 758
- Spain: The assassin of the King an avowed socialist 801, 819
- Germany: the assassin of the Emperor an avowed internationalist;
widespread conspiracy apprehended 212,
214, 215
- Italy: death of the King: announcements and acknowledgments: accession of
the Crown Prince as Humbert I 467, 468, 478, 479
- sketch of the career of the King 467
- funeral of the King attended with great pomp 469
- funeral services in Washington; attendance of the President 479, 480
- death of Pope Pius IX, and accession of Cardinal Pecci as Leo XIII 470
- Berlin treaty: dissatisfaction less than reported; the questions of Trieste and of the Trentino discussed 475
- billeting troops in time of peace: question as to practice respecting Americans 464
- consular treaty denounced: objection to Article VI, exempting consular dwellings; willing to negotiate new treaty, except that clause 462
- Leghorn customs regulations 478
- marriage, law of; strict compliance with provisions of civil code necessary; compliance not always possible; attitude of courts to such marriages unknown; ante-nuptual settlements in all cases recommended; regulation of American-Italian marriages should be made matter of treaty stipulation 465
- principle of inalienability of allegiance as illustrated in the Largomarsino case 458, 459, 460, 461, 464
- State ownership and operation of railways discussed in chambers: likely to prove a ministerial question 466
- Jalapa, Mexico: revolt; dissatisfaction of the army; suppressed 587
- Japan: The Emperor visits the north of the empire; well received;
manifests great interest in education 507
- closing exercises of industrial exposition: exposition visited by several hundred thousand people 484
- the Emperor receives the diplomatic corps on 1st of January 486
- debt statement: aggregate $375,000,000; receipts and expenses 513
- case of Thomas Glass; question as to right of deportation of Americans “convicted of felony, or twice convicted of misdemeanors” 518
- case of Frank Gaspar: trial requested by Japanese Government for violation of railway regulations 514
- assassination of Mr. Okubo Toshimichi, minister of the interior: plea of the assassins; career; action of the Emperor; assassins executed 491, 495, 499, 511, 512
- the assassins of Messrs. ap Jones and Russell arrested; their punishment assured 513
- revolt of a part of the garrison of Tokei 508
- Satsuma rebels: their trial; leniency of Japanese Government 481
- Yokohama harbor regulations: approved 486
- Japan Daily Herald: extracts from, upon the death of Mr. Okubo
492, 496
- same subject: the plea of the assassins addressed to the Emperor 500
- Japan Daily Herald: extract from, upon the revolt of a part of the garrison of Tokei 508
- Jews: Roumania, hostility to, in; recognition of independence should be conditioned upon granting religious equality 42
- Johnson, F. B., chairman Shanghai chamber of commerce: letter respecting Mr. Seward’s report upon the currency of China 132
- Johnston, Dr. William E., reports upon organization of international commission of scientific exchanges. (See France) 173, 175, 180
- Jurisdiction:
- Austria: questions arising as to merchant flag or merchant ship of Montenegro within jurisdiction of; articles 26 to 33, treaty of Berlin 50, 894
- Egypt: extension of jurisdiction of international tribunal 916, 920, 923
- Great Britain: over territorial waters; bill introduced into the House of Lords to grant same; Franconia-Strathclyde case 245
- Kara: the fall of; Turks retreat upon Erzeroum 849
- Kickapoos and Lipans: raids and movements upon the frontier 537, 592, 621, 623
- Labor reports: requiring such as to rates of labor; cost of living of laboring classes; relative cost for five years 2
- Largomarsino: naturalized citizen; drafted into Italian army; his release requested; resisted by Italy; right of expatriation not recognized 458, 459, 460, 461, 464
- Las Vacas: alcalde of, co-operates in recovery of stolen Texas cattle 622
- Law of allegiance:
- Italy. (See Largomarsino case.)
- Germany. (See Naturalization cases.)
- Switzerland 841
- Law of extradition:
- Law of marriage in Italy 465
- Law of territorial waters, as illustrated in the Franconia-Strathclyde case 245
- Layard, Sir A. H.: correspondence respecting the convention of Constantinople 886
- Leghorn: customs regulations, port of 478
- Lee, Edward: whaling-ship. (See cases of Ellen Rizpah, and Rising Sun: Spain) 769, 775, 777, 784, 786
- Leonhardt, Dr.: minister of justice; decree respecting naturalization cases 225
- Leo XIII: accession of Cardinal Pecci to pontificate as 470
- Levant. (See Eastern question.)
