116. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the Station in the Congo1
Dir 07103 (Out 77554). 1. Foll responds request Leop 3705 (In 23506)2 for HQS and ODACID guidance, based talks ODACID bureau level 27 Apr.
2. Given Adoula views per Embtel 26213 and others, foll courses action open to him:
A. Continue negotiate with Tshombe in good faith. This unlikely given his conviction Tshombe stalling.
B. Pressure UN and US give him stronger support in terms real or implied threat to Tshombe by threatening seek Afro Asian or bloc support or by threat resign in favor radicals. This course likely.
C. Actually turn to Afro Asians or bloc for support. Could inadvertently drift into this as result above course.
D. Seek mil solution using ANC. This unlikely without C above.
E. Resign. While no sign he considering, continued frustration and deteriorating health might lead to it.
3. Possible ODYOKE courses action:
A. Continue urge Adoula reach agreement with Tshombe under present conditions. View Adoula attitude and political realities, this at best short term holding action.
B. Give Adoula stronger support in terms backing tax plan or similar action. This could lead to round three which, if controlled, could erode Tshombe position to point he willing accept reasonable Adoula terms. However UKG, GOB and segment US opinion abhor action risking round three.
C. Support mil or polit coup leading to GOC willing accept Tshombe terms for loose federation of relatively autonomous provinces. This might serve increase bloc opportunities for penetration and would at best lead to even less stable situation.
D. Withdraw and try isolate Congo from other foreign influence. This considered and rejected as impossible.
[Page 161]4. Current ODACID position is ODYOKE will not fully commit self to tax plan without concurrence UKG and GOB. 27 Apr talks indicate this most unlikely be forthcoming.
5. You may share gist above with [Gullion] stressing this result our informal talks at bureau level.
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 1, Folder 10, [cryptonym not declassified] Operations. Secret; Rybat; [cryptonym not declassified]; Routine. Drafted by [name not declassified] and released by Tweedy (C/AF).↩
- Leop believed current political situation required contingency planning. [Footnote in the original.] See Document 114.↩
- See Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, volume XX, Congo Crisis, Document 219.↩