- Achilles, Theodore C., 378n
- Adair, Charles W., Jr., 313
- Adenauer, Konrad, 79–80
- Common Market, 523
- European Atomic Energy Community, 347, 367–368, 371, 446, 466–468, 472–473, 477–481, 557, 561
- European Coal and Steel Community, 279
- European integration, 297, 419, 558n
- Heads of Government meeting, 233–234, 251
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Soviet Four-Power Conference, 9, 10n, 22
- U.S. support for, 292
- Western European Union, 20
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy, 299n, 324
- Africa, 524–525, 533, 590–591
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, 572n
- Aldrich, Richard, 309–311
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 571–572
- Alger, Frederick M., Jr., 308n, 332–334, 445, 448n, 492n, 497–498
- Algerian situation, 182–183, 578, 596–597
- All-European Economic Agreement proposal, 462–464
- Allied Command Europe Minimum Force Requirements Study, 170–171
- Anderson, Dillon, 2–4, 94n
- Armand, Louis, 328, 453–454, 491n, 494n, 513–515, 517
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.:
- Atomic weapons (see also under European Atomic Energy Community; North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 588, 592
- Austria, 602–603
- Austrian settlement, 11, 13–14, 23
- Averoff-Tossizza, M. Evangelos, 118–119, 134–136, 144, 154, 180, 250, 252–253, 255
- Baghdad Pact Council, 31
- Barbour, Walworth, 276–278, 322–323, 629, 633, 635
- Barnes, Robert G., 350n
- Barnett, Robert W., 277n, 290n, 295n, 304n, 324, 326–328, 335n, 336n, 355, 375–376, 388n, 390n, 397–398, 399n, 415n, 420n, 453
- Bech, Joseph, 39, 73, 291, 477–478, 506n
- Belgium (see also Belgian subheadings under other subjects):
- Ben Gurion, David, 599
- Berding, Andrew, 596
- Berlin, 40–41
- Bevan, Aneurin, 616
- Beyen, Johan W., 11–12, 20, 39, 42–43, 64–65, 291, 301n, 309–310, 365
- Billotte, Gen. Pierre, 33, 36
- Bishop, Amasa S., 566–569
- Blake, James J., 374n, 450n, 503n, 507n
- Blank, Theodor, 33, 46
- Blankenhorn, Herbert Adolph, 33, 207–209, 227–228
- Boegner, Jean-Marc, 294
- Bonbright, James C. H., 590–591
- Boochever, Louis C., 261n, 277n, 279n, 280n, 287n, 307n, 311n, 322n, 328n, 338n, 527–529
- Bourges-Maunoury, Maurice, 151
- Bowie, Robert R., 37n, 106n, 111n, 378, 396–398
- Bray, William H., 470, 471n
- Brentano, Heinrich von:
- Common Market, 531–533
- European Atomic Energy Community, 319n, 330, 344, 367, 372, 436, 466, 479n, 558, 561
- Free trade area, proposed, 532
- GFR military build-up, 204
- Heads of Government meeting, 245, 258
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Atomic weapons, siting of, 196–197, 205–206
- Economic assistance to under developed countries, 30–31, 56
- Integration of military forces, 196
- Military personnel service periods, 80
- Political consultation, need for, 71, 190–192, 194–195, 206–207, 227–228
- Scientific research, 195–196
- Soviet satellites, policy re, 146–147
- Soviet threat, response to, 38, 63–64
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany, 155
- Wise Men report on non-military matters, 143, 148
- Soviet disarmament proposal, 79
- Brown, Winthrop G., 311
- Bruce, David K.E., 186–187, 347, 561, 597
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 79, 330, 613
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 431n
- Butler, R.A., 377n
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 354, 408n, 421n, 477–479, 548, 559n, 567, 569
- Caccia, Harold A., 56
- Caetano, Marcello, 239–240
- Campsider (scrap cartel), 343
- Canada (see also Canadian subheadings under other subjects), 611, 617–619, 637–638
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 2–3
- Cattani, Attilio, 252–253
- Cavaletti di Oliveto, Sabino, 289
- CFEP. See Council on Foreign Ecomonic Policy.