- Liberia: arrival out of bark Liberia with 53 emigrants and two
commissioners to locate land for colonies from Arkansas 523
- boundary commission to meet after rainy season 265
- impeachment trials of President and Secretary of the Treasury; Vice-President acting as President 520, 521, 523
- President Gardner inaugurated 522
- missionary efforts in interior 523
- railroad from coast to highlands advocated by Dr. Blyden; American cooperation asked in the interest of commerce 281
- Dr. Blyden’s letter to be submitted to Congress 287
- Li-Hung Chang: memorial in relation to the famine in China; asking authority to close distilleries 113
- Lincoln, C. P., consul at Canton: circulation of trade-dollar in China 143, 145
- Lingen, R. R. W., for lords of the treasury: in answer to Mr. Eaton’s note as to British civil service 237
- Lipans and Kickapoos: frontier Indians; raids and depredations; Mexican expedition 592, 621, 623
- Lom: situation upon the, unchanged 849
- Longitude: work of measuring difference between that of Lisbon and Madeira completed 743
- Lord, E. C., consul at Ningpo: circulation of trade-dollar in China 143
- Los Amigos: case of bark; extra tonnage-tax question. (See Spain) 815, 818
- Lush, Mr. Justice: opinion in Franconia-Strathclyde case 245
- MacManus & Sons: case of: exactions in Chihuahua; cases of Muller, Nordwald, Thomas N. Smith, and Walter Henry; reports of Consul Smith 527
- Macrinitza: massacre at; death of Mr. Ogle 371
- Madeira River survey: requesting letter from Mr. Borges to authorities of Para in behalf of commanding officer of 70
- Mails: Spanish papers stopped in 798
- Mail line of steamers: established between Brazil and the United States; trade needs; arrival of first steamer at Rio; return cargo 60, 61, 66, 67
- Marriage: Italian law of; uncertainty of action of courts respecting
marriages not performed in accordance with the provisions of the civil code
- the negotiation of a treaty defining marriage contracts between Americans and Italians suggested 465
- Martinez, Dr.: report upon the cholera in Fez and Mequinez 689
- Mata, Mr.: appointed minister for foreign affairs; conversation as to frontier relations 552
- Mata-Foster correspondence thought to presage war 570
- reply to Mr. Evarts’s instruction of August 13. 608
- Maynard, Mr.: account of visit to Mount Athos, Salonica, and Mytilene 880
- McCormick, Mr.: appointed Commissioner-General Paris Exposition; note from Mr. Waddington; dispatch from Mr. Noyes 168, 169, 181
- Mehemet Ali Pasha and staff: murdered; account of his death 894
- Melody and Condon: pardoned. (See E. O’M. Condon) 285
- Melikoff, General Loris: credit due him for Russian successes in Armenia 849
- Meiggs, Henry: application to President of Peru to replace with treasury notes the Meiggs notes issued in aid of public works 713
- Mexico: addresses of President Diaz at opening of first and
second sessions of Congress; as to domestic and foreign affairs 525, 545
- arrest of Walsh, Camp, and Andrete at Nueva Laredo for refusal to perform military service; report of Commercial Agent Haynes 576
- constitutional restriction upon re-election to next succeeding term of President and governors of States 549
- contraband trade in Zona Libre 587, 654, 658, 660
- debt: general and classified statements; bonds held in the United States; security; issue; secret purchases by Mexico; value 548, 624, 630
- exactions upon Americans in Chihuahua and Coahuila; cases of Mac-Manus & Sons; Muller; Nordwald; Thomas N. Smith; Walter Henry; murder of Henry; reports of Consuls Scott and Schuchardt 531, 592, 603, 606
- Extradition question: general discussion of the subject 572, 608, 668
- Frontier relations: expeditions across the frontier; Bullis; Shafter; Mackenzie; Ward; protests of Mexico; reports and utterances of the press; notes of the two governments 531, 536, 540, 552, 553, 555, 570, 572, 575, 592, 608, 664
- firing upon Consul Sutter’s flag at Acapulco; by whose order unknown; regret expressed; commandant of fort at time to be tried 580
- law as to ownership of realty in frontier States 575
- ministerial changes; General Gonzales succeeds General Ogazon as minister of war; significance of the change; Mr. Mata appointed minister for foreign affairs 544, 552
- matriculation question; case of Gustave Sommer; naturalized ciizens; naturalization papers demanded by Mexico; State Department passport held to be sufficient evidence of citizenship by Mr. Foster 613
- peace and order; domestic; outbreaks at Jalapa and Atzala; dissatisfaction in the army; prospect for dictatorship discussed 587, 658
- attack of Catholics upon Protestants at Atzala 658
- public works; American railway enterprises; hostility to connection with American railway system 549, 550, 636
- letter to the Chicago manufacturers; discussing trade relations and facilities; business habits and conditions; debt; finances; customs regulations; public order; feeling toward American enterprises 636
- re-establishment of relations with Great Britain being attempted; occasion of withdrawal of mission in 1867 534
- revolutionary movements upon frontier; offenders to be prosecuted; insufficient evidence; experience of President Diaz; reports of Mexican consul at San Antonio, and of Captain Sellers 674, 675, 678, 679, 682
- treasury embarrassments; officials unpaid; anticipation of resources; interest unpaid; currency difficulties 548, 587, 658, 660, 663
- Yucatan hemp; European export bounty question; no action taken by Mexico 661
- Mieto and Bativerrez: arrested in Mexico under extradition treaty, but secretly transported to Texas by Sheriff Cabe 668
