No. 412.
Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts.

No. 211.]

Sir: In my dispatch No. 206 of October 20, 1 stated the cause of my remaining was the election about to take place and the fears of political disturbances.

The election day, or forming of the booths or polling tables, passed without bloodshed, the government having taken strong precautionary measures, said to be unconstitutional, but has had the effect of the dreaded day being passed without loss of life. I have given the Department some idea of the way elections are held in my dispatch No. 36, October 20, 1875. In dispatch No. 50, of January 13, and No. 90, of August 21, 1876, I have given some information of the different parties in the country, particularly in dispatches No. 127, of February 3, and No. 150, of May 12, of this year.

Since these dispatches have been written the country has been apparently formed into two grand political opposing parties the “Civilists,” as mentioned in the aforesaid notes, and the new-named party “Nationals,” or fusionists, composed of the adherents of President Prado, the military party, and the “Pierolists,” or ultra-montane party. Up to the present, here in Lima and adjoining places the “Nationals” have apparently carried the election.

It appears that in the present Congress, or the part that hold over, there is a majority for the “Civilists,” and the nationals are using all means, by electing their candidates, to counteract this but the Congress, when opening, July 28, have the power to decide who have been legally elected, and can throw out the claimants of the seats in senate or chamber of deputies, so apparently the Civilists have a preponderance of power.

The government has used very efficient preventive measures to avoid conflicts in the streets between the political clubs. The “Civilists” in their organs, three of the four principal daily papers of the city, make serious charges against the government, declaring that its interference by armed force is unlawful, and therefore the elections are a nullity, which will give cause for throwing out those who may be elected.

I am, &c.,