No. 261.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.

No. 12.]

Sir: As regards the condition of things in San Domingo, the neighboring republic of Hayti, I have learned from what I deem a reliable source that there exist there three parties engaged really, directly or indirectly, in the revolutionary movements at present progressing in that country.

Baez, the President of the republic, with his minister of war, Pablo Villanueva, and his chief general, José Maria Caminero, with a government force numbering from two to three thousand men, known as the “Reds,” favoring annexation and progress in all those things which pertain to the moral and material welfare of the people, seems able to meet and defeat those who seek to overthrow the government.

Luperon, a leader of one of the factions of the people, said to be an able and daring man of great force of character, with some two or three hundred followers, as yet neither organized nor armed, but designated and described as the “Blues,” favoring, like Baez, annexation and progress, is inclined to unite his forces with those of the government. If this be true, since the forces of the government are said to be loyal and firm as well as brave, the President must prove invincible and the government be sustained.

Gonzales, opposing both annexation and progress, insisting upon the payment of all national debts before incurring others, with a force numbering from three to five hundred, led by Isidoro Ortea, a young and dashing officer, and known as the “Greens,” attempts the overthrow of Baez. His movement would seem to be a determined one, conducted with vigor and pertinacity. It is reported that he has the sympathy of the Haytian Government, and that he receives from it, also, material aid.

I cannot do more, as far as this subject is concerned, than to give report. Le Moniteur, the organ of the Haytian Government, of this date, announces the return of the minister of war and marine, who has been absent from the capital some four weeks, upon a man-of-war cruising in the neighborhood of Cape Haytien, near the border line between the two countries, in the following terms, as translated:

“General Auguste Montas, Minister of War and Marine, arrived Tuesday evening at Port au Prince, after having accomplished, to the satisfaction of the chief of the state, the important mission which had been intrusted to him in the north.”

[Page 415]

What “the important mission” was is not stated. It is to be hoped that it had no connection with revolutionary movements in San Domingo.

I am informed that the troops of Baez are in good condition, loyal and firm, and armed with the Remington rifle. His Minister of War and chief general are said to be brave men.

The promptness and vigor employed in the recapture of Puerto Plata, taken and held for three days by Gonzales, indicate that these statements are true. I have been informed that the troops of the government, when some weeks ago the insurgents captured Puerto Plata, taking refuge in the forts, opened a random fire upon the city, cannonballs striking houses indiscriminately, killing and wounding natives and foreigners, no proper discrimination being observed even as to the sacred and inviolable rights and privileges of our consul residing there. Indeed, I have just learned that he has felt it to be his duty, in view of the insecurity, to leave, and is now on his way home.

Gonzales is said to be intending to attack Santo Domingo City and to besiege Santiago. He is exhibiting such determination and vigor that the impression seems to be gaining ground, in spite of the facts already stated, that the revolutionists must succeed ere long, Baez be overthrown, and the leader of the insurrectionary forces become his successor in the government.

I do not present the facts and statements herein submitted as absolutely reliable. I believe them, however, to be substantially correct, and they have come to my knowledge in such manner, and from such source, and seem to be of such character and importance as to justify prompt communication.

I have, &c.,