- attention of governor of Texas to be called to the case 675
- Mine: Cerro del Pasco; Peru; tunnel to drain mine 712
- Mining for coal and iron in China 122
- Mint to coin gold and silver established at Buenos Ayres; decimal system of weights and measures substituted for old Spanish system 7
- Missionaries: China; activity in rendering aid to sufferers in the famine districts; famine report by Mr. Seward 109
- Mitré, General: and other revolutionists of 1874, restored to the army; reconciliation of parties; withdrawal of Mitré party from the cabinet; note from Mr. Garcia as to reconciliation effected 8, 10, 12, 14
- Money: currency; Austria; based upon silver; specie payments suspended; no
reserve against paper issue; paper depreciated; gold the ultimate standard;
views of Baron Von Hoffman 30
- China: currency circulation regulated by custom; coined silver received at market rate; higher than intrinsic value; memorandum upon currency of China by Mr. Seward; reports of consuls 93, 101, 132, 141
- Mexico: double standard; gold driven out of circulation; silver unlimited legal tender; dependence upon London market rate; exchange 22 per cent. premium 663
- Monetary conference: correspondence respecting its meeting:
- Conference to adopt its own programme; attendance commits to no line of policy; Mr. Evarts to Mr. Kasson and Mr. Welsh 51, 264
- Austria 35, 41, 43, 48, 49, 51
- Belgium 54, 56, 59
- France: members of Latin Union to act together; Paris selected for place of meeting: France to issue invitations 172, 175, 176, 178, 179
- Great Britain 264, 266, 279
- Greece 372
- Italy 175, 176, 474
- Netherlands 700
- Russia 757, 761, 763
- Switzerland to attend, but in favor of single standard 834, 836, 837, 838
- Subjects submitted for its consideration:
- Montenegro: relations with Austria; necessity for consul at Antivari 50
- Moorsom system of admeasurement of vessels:
- Netherlands; plan of application different in two countries; basis of acceptance of each other’s certificates proposed 703
- no reason seen to change American practice; customs officers are directed to deduct from gross tonnage under foreign admeasurement places and closed spaces exempt from tonnage tax by our law 706
- reciprocal exemption of each other’s ships from readmeasurement 707, 708
- Spain: excessive tonnage-tax imposed upon American vessels in Cuba
through readmeasurement; report of Consul-General Hall illustrating
effect of practice 765
- temporary agreement as to Cuba reached 768
- acceptance by Spain of agreement to receive each other’s certificates of admeasurement desirable 768
- if Spanish certificates express tonnage capacity of all parts of ships, they will be accepted; only such parts as are exempt by Spanish law, but not by our law, will be readmeasured 774
- difference in details in application of system in the two countries explained 787 acceptance by Spain of Moorsom system; Spanish certificates issued since 1876, expressed in terms of gross and net tonnage. (See Tonnage tax) 764
- Morocco: famine and great suffering; no rain in southern provinces; flour imported; apathy of the government; superstition of the people; foreign aid the only reliable aid 684, 686, 692
- Moukhtar Pasha: retreat upon Erzeroum; title of Ghazi conferred upon him 847
- Muirhead, W.: China famine; relief report 118
- Müller: case of (See Mexico) 527
- Murad V, Ex-Sultan: attempt to restore Mm to the throne 882
- Murray, Admiral: presentation to the King of the Hawaiian Islands 378
- Myteline: visit of Mr. Maynard; consular suite; importance attached to retinue in the East 880
- Nadal, Mr. E. S., second secretay of legation at London: report upon the organization of the British diplomatic service 251
- Narino, steamer General: crew Americans; arrived at Port au Prince in distress 408
- Naturalized citizens:
- Germany: cases of: Julius Bäumer 210, 228
- Subject discussed: valid cases complicated by improper ones; chief cause of trouble, the failure of naturalized citizens to observe local laws; necessity of test of intention clause demonstrated 210, 216, 225, 229, 232, 233
- Mexico: Case of Gustave Sommer; application for matriculation; naturalization papers demanded by Mexico; Mr. Foster holds State Department passport sufficient evidence 613
- Natural science society of Caracas: report upon notable rainfall at Caracas, December 3, by the 941
- Negro emigration: arrival out of bark Liberia with 53 emigrants 523
- two commissioners from Arkansas visit Liberia to select land for colonies 523
- Netherlands: report upon the proceedings at the meetings of the
International Workingmen’s Association, and the socialist congress at
Verviers and Ghent 694
- American workingmen’s party in correspondence with the socialist party in Europe, with common aims 694
- laws of wills and of the settlement of estates 696
- numerous American claimants without data of any kind as to the estates which they claim 696
- see admeasurement of vessels 703, 706, 707, 708
- montary conference 700
- reception of General Grant 701
- States General: opened by the King; speech from the throne 702
- Neutrality: interest manifested in our ability to maintain same in event
of war between Russia and England 39
- “three rules clause” of treaty of Washington; right to buy ships in our ports pending hostilities discussed 39
- Newport: thanks of British Government for reception accorded fleet at 313
- New Zealand: thanks of the government of, for salmon ova 348
- Nicaragua: friendly relations with Costa Rica restored 80
- Norway. (See Sweden and Norway.)