- Chiang Kai-shek, 22, 576
- Chiefs of Mission meetings:
- China, Republic of, 4–5
- Christensen, William H., 506n
- Churchill, Winston L.S., 349
- Clark, William, 626
- Cleveland, Stanley M., 304n, 314–315, 399n, 442n, 445n, 447n, 466n, 486n, 498n, 507n, 510n, 512n, 519n, 559n, 561n
- Cochran, William, 624–625
- Colonialism:
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 277, 298–299, 324–325, 470–472, 527n
- Committee of Three. See Wise Men report on non-military matters under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Common Market (European Economic Community) (see also under
European Atomic Energy Community):
- Administrative problems, 547
- Agricultural provisions:
- Creation of:
- Dependent overseas territories, inclusion of:
- Employer-employee relationships, 480
- French-GFR relations and, 481, 563
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, relation to, 549–553, 563
- Intergovernmental Committee on European integration activities, 334, 451–452
- Membership, 532, 533
- Trade restrictions, 450–453
- Treaty:
- U.K. opposition, 350–351, 465
- U.S. business attitude, 469, 555–556
- U.S. initiatives, 378
- U.S. trade, effect on, 460–461, 482–486, 508
- Conant, James B., 80, 319n, 337n, 344–346, 413–415, 467, 468n, 472, 475–479, 480–481, 489–490
- Congress, U.S., 392, 585, 630
- Constantine, Air Marshal, 171
- Coppe, Albert, 284–289, 528–529
- Corbett, Jack C., 420
- Couillard, Louis, 374–376
- Coulson, John E., 350n
- Council on Foreign Ecomonic Policy (CFEP), 263, 272–273, 339, 366
- Creel, Robert C., 435n, 561n
- CSC. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- Cullen, Lt. Col. Paul H., 283, 373, 461n, 553n
- Cunha, Paulo A.V., 20, 31, 36–38, 43, 63, 73, 121, 144, 156, 158, 247, 252
- Cyprus situation, 119, 122, 134–136, 180, 578, 581
- Dale, William N., 473n
- Davis, Joseph S., 486
- Davis, Richard H., 593
- Davis, W. Kenneth, 314, 386
- Debré, Michel, 401
- Denmark (see also Danish subheadings under other subjects), 264, 268, 623, 637
- Dickson, Air Marshal, 129, 132
- Diefenbaker, John G., 240–241, 617, 619
- Dillon, C. Douglas:
- Disarmament (see also Disarmament policy under North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- Dixon, Roger C., 261n, 280n
- Dodge, Joseph M., 261–263, 273–274, 352, 461n
- Drees, Willem, 234–235
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Africa, U.S. policy, 590–591
- Algerian situation, 596–597
- All-European Economic Agreement proposal, 462–464
- Atomic energy agreement with Italy, 417–419
- Atomic weapons, European production, 588
- Austrian settlement, 13–14, 23
- Chiefs of Mission meeting, September 1955, 571
- Chiefs of Mission meeting, May 1957:
- Chiefs of Mission meeting, September 1957, 609
- Colonialism, 523–524
- Common Market, 181–182, 440–441, 469, 502, 532, 562, 587
- Disarmament, 579–580
- Europe-Africa relationship, 524–525, 533
- European Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 455–456
- European Atomic Energy Community, 307–308, 322, 323n, 330–331, 442–443
- Atomic weapons, controls re, 406–407, 443–444
- Bilateral v. integrated approach, 337–338, 413, 420–422, 447–448, 476, 498–501, 505–506, 510, 554–555
- Common Market, relation to, 444, 447, 451
- Fuel, ownership of, 443, 446, 466–468
- Nationalistic atomic development, prevention of, 441
- Treaty, U.S. assessment of, 520, 537, 543–544
- Treaty ratification, 502, 557–561
- U.K. opposition, 369, 399–400
- U.S. cooperation, 304, 306, 309, 349–350, 368, 372, 388–389, 391–395, 423, 445, 487, 516
- U.S. initiatives, 479n
- Wise Men report, 492n, 512–516, 522, 553–554
- European Coal and Steel Community, 266, 275, 278n, 279, 291–293, 324–325, 404–406, 413, 448–450
- European integration, 297, 362–364, 369–371, 434, 439–440
- Free trade area, proposed, 503–505, 534–536
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, U.S. policy, 597–598
- Germany, reunification of, 584–585
- GFR atomic energy program, 438–439
- GFR military build-up, 203–204
