294. Memorandum From Robert Pastor of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1


  • The US Response to Nicaragua (U)

I strongly recommend that you use the first few minutes of the SCC on Central America to gain agreement on a US policy response to the new government in Nicaragua. This response should contain the following elements:

—We should first immediately consult with our Latin American friends (Panama, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Andean countries) on an agreed strategy to the new government. We should withhold recogni [Page 715] tion until a number of other Latin American countries have recognized it. (S)

—We should begin immediately Congressional consultations with the purpose of seeking support for “responsive and forthcoming” US approach to the new government in Nicaragua.2 (S)

—We should immediately give instructions to Bowdler to tell the Junta that we are prepared to deliver on an urgent and massive basis sufficient food, medicines and humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of the people of Nicaragua at this difficult time. We should also indicate to them that we are prepared to be very helpful in the area of reconstruction assistance.3 (S)

—Soon after Bowdler meets with the Junta, we should issue a public statement indicating that we intend to be as helpful as possible in meeting the needs of the war-torn country of Nicaragua—both in terms of humanitarian and reconstruction assistance. (S)

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 56, Nicaragua: 7/79–9/79. Secret. Sent for information. For the summary of conclusions of the SCC meeting and additional documentation, see Documents 472 and 473.
  2. An unknown hand inserted an “a” between “for” and “responsive.”
  3. An unknown hand drew a vertical line in the margin next to this paragraph and underlined the phrase “reconstruction assistance.”