- Nubar Pasha: appointed by the Khedive president of the council, to introduce reforms into Egyptian administration 924, 926
- Odessa: torpedo regulations 762
- Ogle, Mr.: an Englishmen, murdered at Yolo 371
- his funeral in Athens; vast concourse of people; the massacres at Macrinitza 371
- Okubo, Toshimichi, Mr.: Japanese minister of the interior; assassinated; last words; a sketch of his career 491, 495, 499
- Ord, General: his visit to Washington respecting frontier relations
occasions great excitement in Mexico 570
- the revocation of the “Ord order” to follow marauders across the frontier a condition precedent to Mexico’s assent to reciprocal crossing 608
- Outrey, Mr.: inquiring as to State or national law prohibiting the
transportation to the United States of criminals 192
- reply: extract from the statutes of Massachusetts, and a copy of the act of Congress of March 3, 1875 193
- Pajes, Felix: a priest; shot while attempting the assassination of
President Barrios 73
- effect of his death 74
- Panama: C. G. Scrafford; released from custody while en route from Peru at 151
- Pardo, Ex-President: in exile; elected president of the Peruvian senate; Congress organized by the “civilist” party 731
- Paris Exposition of 1878:
- Paris selected as place of meeting for the monetary conference 176
- Paraguay: Papers in boundary case submitted to the President, received; award in favor of Paraguay; acknowledgment of the receipt of the award 709, 710, 711
- Parliament, British: ceremony upon opening; reception of eminent men; speech read by the lord chancellor 242
- Patterson, Admiral, and staff: presented to the Emperor of Japan 483
- Pecci, Cardinal: becomes Pope under the title of Leo XIII 470
- Persia: foreign trade of; opening for American commerce 46
- Peru: thanks of the President to Mr. Geo. F. Seward 140
- Arequipa: revolutionary movements at; Colonel Suarez proclaimed provisional President; revolt suppressed 732, 733
- Chinese: their position in Peru; representative needed 716, 733
- trade: report upon; in the hands of the English; freights against
the United States; no direct communication; articles of import and
export 724
- President anxious to negotiate a reciprocity treaty as to grain and sugar 729
- government party defeated in elections; “civilists” successful; they organize Congress by the election of Ex-President Pardo to the presidency of the senate 731
- treasury notes issued in exchange for the “Meiggs notes” 712
- Phylloxera: appears in Spain; danger to wine interests; precautions taken 798
- Philipsborn, von Mr., notes from, in Bäumer and Ganzenmüller cases (See naturalization and Germany) 228, 229
- Pierrepont, Mr.; authorized to attend telegraph congress 237
- takes leave of the Queen 241
- Pitcairn’s Island: its population 93
- Police system of Russia. (See trial of Vera Zasulitch) 758
- Plevna: still held by the Turks; position at the Shipka Pass and upon the Lom unchanged 849
- Pope: Plus IX; fiftieth anniversary of his election to the episcopate celebrated 457
- Port au Prince: revolution; suppressed by President Canal 431
- Portugal: opening of the Cortes; speech of the King; finances in an unsatisfactory condition; public works question; condition of the country 739, 744
- Postal Union of Berne: Argentine Republic enters Union 11
- Prado: President of Peru; decree authorizing issue of treasury notes in place of the Meiggs notes 714
- Press suspensions in Spain removed upon announcement of the pacification of Cuba 791
- Price lists: of goods shipped to the United States to be furnished by consular officers 1
- Prison Congress at Stockholm: second international meeting; proceedings; subjects discussed 824
- Protection: a noticeable change from free trade to protection:
- Austria: free trade treaty with Germany denounced 19, 29, 32, 44
- France: tendency in direction of, higher duties; a return to the policy of the period before 1860; policy, a barter of privileges 170
- Germany: tariff revision, and higher duties 202, 204
- Mexico: duties highly protective: State as well as national duties imposed upon foreign goods 636, 660
- Spain: tendency to compel special trade conventions 794
- Switzerland: tariff revision; higher duties 829
- Prussia: government of, requests dissolution of the Reichstag 215
- ministerial changes; status of ministers changed by the imperial chancery organization bill 209
- Public Works Company of Peru 712
- Punta Arenas: Chili appoints claims commission in respect of revolt at 82
- Railways:
- Argentine Republic; aid granted to Trans-Andine Railway 7
- Austria-Hungary: railway system of the Valley of the Danube; its influence upon action of Austria 44
- China: The Woosung Railway; diplomatic protest against its destruction 94
- Mexico: discussion in Congress; opposition to Palmer-Sullivan contracts; hostility to connection with American railway system 550
- Peru: railway enterprises of Henry Meiggs; government decree granting relief and aid 712
- Portugal: concession and aid to the Beira Alta Railway, shortening through time to Paris 744
- Turkey: railways in provinces separated from Turkey to pass to them; compensation being made. (See Treaties San Stefano and Berlin) 865, 894
- Rainfall: notable, at Caracas, October 3; extract from report of Society of Natural Sciences; theory as to hail 947
- Ramadan, feast of: cholera in Morocco; thought to have appeared in consequence of the congregations at the 692
- Ramie, or China grass: trial of machines for preparation of, to be held in India in 1879 337
- Ramirez: magistrate; opinion of, in extradition case of Dominguez and Barrera 560
- Read, Mr. J. M.: value of his services recognized by the department 377
- Realty: law respecting ownership of, in frontier States of Mexico 575
- Reichstag: Prince Bismarck’s speech in, upon the Eastern question 195
- Religious liberty: conceded throughout Turkish Empire. (See treaty of Berlin) 894
- Revolutionary movements in
- Reynolds, Admiral: correspondence respecting harbor rules for Yokohama 488
- Richards, Timothy: reports and papers upon the North China famine 110, 118
- Ridel, Bishop: arrested by Coreans 131
- Rio de Janeiro: steamship City of: arrival in Brazil; visited by Emperor and Empress; return cargo of 37, 000 sacks of coffee 67
- Rio Grande City jail extradition cases:
- Right of search. (See next entry.)