- Heads of Government meeting:
- Intergovernmental Committee for European integration, 328–329
- Italian Peace Treaty, 21
- Massive retaliation doctrine, 592
- Middle East, 581–584, 587, 592–593
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 82–83
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meetings:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Atomic energy information exchange, 215–216
- Atomic stockpiles, 185n–186n, 215
- Atomic weapons, 125–131, 153–154, 204–206, 215, 228–229, 254
- Disarmament policy, 16, 169, 174–175, 180–181, 198–199, 246–248
- Economic assistance to underdeveloped countries, 55–57, 67–70, 72, 199–200, 216–217, 252–253
- Expenditures by member countries, 35, 45n
- Force level reduction, U.K. proposal, 84–86, 89–90, 97–99, 101, 131–132
- Force level requirements, need for members to meet, 81, 97–98, 114–115, 153–154, 176, 178–179, 183
- Middle East policy, 164, 175
- Political consultation, need for, 187, 190–193, 200–202, 207–213, 216, 227–228
- Scientific research, 178, 256
- Security organizations, exchange of information with, 204, 250–251
- Soviet threat, response to, 8, 67
- Soviets, negotiations with, 199
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany, 124–133, 165–166, 175–176, 229, 232
- Unity of member countries, 67–69, 78, 115–116
- U.S. forces, possible reduction, 93–97, 100–101, 586, 589–590
- Wise Men report on non-military matters, 73, 75–78, 140–144
- Principles, loyalty to, 575–576
- Soviet disarmament proposal, 79–81
- Soviet foreign policy, 28–30, 61–62
- Soviet satellites, U.S. policy, 595–596
- Soviet system, deterioration of, 111–112
- Soviet Four-Power Conference, 10n, 14–16, 21
- Spain, U.S. relations with, 591
- Speeches, writing of, 574–575
- State Department funding, 585–586
- Suez Canal situation, 575–576, 578, 584, 588–589, 598–599
- United Nations, 112–114, 577–578
- United States of Europe campaign, 331
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 289, 299–301
- Eccles, David, 562–563
- Eden, Anthony, 90–92, 400, 575
- Egypt (see also Suez Canal situation), 95, 109–110, 119, 583–584
- Eisenberg, Robert, 265, 289, 299, 301–303, 308n, 313n, 314–315, 317
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 22, 49, 75–76, 96, 133, 162, 164–165, 585
- Common Market, 181–182, 369, 483–484, 529–530, 550
- European Atomic Energy Community, 369, 388, 389n, 399n, 517–518
- European Coal and Steel Community, 266, 271, 293, 324–325, 408–409
- European integration, 348–349, 370n, 558n
- France, U.S. relations with, 217
- Free trade area, proposed, 483–484
- Heads of Government meeting, 183n, 218–223
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 2–4, 83–84
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Soviet disarmament proposal, 80–81
- Soviet economic assistance to underdeveloped countries, 82
- Suez Canal situation, 575
- Ekern, Halvor O., 447n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 116n, 181n, 190n, 206n, 417n, 435–437, 466–467, 470, 471n, 473, 491–492, 510n, 529n, 571, 596–597
- Erhard, Ludwig, 292, 297
- Eschauzier, Henri Fredrick, 377n
- Etzel, Franz, 477, 491n, 494n, 517, 522
- EURATOM. See European Atomic Energy Community.
- European Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 455–456
- European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) (see also
Intergovernmental Committee on European
- Atomic weapons, controls re, 493
- Bilateral v. integrated approach:
- Common Market, relation to:
- Creation of:
- Belgian position, 308n
- Foreign Ministers meetings, 446, 453–454, 477, 492, 526
- French position, 293–295, 317, 320–321, 384, 456
- GFR position, 307n–308n, 330, 347–348, 372
- Initial concept, 279, 288
- Italian position, 418
- U.K. opposition, 314, 351, 369, 399–400
- U.S. initiatives, 326, 402–403, 432–433, 459–460, 477–479
- U.S. position, 307–308, 311–312, 313n, 322–324, 330–331, 442–443
- French-GFR agreement, 481
- Fuel, ownership of, 493
- International Atomic Energy Agency, relation to, 393–394
