461. Editorial Note
At its 295th meeting on August 30, the National Security Council adopted
NSC 5612/1, “U.S. Policy in Mainland
Southeast Asia.” The following paragraphs outlined United States policy
with respect to Singapore and Malaya:
- “59. Accept the present primary role of the British in
Malaya in so far as they are willing and able to maintain
it, and collaborate with the British so far as
- “60. Encourage the British and local authorities to take
vigorous actions to curb Communist subversion, and be
prepared to assist in such action as requested by British or
local authorities.
- “61. Employ all feasible means to prevent Singapore and
the Federation of Malaya from falling under Communist
control. In the case of armed attack, place initial reliance
on Commonwealth, ANZUS, or
SEATO resources as
appropriate, but be prepared to take such additional U.S.
action as may be required.
- “62. Encourage the development of a strong, stable,
independent Malayan nation within the Commonwealth.
- “63. Seek to assure free world strategic interests in
Singapore, favoring, only if consistent with this end,
elective institutions in Singapore and Singapore’s
incorporation with an independent Malaya within the
- “64. After Malaya attains full self-government and
independence, be prepared, as appropriate and consistent
with recognition of Commonwealth responsibility, to assist
Malaya to maintain stability and independence, and encourage
it to join SEATO.”
[Page 781]
The text of NSC 5612/1, dated September
5, is scheduled for publication in volume