- Rising Sun and Ellen Rizpah: cases of; whaling-ships fired upon in Caribbean Sea by Spanish cruisers; case presented to Spanish government; damages allowed, $10, 000, to be divided between the two ships 769, 775, 777, 784, 786
- Rogers, Commander: conduct at Punt a Arenas approved 82
- Rome: influx of pilgrims to attend the celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary of election of Pius IX to the episcopate 457
- meeting of ecclesiastics: propriety of removal of Pope and Curia to Lyons, discussed 457
- the death and funeral of King Victor Emanuel 467, 469
- the death of Pope Pius IX 470
- the election of Cardinal Pecci to the pontificate as Leo XIII 470
- next annual meeting of international prison congress to be held in, in 1884 824
- Roumania: article 5, treaty of San Stefano 865
- article 43 to 51 inclusive, treaty of Berlin 894
- See Mr. Kasson’s dispatches of June 5 and August 13 42, 50
- See Mr. Taylor’s dispatch of July 15 227
- East Roumelia: articles 13 to 22 inclusive, treaty of Berlin 894
- Russell, Lord Odo: opinion upon the British diplomatic service. (See Mr. Nadal’s report) 251
- Russia: protest of American merchants as to discriminating
duty in favor of tools and wines imported by land 747
- subject discussed; held to be a bounty, and to that extent a tax upon American importations, and in violation of the treaty of 1832 751, 752, 755
- amendment of regulations declined; provision not thought to infract treaty of 1832 762
- finances: article from Journal of St. Petersburg; budget for 1876 more favorable than anticipated 749, 753
- enthusiastic reception of the Emperor upon his return from the army 754
- trial of Vera Zasulitch for attempt upon the life of General Trepoff; police system on trial; crime confessed; verdict not guilty 758
- monetary conference; invitation accepted; appointment of Mr. de Thoener as delegate 757, 761, 763
- text of treaties of San Stefano; convention of Constantinople; Lord Salisbury’s note of April 1, and Prince Gortschakoff’s reply of April 9; treaty of Berlin. (See Mr. Maynard’s dispatches) 865, 872, 894
- Safvet Pasha: appointed Grand Vizier 885
- Salisbury, Lord:
- Eastern question; appointed minister for foreign affairs upon
resignation of Lord Derby 259
- circular of April 1, defining the position of Great Britain, and criticising the treaty of San Stefano 260
- reply of Prince Gortschakoff of April 9 872, 877
- convention of Constantinople; note of Lord Salisbury to Sir A. H. Layard of May 30, and correspondence of Sir A. H. Layard touching the same 886
- text of treaty of San Stefano 865
- text of treaty of Berlin 894
- Fishery question: note of August 23, inclosing Captain Sulivan’s report; Fortune Bay, coast of Newfoundland, outrage 284
- Eastern question; appointed minister for foreign affairs upon
resignation of Lord Derby 259
- Samoa: Apia; consul at, rescued by Captain Aube, of the French man-of-war Le Seignelay 165
- Samples of imported goods to be sent to customs officers at port of destination, not of first arrival 2
- Sanitary and commercial reports for use of Surgeon-General Marine Hospital Service 3
- San Domingo. (See Dominican Republic; Baez; Hayti)
- San Marc and Quartier Marin; outbreak 408
- San Stefano: progress of negotiations; demands of Russia 855
- San Stefano: text of treaty of 865
- see treaty of Berlin 894
- Santa Cruz: negro revolt; great destruction of property 160
- Santa Fé: Argentine Republic revolutionary movements 10
- Say, Leon, M.: appointed minister of finance in Dufaure cabinet 167
- Sarmiento, D. C.: adherents engaged in revolution in province of, San Juan, Argentine Republic 5
- Schlesvig: Danish army not to occupy 571
- Schlözer Mr. Von: note in relation to samples required by consuls in Germany 234
- Schouvaloff, Count: mission, of; thought to have been successful 39
- in the congress of Berlin 221
- Schuchardt, Win.: commercial agent at Piedras Negras; reports concerning the murder of Walter Henry 603, 606
- Scott, Lewis H., consul; report of; exactions upon Americans in Chihuahua 527
- Scrafford, C. G.: released from custody at Panama by order of Colombian Government 151
- Sellers, Captain: reports upon revolutionary movements on the Mexican frontier 682
- Seward, Mr. George F.: report upon the currency of China 132
- Servia: article 3, treaty of San Stefano 865
- Shah of Persia: visit to Austria 46
- visit to Russia 760
- Shanghai Chamber of Commerce commending currency report of Mr. G. F.
Seward 132
- thanks to Mr. Seward for his efforts in relation to harbor conservation 140
- harbor rules presented by Chinese Government, and approved by foreign representatives 103, 105
- river and harbor conservation discussed; consuls to gather data
for submission by their governments to competent engineers 105, 107
- [See Woosung railway and telegraph.]
- Shepard, Isaac F., consul at Hankow: circulation of trade-dollar in China 144
- Silistria: dissatisfaction with treaty of San Stefano by inhabitants of 38
- Silver standard: effect of the adoption of, upon Austrian revenues 19
- Silver: basis of issue of Austrian paper money; specie payments suspended;
no prospect of resumption 30
- unlimited legal-tender in Mexico; gold driven out of circulation; fall in price in London unfavorable to Mexico 663
- Sitting Bull: precautions taken by Government of Canada respecting 344
- Smithsonian Institution: its relation to international exchanges 173, 175, 180
- Socialism and internationalism in—
- Soden, Baron von: currency circulation of China 142
- Sommer, Gustave: naturalized citizen; matriculation refused by Mexico because based on State Department passport alone; demand for naturalization papers 613
- Sonora: raids into and from; report of Mr. Escalante, Mexican consul in Arizona 592, 623
- Spain: approaching marriage of the King announced 773, 808
- Admeasurement of vessels:
- excessive tonnage-tax imposed upon American vessels in Cuban ports through readmeasurement 765
- temporary agreement to receive American certificates of admeasurement in Cuban ports entered into 765
- correspondence in reference to reciprocal acceptance of certificates of admeasurement 764, 765, 768, 774
- difference in application of Moorsom system in the two countries 787