- Membership, questions re, 384–385
- Middle East situation and, 487–490, 494, 497–498, 513, 515
- Monnet resolution, 382–383, 402
- Nationalistic atomic development, prevention of, 413–415, 441
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, relation to, 465–466
- Socialism through, 433, 435–436, 446
- Supranational character of, 396, 398
- Technical goals, Wise Men report, 491–492, 494, 512–518, 522, 553–554
- Treaty:
- United States of Europe, relation to, 356
- Uranium, Belgian contributions of, 293–295, 314–315, 320–321, 521–522, 540–542
- U.S. cooperation, 309–312
- Atomic Energy Commission assessment of, 305–306, 322n, 326, 391–399, 423–429
- Bilateral agreements, adaptation of, 304–305, 314–315, 321, 384, 445, 521–522, 540–542
- Classified data, transmission of, 316–318, 385–386, 393, 396–397, 427–428
- Conflicts, 357–359
- Costs of, 361–362
- Fuel allocations, 386, 425–429, 432–433, 517–518
- Gaseous diffusion plants, information re, 396–397, 427
- Joint Cooperation Program, 566–569
- Laws re, change in, 316, 318
- Misunderstandings, 389–390
- Opposition to, 306–307
- Policy, 349–350, 359–360, 372
- Political aspects, 378–387
- Public relations aspects, 487–489, 516
- Reliance on, 302–303
- Special Agreement proposal, 490
- Uranium enrichment plant, contribution of, 357, 359–360
- U.S. inspection issue, 493–494
- European Coal and Steel Community (CSC), 483
- Anti-cartel program, 265–268, 271, 284, 288–289
- Cartel aspects:
- Coal cartel reorganization, 265, 271, 284, 288–289, 341–343, 373–374
- Energy development program, 279, 286–288, 405–406, 546–548
- European integration through:
- Export-Import Bank loans, 404–405, 419–420, 430–431, 481–482
- Japan, competition with, 511–512
- Mayer appointed as President of High Authority, 295–296
- Origins, 261n, 310
- Pig iron, use of, 284–285, 411, 472
- Political importance, 408–409
- Scrap exports from the United States:
- Scrap importing arrangements, 264–265, 269–271, 353, 366–367, 411, 527–529
- Steel export cartel, 263–264, 267–268, 366–367, 448–450
- Steel markets study, 341, 353–354
- Supranational character of, 396, 398
- U.K. agreement with, 264, 268–269
- U.S. loan, 262, 265, 271–272, 285–286, 289, 342–343, 373–374
- U.S. private investment in, 412–413, 544–545, 548–549
- U.S. representation to, 296–297, 328
- U.S. support, 266, 292–293
- European Economic Community. See Common Market.
- European Free Trade Association. See Free trade area, proposed.
- European integration (see also under
European Coal and Steel Community; Intergovernmental Committee on European
- Belgian position, 369–371
- Dutch position, 364–365
- European initiatives, 355–356, 391–392
- French position, 419, 434
- GFR position, 369–370
- GFR role, 362–363
- Political advantages, 375–376
- U.K. position, 368, 370n, 605
- U.S. initiatives, 439–440
- U.S. policy, 338–339, 347–349, 355–356, 362–364, 369–371, 375–376, 392, 434, 604–606, 634–636, 640
- Exintaris, Georges, 33
- Export Control Act of 1949, 411
- Export-Import Bank, 262n, 404–405, 419–420, 430–431, 481–482
- Fairless, Benjamin F., 354
- Farley, Philip J., 306n, 350n, 466–467
- Faure, Edgar, 332, 499
- Faure, Maurice, 187, 190, 432
- Federal Reserve Board, U.S., 486n
- Federal Trade Commission, U.S., 265, 271
- Fidel, E. Allen, 276n
- Finland, 610, 619–620, 637
- Foreign economic policy, U.S., 629–631, 640
- Foreign Operations Administration, U.S., 272–273
- France (see also French subheadings under other subjects):
- Frank, Isaiah, 375–376, 486n, 555–556
- Free trade area, proposed:
- French position, 530
- GFR position, 532
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation study, 465
- U.K. position, 464–465, 473–474, 534–535, 558, 563
- Underdeveloped countries, inclusion of, 503–505
- U.S. business attitude, 555–556
- U.S. position, 473–474, 483–484, 485–486, 502–503, 534–536, 564–565, 606
- U.S. trade, effect on, 482–486
- Gaillard, Felix, 191, 223, 237–238, 321
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 586n
