396.1 GE/7–1954: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 678. Repeated information Paris 109, Saigon 78. Re Secto 668 repeated Paris 102, Saigon 71.1 Cambodian delegation has circulated new draft of unilateral declaration of Cambodian Government which corresponds exactly to French draft transmitted by reference telegram, but adds passage, which reads in unofficial translation as follows:

“The Government of Cambodia, faithful to democratic and liberal principles and respectful of the fundamental law of the country granted and promulgated by His Majesty The King on May 6, 1947, by virtue of which it has already held two free legislative elections, makes clear its intention to take measures to integrate all citizens without any discrimination into the national community, granting them in particular all civic, political rights and all individual liberties provided by the constitution.

It affirms its intention to organize, in conformity to this constitution, new general elections, after the re-establishment of peace and security in Cambodia.”

Reaction other delegations above draft not yet known.2

  1. Dated July 19, p. 1456.
  2. For Soviet amendments to this draft, see memorandum from Bonsal to Johnson, July 20, p. 1468.