It is claimed by those well acquainted with the affairs of this republic that
it has not been, for years, so free from revolutionary tendency as at this
time. And while the present administration is not wholly free from adverse,
sharp criticism, as seen in the inclosure herein, taken from one of the most
prominent newspapers of this city, it seems to be giving very general
satisfaction, and may be said to be, in the main, popular.
It is certainly evidence of improving political health that such freedom of
the press, as indicated in the inclosures herein, is tolerated. Freedom of
debate, liberty of the press, agitation and instruction of the public mind,
are the only moral agencies calculated to cure this government of its
chronic and disastrous disorders.
I bring now to your attention the present apparently continuing peace, and
the improving political condition of this republic, as promise, it is to be
hoped, of its permanent condition at no distant day.
[Inclosure in No.
[From Le Constitutionnel, No. 22,
dated November 24,
The Moniteur of Saturday, November 17, contains the following circular of
the ministry of finances:
“The Minister of Finance, who leaves niothing undone in order to give
every satisfaction to the numerous holders of government obligations of
the current service, regrets not to be able to settle these vouchers at
the present moment, he not having at his disposal the ready money
pertaining to this service.
[Page 413]
“The government, whose greatest anxiety is to extinguish this outstanding
debt, intends to authorize the Secretary of State to make a loan to that
effect. But before taking this step, it is made his duty to have paid in
to the public treasury all the values belonging to the current service,
and which still remain due in different localities, notably at Port au
Prince, by certain houses of the higher commerce, amounting to about
“The public prosecutor has already seized several accounts of debtors,
and before long the superior administration hopes to be able to cause to
cease the sufferings of the functionaries who are still in possession of
their orders on the treasury for salary, dues, &c.”
We are aware that many persons having in their possession government
vouchers and obligations of the current service have offered to the
Minister of Finance to compensate or give them in payment for the fixed
import duties of the same service.
The minister refuses. The debtors likewise refuse to pay. This is very
simple. One owes to the government and is likewise holder of its
signature for expenses of a similar service. Is there anything fairer,
more rational, than compensation?
And for what reason, then, does the Minister of Finance now justify
himself? As long as he shall persist in this course he will not advance
one step. There does not exist a tribunal who can condemn a debtor of
the government who is at the same time its creditor to an equal extent
to pay first to the government and then to await the pleasure of the
administration to be paid in turn. This surpasses all imagination and
can only be witnessed in Hayti.
The principle which we defend is so sacred that the chambers even, and
that is not saying little, consecrated it in its first law on the
sinking fund in relation to both debtors and creditors of the government
prior to the revolution.
Thus the justification of the Minister of Finance is not admissible. The
numerous holders of government obligations of the current service suffer
only through his doings. He has only to allow that which is just, that
which cannot be refused by law, and the situation will soon have been
changed; all these arrears, amounting to $313,000, due on the current
service, will vanish. The government will find itself with its signature
paid, which to-day is dishonored; and the debtors of the government will
have accomplished their engagements to it.
The minister, Felix Carrié, shudders when one pronounces before him the
word compensation. He is wrong in this, and one
can easily see that he is prejudiced. As regards ourselves, suppose we
are told that we must not receive a voucher bearing our signature in
compensation, or in payment of an account, this could not enter our
head; still more, we would be taxed as being of bad faith, and that
rightly. But, in Hayti, one is so accustomed to treat government affairs
outside of all prescribed rules, outside of all principles of justice
and equity, outside of all common right, that to-day he has become
accustomed to this.
And soon we shall no longer perceive that justice, reason, nature even,
are outraged by the government which is placed there to protect
The minister, Felix Carrié does not wish that the government obligations
be discounted under his administration. The means which he employs to
this end give very negative results. What happens? The treasury not
having the means to pay these obligations on demand, the bearers always
have recourse to discount. In losing a little they obtain the money
necessary to transact their business. The discounter at his turn gives
them to the government in payment of the fixed duties for importation.
The more favorably these papers are received in payment, or in
compensation, the lesser the difficulty the government makes to
receiving them, the smaller the discount. This is natural. In refusing
to accept the government vouchers in payment, or in compensation, the
discount becomes higher; and as the principle in virtue of which these
papers depreciate misery augments. The employees not being able to have
these papers discounted die of hunger. And as the principle in virtue of
which one acts thus is unjust, one can say even immoral, your debtor,
when the opportunity offers itself to him to do likewise, imagines
himself as acting perfectly right.
Under date of October the 19th last, the Minister of Finance, in a
circular addressed to the administrators of the finances of the
republic, clearly establishes that without an express order of his
department the treasurers shall receive only in
compensation for duties of the current service but the government
obligatians of the current service.
How can one write a circular like the above when he is the first to
infringe it in not accepting, in compensation for duties of the current
service, the government obligations of the current service?
In virtue of this circular, without an order of the Minister of Finance,
the treasurers are positively invited to accept, in compensation of
duties of the current service, the government obligations of the current
service. And an order is only necessary when one desires to use the
vouchers of one service to the discharge of the debts of another
It is, therefore, on purpose that we repeat so often, and that we
underline in such a marked manner, the phrases of the circular which it
behooves the treasurers to fully understand in order to carry on
regularly the public service.
[Page 414]
It is, therefore, likewise on purpose that, in the number of the
Constitutionnel of the 27th of October last, we dissected this circular,
executed only in favor of a few favorites, and refused to others, who,
nevertheless, have rendered the greatest service, to the country without
speculation, without any hope whatsoever of reward.
The regrets of the minister of finance are therefore superfluous. They
are without value, and the intelligent public accepts them for what they
are worth. He well knows that it only depends on him to obtain the ready
funds pertaining to the current service in order to liquidate the
obligations of the government which are in arrears.
The greatest anxiety of the government is really to extinguish this
arrear. The road which its minister of finance takes to that end may
lead there some day perhaps, but is it necessary for that to go to
Cochin China when it requires only to remain where one is? O, there are
always people who manage to drown themselves in a glass of water.