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 268, 549–553, 563
- George, Walter F., 54, 96–97, 140
- Gerhardsen, Einar, 236
- Germany:
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 597–598
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also GFR subheadings under other subjects):
- Giordani, Francesco, 491n, 494n, 522
- Gleason, S. Everett, 5, 26, 51, 84, 217, 349
- Glendinning, C. Dillon, 419
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 76n, 99n, 165, 185, 518
- Gray, Gordon, 47–49, 83
- Greece (see also Greek subheadings under other subjects), 118–119
- Greenland, 610
- Gronchi, Giovanni, 417n, 418, 589
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 25, 35, 85, 92–94
- Gudmundsson, Gudmundar J., 144
- Gudmundsson, Kristinn, 57
- Hagerty, James C., 22
- Hall, John A., 314–318, 394, 398, 510
- Hallstein, Walter, 40–41, 291, 297, 446–447, 473
- Hansen, Hans C.S., 12, 34, 40, 43, 59, 72, 119, 144, 239, 246
- Harcourt, Lord, 473
- Hauge, Gabriel, 461n
- Heads of Government meeting (December 1957):
- Hensel, H. Struve, 4
- Herter, Christian A., 564–565, 573
- Hickerson, John D., 619–620
- Hollister, John B., 389–390, 415, 631
- Holmes, Julius, 596
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 2, 76
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 350n
- Houghton, Amory, 561, 574
- Howe, Fisher, 95n
- Howell, Max, 354
- Humphrey, George M., 25, 48, 51, 81–82, 126–127, 130, 132
- Hungary, 95, 106–108, 578, 596
- Hussein, King of Jordan, 582–583
- Iceland (see also Icelandic subheadings under other subjects), 74, 173n, 610–611, 620–621, 637
- Indonesia, 235
- Intergovernmental Committee on European integration
(Spaak Committee), 345n
- Atomic energy working committee, 333
- Common Market, activities re, 334, 451–452
- Establishment, 291
- Final report, 446
- Functioning, 314, 358
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation representation to, 328–329
- U.K. cooperation with, 302–303, 309–310
- U.S. coverage of, 313
- U.S. initiative, 332–334, 335n
- U.S. support, 326–327
- Wise Men committee, appointment of, 491n
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 379–381, 393–394
- Ireland, 611, 625, 637
- Ismay, Baron Hastings Lionel, 32–33, 41, 58, 73, 95, 134, 145, 155, 163
- Israel, 109–110, 582, 593, 598–599
- Italy (see also Italian subheadings under other subjects):
- Japan, 511–512
- Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 56
- Johnson, Gen., 149–150
- Jonasson, Hermann, 240
- Jones, John Wesley, 544n, 609–612, 633, 636
- Jordan, 582–583
- Juin, Marshal Alphonse P., 401
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 596
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 276, 291n, 481–482
- Karamanlis, Constantine, 238
- Kennan, George, 227
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 58–59, 61, 79, 111, 117, 181, 192, 613–615
- Kidd, Coburn C., 331
- Kohnstamm, Max, 566–567, 569
- Köprülü, Fuat, 58–59, 65
- Krekeler, Heinz L., 165n, 166n, 436–438, 523
- Lange, Halvard M., 12, 20, 38, 43, 59, 72, 75, 106–107, 138–139, 145, 148, 245, 247, 250, 254, 259
- Laos, 597–598
- Larock, Victor, 246, 254
- Law of the Sea, Conference on, 627–629, 640
- Libby, Willard F., 394, 396
- Lloyd, John Selwyn Brooke:
- Cyprus situation, 135–136
- Free trade area, proposed, 558
- Middle East, 594
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Atomic weapons, reliance on, 125–131
- Disarmament policy, 226–227, 245–247
- Economic assistance to underdeveloped countries, 54–57, 70–71
- Expenditures by member countries, 32, 35, 45, 47–49
- Middle East policy, 136
- Soviet threat, response to, 58
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany, 123–133, 229
- Wise Men report on non-military matters, 139–140
- Suez Canal situation, 107–109
- Lodge, John D., 591
- Looram, Matthew J., 561n
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 402–403
- Luns, J.M.A.H., 120–121, 144, 148, 562
- Luxembourg. See Luxembourg subheadings under other subjects.
