No. 446.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts.

No. 43.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward to you herewith a copy of translation of a note from Mr. de Giers, in relation to injury done by foreign [Page 763] vessels to the torpedoes in the port of Odessa. Mr. de Giers requests that the dispositions taken by the authorities of Odessa may be brought to the attention of our people.

If I am correctly informed, although large quantities of the products of the United States are imported into Odessa, they are brought almost exclusively in foreign bottoms. Our flag is rarely seen in that port.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 43.—Translation.]

Mr. de Giers to Mr. Hoffman.

Sir: General Aide-de-Camp Séniéka, commanding the troops of the department of Odessa, informs the imperial ministry of foreign affairs that foreign merchant vessels are constantly causing, either through negligence or intentionally, much damage to be torpedoes submerged for the defense of the port of Odessa.

In view of this fact, the competent authorities have received instructions to proceed to an exact valuation of the damage inflicted in each instance, and to bring these affairs before the local tribunal.

I consider it my duty to inform you of the above-mentioned regulations, begging you to have the kindness to bring them to the knowledge of your countrymen, in order to avoid as much as possible all disputes and misunderstandings.

Receive the assurances, &c.,