396.1 GE/6–2554: Telegram

Eighteenth Restricted Session on Indochina, Geneva, June 25, 3 p.m.: The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 526. Repeated information Paris 503, Saigon 214. At recess today’s restricted session, Chauvel expressed extreme disappointment over Kuznetsov‘s turn-down of Chauvel‘s proposal for small meetings of experts from certain delegations to study various proposals on armistice measures and controls and Chauvel‘s other suggestion that ad hoc committees be formed from time to time to study specific armistice problems. Chauvel disagreed with Kuznetsov‘s proposal that the 9 delegation chiefs meet to discuss control measures with fewer experts present than at recent sessions: A sort of a restricted session.

Chauvel thought at next session he would present a detailed paper on functions and powers of the control measures in answer to the Russian proposal of June 14 which is the only detailed paper on the subject to date.