- Spanish certificates issued since 1876 expressed in terms of gross and net tonnage 764
- protesting against extra tonnage-tax on Spanish, vessels, and claiming exemption on ground of admission into Spanish ports of American vessels on equality with Spanish vessels 787
- Extra tonnage tax:
- Cuba: pacification of, announced; official proceedings in Spain;
suspension removed from certain papers 789, 791
- note from Mr. Mantilla announcing the surrender of the rebels and the pacification of the island; terms of surrender; leaders of the rebellion chiefly foreigners 809, 815
- army in Cuba to consist of as many troops as may be necessary 788
- Americans in Cuba excluded from participation in exemption from payment of arrears of taxes 880
- embargoed estates to be restored 809
- cases of the Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee, whaling ships, fired into by Spanish cruisers in the Caribbean Sea 769, 775
- recognition of promptness of payment of awards of Claims Commission 777
- Spanish shipping: effect upon, of abolition of differential dues in favor of national ships 799
- strength of army in Spam 100, 000 men 788
- tariff policy: to induce special conventions: tariff changes for 1878–’79 794
- “direct voyage” defined 794
- the phylloxera appears among the vines; great danger to the wine interest; precautions taken 778
- Stahel, Vice-consul-General, Shanghai: circulation of trade-dollar 145
- Stalberg, Count: German Ambassador at Vienna; appointed vice-chancellor of the Empire 209
- Standard of value: gold the ultimate; views of Baron von Hoffman; currency
dispatch of Mr. Kasson 30
- double standard in Mexico; unlimited silver legal tender; result, gold driven out of circulation; Mexican values dependent upon the price of silver in London 663
- Stanford, V. F. B.: prize for best essay on hydrophobia 358
- Stickine: case of steamboat Nellie; free navigation under treaty of Washington obstructed by Canadian customs regulations 352
- Stone, General, and but one other American officer, remain in the service of the Khedive 922
- Strathclyde-Franconia collision case; (see Territorial waters; Great Britain) 245
- Suarez, Colonel: leader of Arequipa revolution 732
- Sugar: Peru desires to negotiate a reciprocity treaty, exchanging free admission for American grain against free admission into our ports of Peruvian sugar 729
- Sulivan, Captain: reports in the Newfoundland coast, Fortune Bay, fishery outrages 284, 323
- Sutter, Consul: the firing upon his flag at Acapulco in May, 1877; (see Mexico) 580
- Sweden and Norway: review of naval recruits; exercises
conducted by the King 822
- constitution of naval reserve: men pass after one year’s service as recruits into naval reserve for twenty years; aggregate 6, 000 men 822
- recruits drawn from maritime provinces 822
- relative rates of wages of ordinary seamen of the two countries 820
- second meeting of the international prison congress at Stockholm; proceedings 824
- visit of General Grant 823
- Switzerland: celebration of Washington’s birthday; participation of the
President of Switzerland 828
- finances in unsatisfactory condition; deficits anticipated; increased taxation 829
- higher duties, especially on tobacco 829
- a military tax imposed; liability of American citizens 841
- emigration statistics 841
- right of expatriation denied; suggestion that negotiation be resorted to to secure recognition of the right 841
- Tael: Chinese standard of value; extended memorandum upon the currency of China by Mr. Seward 132
- Tamatave: refusal of British consul to consider cases between Americans and British subjects 257
- Taxation:
- Austria-Hungary, disagreement between the delegations respecting 29
- increased taxation to meet deficits and to protect domestic industry resorted to 29, 32, 44
- Chili: deficits for several years; income tax suggested; increased imposts 83, 91
- France: tariff revision; return to protection; higher duties 170
- Germany: increased taxation; the budget for 1878–’79 202, 204
- Hayti: the consular invoice fee of 1 per cent, held to be a measure of taxation 416
- Japan: 52,275,000 yen to be raised by taxation; three-fourths of the whole tax now raised from the land tax 513
- Tokei Times; report of the minister of finance 514
- Mexico: increased taxation; active contraband trade; revenues falling off 658, 660
- Portugal: deficiency $3,000,000; increase of taxation 744
- Russia: article on finances and war expenses from Journal of St. Petersburg; budget for 1876 751, 753
- Spain: tariff changes for 1878–’79 749
- Switzerland: deficits anticipated for some years to come; increased military expenses; higher tariff, especially on tobacco 829, 841
- Egypt: ministry reconstituted; Rivers Wilson report of inquiry accepted; revenue reform instituted 924, 926
- Tunis: increased tonnage tax to meet expenses of light-house service 931, 932, 933
- Taylor, Mr. Bayard: his appointment as minister to Berlin received with satisfaction 204
- Telegraph conference: Mr. Pierrepont authorized to attend 237
- Tereshima Munenori: respecting harbor regulations for port of Yokohama 489
- Territorial waters: question of jurisdiction of courts of England over, as illustrated in the Franconia-Strathclyde case 245
- Tientsin, viceroy of: grants concession to mine iron and coal and build railroad 122
- Tong King-Sing, Mr.: receives concession to mine coal and iron and build railway north of Tientsin 122
- Tokei garrison: revolt of part of; order of minister of war; revolt suppressed 508
- Tonnage tax, Spain: excessive charges made in Cuban ports
through read-measurement, of vessels; (see Consul-General Hall’s report) 765
- protesting against 50 cent advance in tonnage tax upon Spanish vessels, and basing request for its remission upon equality accorded American ships with Spanish ships in Spanish ports 804
- excess of tax to be remitted upon proof of reciprocity enjoyed in Spanish ports 806, 807
- case of bark Los Amigos; amendment of treasury circular to include all cases where excess was paid, whether under protest or not, asked 815
- Treasury Department willing to refund excess of tax 818
- (See Admeasurement of vessels; Moorsom system; The Netherlands; and Spain.)
