Abbreviations and Cryptonyms
- ABAKO, Alliance des Ba-Kongo
- ACOA, American Committee on Africa
- ADV, Advance Echelon
- AF, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- AF/P, Public Affairs Adviser, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- AFB, Air Force Base
- AFC, Office of Central African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- AFI, Office of Inter-African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
- AID, Agency for International Development
- Amb, ambassador
- ammo, ammunition
- ANC, Armée Nationale Congolaise, Congolese National Army
- AP, Associated Press
- ARMA, Army Attaché
- ARMISHI/MAAG, U.S. Army Mission in Iran/Military Assistance Advisory Group
- BAFM, Belgian Air Force Mission
- BALUBAKAT, Association des Baluba du Katanga
- BCF, Belgian Congo Franc
- BF, Belgian Franc
- BLOC, communist bloc
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- BRUS, Brussels
- CA, covert action
- C/AF, Chief, Africa Bureau, Central Intelligence Agency
- CAF, Congolese Air Force
- CAR, Central African Republic
- CAS, controlled American source
- CCC, Congo Conciliation Commission
- CDA, Comité Démocratique Africain
- Chicom, Chinese Communist(s)
- Chinat, Chinese nationals
- CI, counterinsurgency
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CINCEUR, Commander in Chief, European Command
- CINCLANT, Commander in Chief, Armed Forces, Atlantic
- CINCMEAFSA, Commander in Chief, Middle East/South Asia and Africa South of the Sahara
- CINCSTRIKE, Commander in Chief, Strike Command
- CIVOPS, Civilian Operations in the Congo (UN)
- CJCS, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- CNA, Congo National Army
- CNL, Committee of National Liberation
- CO, Commanding Officer
- COMINT, communications intelligence
- COMISH, U.S. military mission, Congo
- COMUSJTF, Commander, U.S. Joint Task Force
- CONACO, Comité Nationale du Congo [Tshombe’s party]
- CONAKAT, Confédération des Association Tribales du Katanga
- Contels, consulate telegrams
- COQ, Coquilhatville (Congo)
- COS, Chief of Station
- CP, Communist Party
- CRS/CB, Central Reference Service, Collection Branch, Central lntelligence Agency
- CS, Chief of Staff
- CWG, Congo Working Group
- DCI, Director of Central intelligence
- DCI/OCA, Office of Congressional Affairs, Office of the Director of Central Intelligence
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- DDO/AF, Africa Division, Office of the Deputy Director for Operations, Central lntelligence Agency
- DDO/IMS, Information Management Staff, Office of the Deputy Director for Operations, Central lntelligence Agency
- DDP, Deputy Director for Plans, Central lntelligence Agency
- DDP/AF, Africa Division, Office of the Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- DEFCON, defense readiness condition
- DEFMIN, defense minister
- DEL, delegation
- DEPCIRCTEL, Department of State, circular telegram
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- Deptoff, Department of State Officer
- DIR, Director
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DOD/GC, General Counsel, Department of Defense
- DOS, Department of State
- DR, Dragon Rouge, U.S.-Belgian military operation into Stanleyville to rescue the foreign community
- DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Eliz, Elizabethville
- Emboff, Embassy Officer
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- EST, Eastern Standard Time
- ETA, estimated time of arrival
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/FBX, Country Director for France, Benelux, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/SPP, Country Director for Spain and Portugal, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EXDIS, Exclusive Distribution (acronym indicating extremely limited distribution or dissemination)
- FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
- FI, foreign intelligence
- FM, Foreign Minister
- FONMIN, Foreign Minister
- FMS, Foreign Military Sales
- FOL, following
- FONOFF, Foreign Office
- FRC, Federal Records Center
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- GA, General Assembly (UN)
- GDRC, Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- GOB, Government of Belgium
- GOC, Government of the Congo
- GOCL, Government of the Congo at Léopoldville
- GOK, Government of Katanga
- GON, Government of Nigeria
- GOR, Government of Rwanda