- Lyon, Cecil B., 297
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 10n, 14, 17n, 85n
- McClelland, Harold C., 528
- McCloy, John J., 186–187
- McCoy, Horace B., 511
- McElroy, Neil H., 230–231
- McLeod, Scott, 625, 627
- Macmillan, Harold, 10n, 41, 228, 251, 577, 616
- Makins, Roger M., 84–86, 89–90, 350–351
- Malagodi, Giovanni F., 183, 403
- Marjolin, Robert, 509, 556
- Martin, Edwin M., 338, 346–348
- Martino, Gaetano, 10–11, 20, 31, 39, 42, 44, 59, 65, 73, 75, 106, 116, 136, 138, 144–145, 147, 150, 155, 291, 300, 417–419, 585
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 377–378
- Mayer, René, 292, 295–297, 308n, 320–321, 404–413, 527–529, 544–549
- Menderes, Adnan, 121–122, 135, 151, 157–158, 241, 258
- Menzies, Robert G., 576
- Merchant, Livingston T., 279, 292n, 304–305, 320, 324, 326, 328n, 331, 337n, 350n, 351, 355n, 360, 365, 378n, 391n, 393, 395–396, 398, 413, 617–619, 627, 633, 635–636
- Middle East (see also Suez Canal situation; under European Atomic Energy Community; under North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 30, 39–40, 581–584, 529–594
- Miller, William K., 435n
- Moline, Edwin, 455n
- Mollet, Guy, 368, 392, 401, 434, 453–454, 466, 481, 520–521, 530, 558, 575, 596
- Molotov, Viacheslav M., 594, 613
- Monnet, Jean, 219–220
- Morocco, 532–533
- Muccio, John J., 620–621
- Murphy, Robert D., 165n, 415–417, 456–457, 472, 555n
- Murray, Thomas, 393–394, 396
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 2–5, 32–33, 82–84
- Mutual Security Act of 1953, 392n
- Myerson, Jacob M., 503n, 564n
- Nagy, Imre, 108
- Nash, Frank C., 348
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 581
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 429–431
- National Security Council meetings:
- Netherlands (see also Dutch subheadings under other subjects), 496, 602–603
- Nixon, Richard M., 25
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 28n, 170–171
- Norman, E. Herbert, 618n
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 155, 166, 170–171, 177, 184–185, 186n, 592
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meetings (see also Heads of Government meeting):
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):
- Agreement for Cooperation Regarding Atomic Information, 18n, 32
- Air defense command, 35–36, 159–160
- Atomic energy information exchange, 215–216
- Atomic stockpiles, 185n–186n, 215
- Atomic weapons, reliance on:
- Atomic weapons, siting of:
- Collective policy in non-military fields (see also Three Wise Men report below), 41–44
- Disarmament policy:
- Belgian position, 172, 180, 246
- Canadian position, 17–18, 245, 248–250
- Danish position, 246
- Dutch position, 247
- French position, 245–247, 250
- GFR position, 247
- Greek position, 247, 250
- Italian position, 245–246, 250
- Norwegian position, 245, 247, 250
- Portuguese position, 247
- Turkish position, 19, 246–247, 250
- U.K. position, 18–19, 226–227, 245–247, 250
- U.S. position, 16, 18–19, 169, 174–175, 180–181, 198–199, 246–248
- Economic assistance to underdeveloped countries:
- Belgian position, 73, 117
- Canadian position, 43, 65–66
- Danish position, 72, 252
- Dutch position, 42–43, 65
- French position, 30, 56, 64, 73, 252
- GFR position, 30–31
- Greek position, 43, 74, 252–253
- Italian position, 31, 42, 65, 252–253
- Portuguese position, 31, 252
- Resolution, 65n, 74
- Turkish position, 31, 43, 65, 252
- U.K. position, 54–57, 71
- U.S. position, 54–57, 67–70, 72, 199–200, 216–217, 252–253
- Economic problems, cold war aspects of, 173, 200
- Expenditures:
- Far East policy, 22
- Force level reduction, U.K. proposal re:
- Force level requirements:
- Information policy, 74–75
- Infra-structure plan, 24–26
- Integration of military forces:
- Intelligence needs, 154–155, 171
- Middle East policy, 22
- Military end items for, 3–4
- Military personnel service periods, 79–80, 172
- Modernization of forces, 160–162
- Political consultation, need for (see also Suez Canal situation):
- Scientific research:
- Security organizations, exchange of information with, 204, 250–251
- Soviet satellites, policy re:
- Soviet threat, response to:
- Belgian position, 9, 37, 59–60
- Canadian position, 12, 37
- Danish position, 40, 59
- Dutch position, 39, 120–121
- French position, 9, 40, 60
- GFR position, 9, 38, 63–64
- Greek position, 37, 63
- Italian position, 39, 59
- Luxembourg position, 39
- Norwegian position, 12, 38, 59
- Portuguese position, 37–38, 63
- Turkish position, 8, 58–59
- U.K. position, 12–13, 39–40, 58
- U.S. position, 8, 61–62
- Soviets, negotiations with, 199
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany:
- Unity of member nations, 25, 67–69, 78, 115–116, 168, 188–190, 237–238
- U.S. Chiefs of Mission statements, 600–601, 612–613, 638
- U.S. forces, possible reduction in, 93–97, 99–101, 184–185, 586, 589–590
- Weapons production, 161, 202, 255
- Western European Union, relation to, 19–20
- Wise Men report on non-military matters, 137n–138n
- Amendments, 147–149
- Approval, 144–145
- Authors’ reports, 138–139, 144–145
- Canadian position, 72–73
- Danish position, 144
- Dutch position, 144
- French position, 143–145, 148
- GFR position, 143, 148
- Greek position, 144
- Icelandic position, 144
- Italian position, 143
- Luxembourg position, 73
- Norwegian position, 72
- Portuguese position, 73, 144
- U.K. position, 139–140
- U.S. position, 72, 75–78, 140–144, 192
- Norway (see also Norwegian subheadings under other subjects), 572, 621–623, 636–637
- Nuri-Birgi, M., 31, 43
- OEEC. See Organization for European Economic Cooperation.
