396.1 GE/6–1754: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Geneva, June 17, 1954—6
Secto 466. Repeated information Ottawa 9, London 299, Tokyo 147, Bogota 6, Paris 453, Bangkok 28, Seoul 134. Re Secto 454.1
- 1.
- Drafting committee of 6 met today, June 17, and completed first working draft report to UN. Belgian, Ethiopian, Netherlands, Philippine [Page 392] representatives also present. ROK delegate out of town. USDel will pouch draft2 to McClurkin.
- 2.
Agreed to following procedure:
- (a)
- No further meeting in Geneva;
- (b)
- Working draft will be sent 6 respective governments for comments;
- (c)
- Representatives of 6 will then meet in Washington finish preparation of report;
- (d)
- It will then be submitted to full committee of 15 and their governments for consideration and approval;
- (e)
- Completed report will be submitted to SYGUN at suitable time, i.e., 9th GA session.
Group felt this procedure might help keep 8th GA or special session Thailand resolution3 from taking up Korean question.
- 3.
- Principal point today’s discussion was armistice agreement. All representatives expressed considerable concern over Pyun’s press remarks Wednesday on invalidation armistice. Owing to these remarks, Urrutia (Colombia) proposed and others supported adding General Smith’s statement in 15th plenary (Secto 4504) to report itself. They all stressed important report contains some reference to continued validity and effect of armistice agreement. Young reported briefly on Pyun’s explanation and circumstances underlying his remarks (Secto 4645) which had been made sharper in press versions than he had apparently intended. However, Young suggested and group agreed possible addition Smith’s statement or short reference to armistice should be referred to delegations or governments, because it involved several important matters, before being incorporated in working draft at later stage.
- 4.
- Group also suggested ending report with hope expressed by Eden as chairman last plenary that day may soon come when task of conference can be carried through to successful conclusion. Agreed that this question, like one above, should be referred to delegations or governments of six and taken up later by Washington working group.