396.1 GE/4–2854: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Department of State


Dulte 20. Repeated information London 86, Paris 137, Saigon 8. London, Paris information Ambassador; Saigon information Chargé. For Acting Secretary from Secretary. Reference Dulte 16.1 Bidault and Margerie gave following account of former’s meeting with Molotov this morning:

Bidault began by saying that UK and US reaction to yesterday’s discussion not unfavorable but that he had not had opportunity to consult Associated States. He then alluded to his appeal for truce for evacuation of wounded from Dien Bien Phu and expressed hope Viet Minh would show goodwill by granting it as French had done earlier on Viet Minh appeal. Molotov replied that he sympathized with wounded but that this matter could be discussed by Vietnamese and Viet Minh once both were at Geneva. Bidault said matter urgent and one for discussion between commanders in field rather than between diplomats at Geneva and he reiterated importance of Viet Minh showing goodwill. At this point, Molotov appeared to become angry and accused Bidault of attempting to introduce precondition to admission of Viet Minh Government as interested state which he considered incompatible with Berlin agreement. Bidault denied he was making precondition. Both parties reiterated their arguments at length, Molotov several times stressing importance of direct contact between Vietnamese and Viet Minh at Geneva. Bidault finally terminated acrimonious discussion with statement they were getting nowhere and he would consult further with his associates.

Molotov then hastily called press conference and gave his account of interview.

Bidault is furious. He had previously invited Molotov for dinner this evening but plans to refuse to discuss any matters of substance with him pending satisfaction on wounded and to tell Molotov there is no point in discussing business when latter immediately thereafter calls in press to receive his version.2

  1. Dated Apr. 27, p. 591.
  2. Secretary Dulles reported to the Department of State in telegram Dulte 23, Apr. 29, that “am advised that at dinner last night Bidault and Molotov each reiterated positions given in referenced telegram [Dulte 20], that neither made any impression on other and that nothing else of substance was discussed. Atmosphere described as heavy and chilly.” (396.1 GE/4–2954)