- Tourists’ effects: customs circular from the Treasury 184
- Trade reports: as to state of trade; business habits and systems; character of circulating medium; relation borne by paper to coin 2
- Trade:
- Austria: great depression prevails; attributed to effect of free-trade treaty; with Germany; treaty denounced 19
- Brazil: chiefly in the hands of the English; American goods shipped to England and re-exported thence to Brazil; need of direct communication with the United States; steam line established.60, 61, 66, 67
- Central America: coffee crop generally good; peace prevails 80
- Chili: time favorable for negotiation of commercial treaty 85
- trade depressed; committee of inquiry as to causes of depression appointed 83
- France: trade policy indicated by tariff policy; a barter of privileges policy 170
- Germany: trade policy indicated by tariff revision in direction of increased taxation 202, 204
- Greece: trade report; imports $18,500,000, exports $11,400,000;
enumeration of articles of import and export 358
- duty on cotton and cotton seed abolished 360
- Hawaiian Islands: Americans not taking advantage of reciprocity
treaty; trade in hands of European traders 379
- articles of import indicated 379
- Hayti: excessive consular invoice tax repressive in its effect; agriculture in a low condition; coffee crop good 411, 446
- Mexico: contraband trade unrestrained; “honest commerce”
endangered 578, 680
- trade with the United States discussed in letter to Chicago manufacturers 636
- (See Mexico; Frontier relations.)
- Morocco: affected by the famine and cholera; food imported; prices advanced 300 per cent 684
- Persia: aggregate foreign trade $18,000,000; opening for American enterprise 46
- Peru: trade report; exports and imports; bulk of trade with
England; no means of direct communication with the United States;
freights against the United States 724
- anxiety of Peru to negotiate reciprocity treaty, admitting grain free of duty in exchange for admission of sugar free into our ports 729
- Portugal: country measurably prosperous; deficits; heavy taxation 744
- Russia: discriminating duty in favor of tools and wines imported by land 747, 751
- Spain: the trade policy indicated by tariff policy to compel special trade treaties; tariff changes for 1878–’79 794
- Switzerland: suffering great depression; increased expenses and increased taxation 829
- Egypt: report upon the coal trade; in the hands of England; imports, at Alexandria, 300,000 tons; at Port Said, 250, 000 tons 914
- Venezuela: Great depression; coffee crop a partial failure; revival dependent upon good coffee crop 939, 940, 943
- Trade dollar: China: currency circulation regulated by custom; trade dollar circulates in Amoy, Canton, Foo Chow, Swatow, and the Formosan ports; received for customs at proclamation rate; the subject of its circulation fully discussed in consular reports 93, 101, 141
- Tariff:
- Austria-Hungary: tariff policy revision and advance in rates 19, 24, 29, 32, 44
- Guatemala: reduction of duty on flour $1 per quintal 75
- Chili: tariff policy; revision and advance in rates 83, 91
- France: tariff policy; revision and advance in rates 170
- Germany: tariff policy; revision and advance in rates 202, 204
- Greece: duty on cotton and cotton seed abolished 361
- Hawaiian Islands: efforts of England to have rate of discriminating duty incidentally imposed through operation of reciprocity treaty fixed at 10 per cent. ad valorem 382
- Hayti: increase of duty through imposition of invoice-certification tax 416
- Mexico. (See Debt and trade reports.)
- Peru. (See Peruvian finances and trade reports): policy to negotiate special trade treaty as to grain and sugar 712, 724, 729
- Russia. (See article on Russian finances) 749
- Spain: tariff policy to induce negotiation of special trade treaties; tariff changes for 1878–’9 794
- Switzerland: tariff policy; revision and advance in rates 829
- Egypt: policy of reform under the Rivers Wilson programme 924, 926
- Trade-mark convention with Great Britain signed 237
- Treasury:
- Netherlands; Spain; Moorsom system 703, 706, 707, 708, 765, 768,
774, 787
- (See Admeasurement of vessels.)
- tonnage tax (Spain and Tunis) 765, 804, 806, 807, 815, 818, 931, 932, 933
- discriminating duties (Russia) 747, 751, 752, 755, 758, 762
- Haytian invoice tax 411, 415, 416, 427, 428, 445
- dutiable articles between Canada and the United States 350, 351, 355, 357
- collisions at sea 354, 355
- aid to disabled ships 351, 352
- consular certificates to clearances 71
- Netherlands; Spain; Moorsom system 703, 706, 707, 708, 765, 768,
774, 787
- Treaty: “most favored nation “clause best basis for commercial treaties
- Austria-Hungary; free trade treaty with Germany denounced 19
- Chili: effect of denunciation of 1849 upon treaty of 1832 85, 87
- power to negotiate new treaty will be granted if time be thought favorable 87
- China: treaty with Spain as to treatment of Chinese in Cuba; good offices of the United States requested; text and analysis of treaty 96
- Colombia: extradition treaty to be negotiated; case of C. G. Scraiford 151
- France: commercial policy to require negotiation of special trade treaties 170
- Germany: naturalization cases under treaties of 1868 210, 216, 225, 228, 229, 232, 233
- Great Britain: report of the royal commission on extradition; a revision of laws and treaties suggested 268
- Italy: consular convention denounced by Italy; objection taken to
Article VI, respecting immunity to consular dwellings; willing to
negotiate new treaty omitting that clause 462
- recommending a treaty respecting marriages contracted between Italians and citizens of the United States; great uncertainty as to the attitude of the Italian courts respecting marriages performed without strict observance of the civil code 465
- Persia: possibility of negotiating a favorable trade convention with, suggested 46
- Peru: a reciprocity treaty respecting grain and sugar desired 729
