No. 337.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts.

No. 660.]

Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 432, of the 7th ultimo, making inquiry whether any of the assailants of the Rio Grande City jail had been arrested, tried, or punished in Mexico in accordance with the penal code, I have to report that, in a call which I made at the foreign office on the 26th ultimo, I directed Mr. Vallarta’s attention to the inquiry, and left with him a copy of your dispatch.

Under date of the 7th instant I received from Mr. Vallarta to-day a “verbal note,” of which I inclose a translation, in reply. The greater portion of the note is occupied with the demand made by Governor Hubbard, of Texas, for the extradition of the parties referred to; but in its conclusion Mr. Vallarta states that he has no information of the arrest, trial, or conviction of the criminals under the penal code, but that he has asked for reports from the authorities of Tamaulipas on the subject.

I also inclose a copy of my note acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Vallarta’s of the 7th instant.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 660.—Translation.]

Mr. Vallarta to Mr. Foster.

[Verbal note.]

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform Mr. John W. Foster, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, that he has examined the note which the Department of State, under date of December 7 last, addresses to him, instructing him to make inquiries as to whether all or any of the assailants of Rio Grande City have been apprehended, tried, and punished in conformity with the penal code, of which note Mr. Foster informally delivered a copy to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the conference of the 26th of December last.

[Page 540]

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, complying with the desires expressed by Mr. Foster, can inform him that the Government of Mexico, for very special reasons, already placed, through the medium of its legation, within the knowledge of the Government of the United States, ordered the extradition of the criminals of Rio Grande City and their delivery to the American authorities; that this act, entirely voluntary on the part of Mexico, as the criminals were Mexicans, and wrongly interpreted by the Governor of Texas, R. B. Hubbard, gave occasion not only for this official to ask the delivery by Mexico of other criminals, also Mexicans, as a duty imposed upon it by the treaty of extradition, which Mr. Foster knows to be inexact, but for him to pretend to demand it in the most improper terms, going so far as to intimate that the Mexican authorities were either unable to comply with the treaty or were animated by a spirit of hostility towards American citizens, or perhaps both; finally, that this conduct of Governor Hubbard, concerning which instructions have already been given to the Mexican legation in Washington, obliged the government not to insist upon the orders which it had issued for effecting the extradition of the criminals, very justly fearing that a concession in every respect gratuitous would be considered in the future as a duty, as was done at that time, notwithstanding the clear and explicit text of the treaty of extradition which binds the two neighboring republics.

Concerning the judicial proceeding which may have taken place subsequently in respect to the criminals, as the latter, according to the laws of the country, were consigned to the local authorities, which latter have not communicated their decision to the government, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs finds himself for the present unable to transmit to Mr. Foster the reports which are asked of him by the Department of State; but as they have already been asked of the authorities of Tamaulipas, they will be brought to the knowledge of Mr. Foster as soon as they are received in this department.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 660.]

Mr. Foster to Mr. Vallarta.


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt to-day of your excellency’s verbal note of the 7th instant, relating to the Rio Grande City jail assailants, and to state that I will forward a copy thereof to my government for its information.

I improve this opportunity to reiterate to your excellency the assurances of my distinguished esteem.