- Office Commun des Consommateurs de Ferraille (OCCF), 264, 269–271
- Ollenhauer, Erich, 46, 347–348, 368, 525–526
- Ophuels, Max, 307–308, 332
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) (see also under European Atomic Energy Community), 290, 327–329, 416, 455n, 465, 483
- Overby, Andrew N., 300
- Pace, Frank, 348
- Palmer, Joseph, II, 17n, 298, 301, 304n, 309, 311–315, 317–318, 319n
- Parsons, Marselis C., Jr., 473–474
- Patijin, C.L., 559n, 560n
- Patterson, Morehead, 315
- Pearson, Lester B., 145
- Pella, Giuseppe, 190, 196, 216–217, 243–246, 250
- Perkins, George W., 102, 128, 592–593, 612–613, 621, 636
- Peterson, Val, 623
- Pflimlin, Pierre, 45, 46–47, 49
- Phillips, Ruth H., 283n, 298–299, 462n, 470n, 471n
- Pinay, Antoine, 9–10, 20–21, 30, 40–41, 279, 291, 293, 297, 371, 412
- Pineau, Christian P., 56–57, 60, 64, 73, 109–110, 143–145, 148, 200, 224, 245–247, 250–251, 253, 404, 407–408, 419, 502, 530, 561
- Poland, 596
- Portugal. See Portuguese subheadings under other subjects.
- Powell, Richard, 228
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 366–367, 405, 420, 430, 431n
- Quarles, Donald A., 178–179, 215
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 25, 80, 85n, 89, 94, 95n, 100–101, 125–133
- Randall, Clarence B., 352–354, 366, 460–461, 469, 511–512, 549, 629–631
- Reinstein, Jacques Joseph, 523n
- Reston, James, 364
- Rhee, Syngman, 576
- Richards, James P., 392n
- Roberts, Frank, 229
- Robertson, Gen. Brian H., 584
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 100–101
- Robinson, Howard A., 378–387, 432n
- Rollman, Tony, 353, 410–411
- Ronhovde, Andreas G., 301n, 588, 590
- Rothschild, Robert, 333–334, 497–498, 505n–506n
- Rountree, William M., 54n
- Ryckmans, Pierre M.J., 445
- SACEUR. See Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M.; Norstad, Gen. Lauris.
- Sanders, Cyril, 563
- Sanders, William, 627–629
- Sarper, Selim, 252
- Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 581–583
- Sauvagnargues, Jean, 294
- Scandinavia, 571–572, 610–611, 625–626, 640–641
- Schaeffer, Fritz, 34, 45–49
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 313n, 316, 318, 327, 442n, 456n, 457n, 467n, 492n, 498n, 505n, 510n, 515n, 553n
- Schuman, Robert, 261n
- Schuman Plan. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- Segni, Antonio, 419
- Sergent, Rene, 464–466
- Shepilov, Dmitrii T., 118, 593
- Sherwood, Sidney, 419
- Silvercruys, Baron Robert, 422–423
- Smith, Gerard C., 203, 228, 306–307, 315–318, 350n, 355n, 357n, 360–362, 387n, 388n, 396–397, 422n, 439, 491, 510, 521–522
- Smith, Sidney E., 245, 248–250, 252
- Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Jean-Charles, 465, 503n
- Soviet satellites:
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under other
subjects), 592, 620
- All-European Economic Agreement proposal, 462–464
- Disarmament proposals, 79–82, 91
- Eastern Europe, policy re, 106–108, 116–117
- Economic assistance to underdeveloped countries, 54–55, 82
- European Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 455–456
- Foreign policy, 28–31
- Germany, intentions re, 11–12
- Human rights, repression of, 15–16
- Internal situation, 111–112
- Middle East policy, 30, 39–40, 581–583, 594
- Military capabilities, 149–150, 158–159
- Political situation, 613–615
- Scandinavia policy, 625–626, 640–641
- U.S. policy, 611
- Spaak, Paul-Henri (see also
Intergovernmental Committee on European
integration), 13, 22, 73
- Common Market, 181–182, 509
- Cyprus situation, 174, 581
- European Atomic Energy Community, 308n, 421n–422n, 445, 448n, 492n, 497, 520–522, 543
- European integration, 369–371
- Heads of Government meeting, 183n–184n, 230–231, 233, 244, 248, 251, 256, 258–259
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meetings, final communiqués of, 57, 70, 202
