Eden–Chou En-lai Meeting, Geneva, June 16: Editorial Note
Smith reported on this meeting, which took place at Chou’s request, in telegram Secto 463, June 17, from Geneva; for the complete text, see page 1170. The sole paragraph of the telegram dealing with Korea read:
“Eden said that Chou was obviously shaken over conclusion Korean conference, particularly rejection his final resolution, which he interpreted as slamming door any possibility Chinese participation any further Korean discussions. Said that “he could not stand” another rebuff of his efforts at conciliation and was concerned over Indochina situation. Eden said that with respect Korean situation he had replied Chou had thrown curved ball at conference, particularly at US, by his resolution, and that the US obviously could not agree to perpetuating Geneva Conference set up. It did not mean that China would necessarily be excluded from any further consideration Korean problem.” (396.1 GE/6–1754)