- Russia: discriminating duty on importations by land thought to be an infraction of the treaty of 1832 747, 751, 752, 755, 762
- Switzerland: negotiation of a treaty to secure recognition of right of expatriation, suggested 841
- Russia-Turkey: armistice 855
- An examination of existing treaties, in view of the changes made by the treaties of San Stefano and Berlin, recommended by Mr. Kasson 50
- Trentino: the question of the, discussed 475
- Trieste: Austrian by five centuries of occupation 475
- Tunis: Gettysburg visits ports of; well receved; President gratified at reception 929, 931
- Turkey: the military situation in Armenia, upon the Lom, at
the Shipka Pass, and at Plevna 847, 849
- British fleet off the Bosphorus; Russians threaten to enter the city; consternation 853
- corps of Christians to be added to the army 849, 852
- speech of the Sultan upon opening Parliament; reforms promised 852
- summary of armistice 855
- treaty of San Stefano; historical sketch of San Stefano 859, 865
- text of Lord Salisbury’s note of April 1, and of Prince Gortschakoff’s reply of April 9 872
- text of convention of Constantinople; Cyprus occupied 886, 890
- Turkish note upon the claims of Greece 890
- text of treaty of Berlin 894
- condition of Armenia, Bulgaria, and the Turkish provinces generally since the war 890, 894, 913
- rapid changes of ministry; Safvet Pasha appointed grand vizier 884, 885
- passport and police regulations 884
- stipulations of treaty of Berlin being executed 890
- Turkey the field of diplomatic intrigue 38
- visit of General Grant; press accounts 861
- Uruguay: revolutionary movements; Ex-Minister Machain killed; quiet restored 934
- Vallarta Señor: opinion of, in extradition case of Dominguez and Barrera
- Mr. Foster to unofficially inform him of the particulars of the Shatter expedition 536
- Vincent, St.: new site for naval cemetery at, selected 737
- Venezuela: commercial depression; revival dependent on good coffee crop
- continued depression; short coffee crop; excessive contraband trade 944
- constitutional convention called; uneasy political feeling 943, 944
- celebration of Fourth of July; press of Caracas upon the United States 938
- Brazil contrasted with the other South American countries; press comments; superior order, and higher civilization recognized 941
- national festival in commemoration of Bolivar 948
- Von Hoffman, Baron: Austrian minister of finances; financial views 30
- Vizier, Grand: office restored; that of prime minister abolished; Safvet Pasha appointed 884, 885
- Victor Emanuel: King of Italy; death; sketch of his career 487, 478, 479
- Volo: the Marion sent to; murder of Mr. Ogle; massacre of Macrinitza; funeral of Mr. Ogle in Athens 371, 372
- Vera Zasulitch: trial of, for attempt upon the life of General Trepoff 758
- Vessels: inquiring if Canada will allow American vessels to aid those
disabled in Canadian waters in exchange for same right to be granted to her
vessels in American waters 351
- case of tug Champion; need for such reciprocal agreement illustrated 352
- sailing rules for the avoidance of collisions at sea; accepted by the United States 354, 355
- (See Admeasurement of vessels: Moorsom system.)
- (See tonnage tax.)
- (See frontier relations with Canada: case of steamboat Nellie; restrictions upon the free navigation of the Stickine.)
- Waddington, Mr.: appointed minister for foreign affairs of France 167
- note respecting acceptance of invitation to the Paris Exposition; appointment of the commissioner-general 169
- Wages and rations of ordinary seamen: relative rates in Sweden and the United States 820
- Walsh, Camp, and Andrete arrested at Nueva Laredo for refusal to perform military service 576
- Washington, treaty of: fishery articles; Halifax award; protest, and
payment under protest 290, 314, 315, 316, 333, 334
- Newfoundland: Fortune Bay outrage 348, 284, 308, 314, 323, 333
- Article XXX: transportation of dutiable articles between Canada and the United States 350, 351, 355, 357
- Alaska: boundary line in valley of the Stickine temporarily established 339, 346, 347
- free navigation of the Stickine restricted by Canadian customs regulations; case of steamboat Nellie 352
- “the three rules clause,” discussion of, in respect of possible war between Great Britain and Russia 39
- Weights and measures: Argentine Republic; old Spanish system abolished; decimal system substituted 7
- Welsh, Mr.: conduct of the Condon case approved 287
- Weil, case of: naturalized citizen; ordered to leave Baden (see Germany) 216
- Willimek, case of: naturalized citizen; may return to Germany under two year clause of treaty 225
- Wilson, Mr. Rivers: report of committee of inquiry accepted by the Khedive; probable appointment as minister of finance of Egypt 924, 926
- Woodhouse bonds repudiated by Mexico. (See Mexican debt) 624
- Woolen goods: imported by Greece; Hawaiian Islands; Peru. (See respectively) 358, 379, 724
- Woosung Railway: Mr. Seward may join colleagues in
representing to the Chinese Government the in advisability of discontinuing
it 94
- before its destruction used by many Chinese; future of railways in China discussed 95
- Woosung-Shanghai Telegraph: consuls to make common effort to maintain status quo respecting 102
- Wrecked and disabled vessels: application to Canada to allow reciprocal aid to 351, 352
- Yang-tze River: modification of trade regulations 146
- Yellow fever: contribution of the President of France 182
- Yokohama: harbor regulations; approved; correspondence between Admiral Reynolds, Mr. Bingham, and the Japanese minister for foreign affairs 486
- Zaldna, Señor Fran’co J.: secretary for foreign affairs of Colombia; note in Scrafford case 154
- Zamacona, Mr. de: presentation to the President 675
- endeavors to extend trade with Mexico. (See Mr. Foster’s letter to Chicago manufacturers 636
- Zasulitch, Vera: trial for attempt upon the life of General Trepoff. (See Russia) 758
- Zona Libre: its establishment a measure of hostility to American commerce 654