231. Telegram From the Embassy in Ethiopia to the Department of State1

6032. Subject: Approach to Soviets and Ethiopians on Ethiopian Food Truce. Ref: State 366048.2

1. (S—Entire text)

2. Saw Acting Foreign Minister Tibebu Bekele afternoon December 13 and conveyed points para eight reftel, stressing non-political, humanitarian nature of our concern. I asked that Tibebu pass these points to Chairman Mengistu and Foreign Minister Goshu during their current travels. (Ethiopian radio has announced that Mengistu is on his way to Cuba. We understand he will proceed to Moscow after Havana.)

3. Tibebu said he wanted to give a “preliminary reaction” to our points. After expressions of appreciation for USG Food Assistance and for USG assurances that its assistance is humanitarian and non-political, Tibebu said in fact the request USG is making of Ethiopian Government is political. USG is asking the Ethiopian Government to make arrange [Page 625] ments with “criminals” and “bandits.” Tibebu said “any request for a so-called third party understanding or alternative routing for delivery of food is a political request to which the Ethiopian Government will have to give a political response.” Tibebu added that Ethiopian Government will regard USG’s raising this matter as an “unfriendly” action. Tibebu said USG is operating on basis of a misconception of situation in the north of Ethiopia. If food is not getting to all parts of Ethiopia, the fault is not that of the Government of Ethiopia but of criminal elements who impede the free flow of food. USG should not ask the Government of Ethiopia to come to terms with these criminal elements but should tell them to cease their criminal activities. The Ethiopian Government desires to see food moved to all places in Ethiopia. The only solution to the problem, Tibebu said, is for the Ethiopian Government to put on more security to assure movement of food, not for Ethiopian Government to be asked to reach agreements with criminal elements. Tibebu continued in this vein for some time before in peroration declaring that it is “inconceivable” that the USG would want the Ethiopian Government to reach an understanding with criminals that would allow them to pursue their actions.

4. I said I regretted that both our presentation and our purpose had been so seriously misconstrued. We did not ask the Ethiopian Government to reach agreements with opposition elements, and we have no political purpose in mind. We are only trying to find a practical solution to the problem of getting food to people in the northern regions of the country where governments and world public opinion know that thousands are starving. We are seeking to consult with the Ethiopian Government to find a way to get food to Ethiopian citizens in dire need.

5. Tibebu’s response to this was that “We won’t modify how we operate in this country, criminals will be dealt with as criminals.” Tibebu added that if the USG finds it cannot continue to assist the Ethiopian Government because of “these constraints”, then the USG will have to “decide what to do.”

6. Comment: Tibebu would not have ventured the above response had he not been quite sure it would meet with Mengistu’s approval. My guess is that in this instance, unlike earlier ones, he will convey to Mengistu in Havana or Moscow our approach, together with a detailed and eloquent rendering of his reply.

7. Department pass Moscow and other addresses reftel as desired.

  1. Source: Reagan Library, African Affairs Directorate, NSC: Records, Ethiopian Developments—Working File [1984]. Secret; Immediate; Nodis.
  2. Printed in Document 230.