34. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Dulles and President Eisenhower
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries. No classification marking. The President was in Washington.
35. Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Planning Board
Source: Department of State, S/S-NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5801 Memoranda. Top Secret; Limited Distribution. Submitted to the NSC by Lay under cover of a memorandum of July 29, which stated that the enclosed list of policy issues prepared by the NSC Planning Board was transmitted as the basis of the NSC discussion on July 31; see Document 36.
36. Memorandum of Discussion at the 374th Meeting of the National Security Council
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Boggs on August 1.
38. Memorandum for the Record
Source: Department of State, S/P–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, Near East, U.S. Policy Toward (NSC 5820). Top Secret. Drafted by Howard Furnas of the Policy Planning Staff, who was also the Department of State Alternate Assistant to the NSC Planning Board.
40. Special National Intelligence Estimate
Source: Department of State, INR–NIE Files. Secret. A note on the cover sheet indicates that this estimate, submitted by the CIA, was prepared by CIA, INR, and the intelligence organizations of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Joint Staff. All members of the IAC concurred with the estimate on August 12, except the representatives of the AEC and the FBI who abstained on the grounds that the subject was outside their jurisdiction.
41. Memorandum From the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Murphy) to Acting Secretary of State Herter
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.80/8–1558. Top Secret.
42. Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Planning Board
Source: Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5820 Memoranda. Secret. S. Everett Gleason transmitted this paper to the NSC as a basis for discussion at the NSC meeting of August 21 (Document 43). A note on the covering memorandum indicates that Secretary Dulles saw it. Herter attended the NSC meeting in place of Dulles, who was in New York. Berry sent Herter an August 20 briefing memorandum on this Planning Board Paper. (Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5801 Memoranda)
43. Memorandum of Discussion at the 377th Meeting of the National Security Council
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Gleason on August 22.
44. Paper Prepared by Secretary of State Dulles
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.80/8–1558. Top Secret.
45. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Berry) to Acting Secretary of State Herter
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.80/8–1558. Top Secret. Drafted by Newsom, cleared by Rockwell. On August 18, Howe sent a copy of Murphy’s memorandum of August 15 (enclosure to Document 41) to Berry and informed him that Herter considered Murphy’s recommendations important and asked that NEA prepare a position paper on each item by August 21. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.80/8–1558)
47. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Rountree) to Secretary of State Dulles
Source: Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5801 Memoranda. Top Secret. Drafted by Symmes with concurrences from Graham Martin, Dillon’s Special Assistant, and Wilcox. A note on the source text indicates that the Secretary saw this memorandum.
48. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McElroy
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.80/10–1458. Top Secret. On October 14 Lay transmitted this memorandum and its enclosure to the members of the NSC for their consideration prior to the meeting on October 16.
49. Memorandum of Discussion at the 383d Meeting of the National Security Council
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Gleason on October 17.
50. Memorandum of Discussion at the 384th Meeting of the National Security Council
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Gleason on October 31.
51. National Security Council Report
Source: Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5820 Memoranda. Top Secret.
52. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Rountree) to Secretary of State Dulles
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 110.15–RO/12–2758. Top Secret; Limit Distribution. Notes on this memorandum indicate that Dulles and Herter saw this report.
- The date is handwritten on the source text followed by a question mark.↩