396.1 GE/5–654: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 116. Repeated information Paris 208, Saigon 36. French delegation, under instructions to do everything possible to obtain truce for removal of wounded from Dien Bien Phu, yesterday approached Secretary General of Chinese delegation1 informally with request [Page 704] that he facilitate contact between Viet Minh and French commanders on spot to arrange such truce. Chinese said merely that he would look into possibility. French felt that while this might mean nothing, it contrasted with Molotov’s extreme negative attitude (Dulte 20, April 28 repeated London 86, Paris 137, Saigon 82).

Chinese Secretary General sent for French this morning and stated that after discussing request with Viet Minh and Russians, Chou Enlai felt that this issue could best be discussed between French and Vietnamese and Viet Minh delegations here, at any time anyone wished.

French were struck by similarity of this reply to that given by Molotov (Dulte 20) and believe it meant Russians clearly calling tune. Much more serious from their point of view is possibility that Communists intend to propose immediate cease-fire at Dien Bien Phu to be expanded to rest of Indochina. They feel this would strike French public opinion at its most sensitive nerve and now suspect this Communist design may be reason Viet Minh had not already overwhelmed Dien Bien Phu.

  1. Wang Ping-nan.
  2. Ante, p. 602.