- GOT, Government of Tanzania
- GOU, Government of Uganda
- Govts, governments
- GRAE, Angolan Revolutionary Government in Exile
- GRC, Government of the Republic of China
- HIM, His Imperial Majesty
- HM, His Majesty
- HMG, Her Majesty’s Government
- HQS, headquarters
- IBRD, lnternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
- Iden, identity
- ICJ, lnternational Court of Justice
- ICRC, lnternational Committee of the Red Cross
- IEG, Imperial Ethiopian Government
- IMF, lnternational Monetary Fund
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INTEL, intelligence
- IO/UNP, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of lnternational Organization Affairs, Department of State
- ITM, Italian Training Mission
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JTF, joint task force
- KATGENS, Katangan gendarmes
- KUBARK, Central Intelligence Agency
- Leo, Léopoldville
- LEOP, Léopoldville
- LIMDIS, limited distribution
- M, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- MAP, Military Assistance Aid Program
- memcon, memorandum of conversation
- merc, mercenary
- MIL, military
- MNC, Mouvement National Congolais
- MOD, Minister of Defense
- MPC, Mouvement Populaire Congolais
- msg, message
- MTT, mobile training team
- NATO, North American Treaty Organization
- NIACT, needs immediate action
- NOFORN, No Foreign Dissemination
- NSC, National Security Council
- OASD, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
- OASD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- OAU, Organization of African Unity
- OCAM, Organzation Commune Africaine et Malagache (African-Malagasy Common Organization)
- ODACID, U.S. Department of State
- ODDI, Office of the Deputy Director of Intelligence
- ODYOKE, U.S. Government
- OEP, Office of Emergency Planning
- OPIM, Operational Immediate
- Ops, operations
- Org, organization
- PARA, paratroop; paragraph
- PBPRIME, United States
- PBPRIMERS, Americans
- PM, Prime Minister
- PNG, persona non grata
- PNP, Parti National du Progress
- POLAD, political adviser
- POLIT, political
- Polto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations to the Department of State
- PRIMIN, prime minister
- psywar, psychological warfare
- PSA, Parti Solidaire Africain
- PUNA, Parti de l’Unité National
- QTE, quote
- RADECO, Ressemblement des Démocrates Congolaise
- Re, regarding
- REFTEL, reference telegram
- Rep, representative
- reps, representatives
- RG, Record Group
- Roger, channel for communications between the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research (INR) and the chief of mission
- rpt, repeat
- Rybat, communications indicator that limits the distribution of sensitive material
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/AH, Office of the Ambassador at Large
- SA, South Africa
- SAC, Strategic Air Command
- SAG, South African Government
- SC RES, Security Council resolutions
- SC, Security Council (UN)
- SCS, Office of Special Consular Services
- SG, Special Group
- SITREP, situation report
- SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
- SOV, Soviet
- SQ, squadron
- Sta, station
- STAN, Stanleyville
- STEY, Stanleyville
- STRCC, Strike Command cable
- SYG, Secretary-General (UN)
- telcon, telephone conversation
- UAMCE, Union for African and Malagasy Economic Cooperation
- UAR, United Arab Republic
- UEAC, Union des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale (Congo)
- UK, United Kingdom
- UKG, Government of the United Kingdom
- UM, Union Miniere (Congo)
- UMHK, Union Miniere du Haut Katanga (Congo)
- UN, United Nations
- UNDP, United Nations Development Program
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNOC, United Nations Operations, Congo
- UNP, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- UNQTE, unquote
- UNREP, United Nations Representative
- UNSYG, Secretary General of the United Nations
- UPI, United Press International
- URTEL, urgent telegram
- USAF, United States Air Force
- USG, United States Government
- USIA, United State Information Agency
- USRO, United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations and European Regional Organizations
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- USUN, United States Mission at the United Nations
- VDW, Frederick Van der Walle
- VOA, Voice of America
- VP, Vice President
- WH, White House
- WHO, World Health Organization