171. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the Director of the Office of European Regional Affairs (Timmons) and the German Minister for Atomic Energy Affairs (Strauss), Washington, May 14, 19561


  • Conversation with Herr Franz Josef Strauss on European integration

At Mr. Elbrick’s lunch at Blair House today for Herr Franz Josef Strauss, German Minister for Atomic Energy Affairs, I sat beside Herr Strauss and part of our conversation was devoted to European integration in the field of atomic energy. Herr Strauss at first merely reiterated many of the same points regarding EURATOM that he had already made at the 10 o’clock meeting with Mr. Elbrick and others (this meeting being reported separately by GER).2 As the conversation progressed, however, he began to talk more freely (although he was careful to stipulate several times during the conversation that he was speaking personally). The following paragraphs summarize the substance of his comments:

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Strauss said that in speaking of a “link” between the common market and EURATOM, he was not thinking of a mere undertaking in principle on the part of the Messina countries to proceed with a common market, but rather that the Treaty establishing EURATOM and the Treaty providing for the first step toward a common market [Page 438] (as well as committing the countries concerned to the eventual establishment of a full common market) be ratified together. He went on to say that if any attempt were made in Germany to proceed with EURATOM separately from the common market, he would immediately leave the Cabinet. He also said that the majority of Adenauer’s Ministers would follow suit, and that this would bring about the collapse of the present Government.

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He reiterated that he has no clear view of U.S. policy with respect to European atomic integration. He referred again to the OEEC Ministerial Meeting at the end of February, saying that the U.S. had made it clear on that occasion that it would support whatever solution the Europeans came up with. He also denied that EURATOM would of itself make any contribution to European unity or integration.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 840.1901/5–1456. Secret. Drafted by Timmons.
  2. See the memorandum of conversation, supra.