United States Interest in Preventing Communist Subversion
442. Memorandum From the Deputy Director for Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency (Wisner) to the President’s Special Assistant (Rockefeller)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 100.4–OCB/6–656. Secret. On June 6 a copy of this memorandum was sent to Walworth Barbour under a covering memorandum from T.W. Parker, Executive Secretary of the Planning Coordination Group. (Ibid.)
443. Letter From the Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs (Young) to the Consul General in Singapore (Berry)
Source: Department of State, SEA Files: Lot 58 D 207, Malayan Correspondence (1955). Secret; Official–Informal.
444. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs (Young) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)
Source: Department of State, FE Files: Lot 56 D 679, Malaya. Secret. Drafted by Foster. Also sent to Sebald.
446. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Murphy)
Source: Department of State, FE Files: Lot 56 D 679, Malaya. Confidential. Drafted by Rufus Z. Smith.
447. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Under Secretary of State (Hoover)
Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Singapore and Malaya, General. Secret. Drafted by Smith.
448. Staff Study Prepared by an Interdepartmental Committee for the Operations Coordinating Board
Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Singapore and Malaya, Documents. Secret. The interdepartmental committee included representatives of the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Information Agency, and the International Cooperation Administration. The study was considered by the Operations Coordinating Board at its regular meeting on December 14. A background note, prepared for the users of the study, pointed out that a working group on NSC 5405 and NSC 5503 was drafting possible courses of action with regard to the overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaya which might be brought to the attention of British officials if they proved responsive to the more general approach outlined in the study. For information on NSC 5405, see Document 441. For text of NSC 5503, “U.S. Policy toward Formosa and the Government of the Republic of China”, January 15, 1955, see vol. II, p. 30.
449. Circular Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 797.00/1–1456. Secret. Drafted by Smith and cleared in draft with BNA, ICA, USIA, and the Department of Defense. Initialed for Dulles by Robertson. Sent to London, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur and repeated to Canberra, Wellington, Bangkok, Manila, New Delhi, Saigon, Hong Kong, and Penang.
450. Memorandum From the Secretary of State’s Special Assistant for Intelligence (Armstrong) to the Secretary of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.97/2–756. Secret.
451. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 797.00/2–856. Secret. Drafted by Smith and initialed by Sebald. Also sent to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and pouched to Penang.
453. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, February 14, 1956
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.001/2–1456. Secret. Drafted by Smith.
454. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs (Young) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.00/2–1756. Secret. Also addressed to Sebald.
455. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General at Singapore
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.00/3–156. Secret. Drafted by Young. Also sent to London and Kuala Lumpur.
456. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, March 13, 1956
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.001/3–1356. Secret. Drafted by Smith on March 14.
457. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Secretary of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.00/3–3056. Secret. Drafted by Kocher and Smith.
458. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, April 4, 1956
Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199. Secret. Drafted by Kocher.
459. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs (Young) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 797.00/5–2356. Secret. Drafted by Smith and initialed for Young by Kocher. The Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs was reorganized at the end of March. The Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs became the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, with responsibilities limited to mainland Southeast Asia. Eric Kocher was appointed Deputy Director of the new Office of Southeast Asian Affairs.
460. Memorandum From the Deputy Director of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs (Kocher) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)
Source: Department of State, SEA Files: Lot 58 D 726, 350 British Policies and Views. Secret. Drafted by Smith.
462. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the Counselor of the British Embassy (De la Mare) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Sebald), Department of State, Washington, October 30, 1956
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 746F.00/10–3056. Confidential. Drafted by James V. Martin, Jr., on November 2.
463. Operations Coordinating Board Outline Plan
Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Singapore and Malaya, Documents. Top Secret. On February 20, the Operations Coordinating Board considered and revised a February 12 draft of this paper. The Outline Plan printed here is the revised version adopted at that meeting. The Outline Plan of Operations was an action paper which detailed the implementation of that section of NSC 5612/1 which related to Singapore and Malaya. The agencies involved agreed to implement the plan subject to later review and modification.
464. Despatch From the Consulate General at Kuala Lumpur to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Singapore and Malaya, General. Secret.