- North Atlantic Council Secretary General, appointment as, 163
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Atomic weapons, siting of, 254–255
- Disarmament policy, 172, 180
- Force level requirements, 177–178, 182–183
- Integration of military forces, 177–180
- Middle East policy, 173, 176
- Scientific research, 174, 177–178
- Soviet satellites, policy re, 116–117
- Soviet threat, response to, 9, 37, 59–60
- Three Wise Men report on non-military matters, 148
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany, 174, 176
- Western European Union, relation to, 19–20
- Peaceful settlement of disputes, 117–118
- U.S.-Belgian atomic energy agreement, 521–522
- Spain, 591, 603
- Sprouse, Philip, 311, 486n, 595
- Staf, Cornells, 32, 36, 150, 154, 156
- Stalin, Josef V., 58, 62, 594
- Stassen, Harold E., 3, 16n, 80–81, 348, 586
- State, U.S. Department of, funding for, 585–586
- Steel, Christopher, 20–21, 128–129
- Stephanopoulos, Stephen, 21
- Strauss, Franz-Joseph, 80, 132, 150, 157, 344–346, 414, 437, 466, 473
- Strauss, Lewis L., 322, 323n, 364n, 387, 393–399, 423–424, 432–433, 435–441, 456, 476–477, 495–497, 501n, 510, 515, 517, 522, 537–542
- Suez Canal situation, 95
- Sweden, 624, 637
- Syria, 173n
- Taviani, Paolo Emilio, 35, 151
- Theotokis, Spyros, 37, 43, 63, 74
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 613–615, 625–627, 631
- Thorneycroft, Peter, 465, 605
- Thyssen-Huette Steel Plant, 419–420, 430–431
- Timmons, Benson E.L., III, 57n, 86, 251n, 331, 338–339, 346, 437, 464n, 470–471, 534n, 546n, 548, 634–635
- Trade. See Common Market; Free trade area, proposed.
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 486n
- Turkey (see also Turkish subheadings under other subjects), 4–5, 173n
- Tuthill, John W., 348, 509
- Tyler, William R., 573n
- Unger, Leonard, 137n, 316
- United Kingdom (see also U.K. subheadings under other subjects), 277, 594, 610, 615–617, 638
- United Nations:
- United States. See U.S. subheadings under other subjects.
- United States of Europe campaign, 309, 331–332, 356, 391–393
- U.S. Information Service, 572, 626–627, 638–639
- van Acker, Achille H., 236–237
- Vander Weyden, Allen J., 567, 569
- Walmsley, Walter N., Jr., 632–633
- Walters, Col. Vernon A., 242n
- Waugh, Samuel C., 261–263, 280–281, 288–289, 295–297, 430, 481
- Weeks, Sinclair, 298, 411–412
- Wells, Algie A., 316–318
- Western Europe (see also Common Market; European Atomic Energy Community; European Coal and Steel Community; North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 601–603, 604–606
- Western European Union (WEU), 19–20, 391
- Weygand, Jacques, 401
- White, Francis, 624
- Whitney, John Hay, 594, 598, 615–617
- Wilkins, Fraser, 589, 593
- Willis, Frances E., 591–592, 596, 621–623, 633–634
- Wilson, Charles E.:
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 32–33, 82–83
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting, statement to, 158–162
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Air defense command, 36, 159–160
- Atomic weapons, reliance on, 125–131
- Expenditures by member countries, 46–48
- Force level reduction, U.K. proposal, 131–132
- Infrastructure plan, 24–26
- Modernization of forces, 160–162
- U.K. withdrawal of forces from Germany, 124–133
- U.S. forces, possible reduction in, 93–95, 96n
- Soviet disarmament proposal, 81–82
- Winter, Harvey J., 261n, 280n, 366n, 448n, 481n
- Wise Men report on non-military matters. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Wise Men report on EURATOM. See Technical goals under European Atomic Energy Community.
- Yost, Charles W., 518–519
- Yugoslavia, 108, 118–119
- Zellerbach, James D., 589
- Zoli, Adone, 235–236, 243–244
- Zorlu, Fatin Rüstü, 8, 11, 19, 20, 22, 246–247, 250