No. 514.
Mr. Maynard to Mr. Evarts.

No. 253.]

Sir: I have the honor to announce another change in the imperial ministry. Yesterday was abolished the office of prime minister, created three months ago, and held in succession by His Highness Ahmed Vefik [Page 885] Pasha and His Highness Sadik Pasha (dispatches No. 221, February 5, 1878, and No. 244, April 22, 1878), and the office of Grand Vizier restored and conferred upon His Highness Mehmet Ruchdi Pasha.

The imperial hatt (decree) usual to such occasions, and in the Turkish language, has not, so far as I am aware, been translated for publication. The substance appears in the papers of to-day.

The Grand Vizier is an old man, connected for many years past with public affairs, and now holds the office for the fifth time (dispatches No. 66, May 12, 1876, and No. 113, December 27, 1876). Since December 18, 1876, the date of his last retirement, he has remained withdrawn from official life until a few weeks ago, when he was recalled by the Sultan to the ministry, but without a portfolio.

Saturday last, the 25th instant, His Highness Mahmoud Damad Pasha, who had been in retirement since the 5th of February (see dispatch of that date), was made minister of war.

Coming after the events of last week, these changes are supposed to indicate a wish on the part of the Sultan to surround himself with ministers on whom he can personally rely.

I am, & c.,

[Inclosure in No. 253.]

Abolition of the title of prime minister.—New arrangements and appointments.

Yesterday evening, while the ministers were holding a special council at the Sublime Porte, under the presidency of Sadik Pasha, their deliberations were suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the second chamberlain of the palace, Osman Bey, who announced to the prime minister, Sadik Pasha, that he was charged by His Majesty the Sultan to receive from his excellency the seals of the state.

A few minutes afterward the Sheik-ul-Islam was called to the palace by the first chamberlain, Kiazim Bey.

The sitting of the ministers had not broken up before a telegram was received from the palace notifying the elevation of His Highness Mehemed Rushdi Pasha to the post of Grand Vizier, and ordering the ordinary ceremonies of installation to be at once proceeded with.

About half past eight o’clock, accordingly, everything was completed in the usual manner, the imperial hatt being read by the grand referendary, Said Pasha. It was very short; the substance being that Sadik Pasha was to resign his functions as prime minister, to give place to Mehemed Rushdi Pasha as Grand Vizier; that the latter was eminently capable of maintaining tranquillity in the state, and to inspire general confidence, while, at the same time, observing absolute respect for the sacred rights of the sovereign, as established by Ottoman law (Kanoun), the office of prime minister being-abolished and that of Grand Vizier restored as heretofore.

His Majesty terminates by expressing a hope that union and concord may prevail, so that the clauses of the constitution may be fully executed and the progress and prosperity of the country be thus assured.