Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 306

Memorandum by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Phleger)1

With respect to the seven points attached to the instructions,2 the various proposed agreements and declarations compare as follows:

If the Vietnamese Government does not agree to the arrangement, the provision of the instruction regarding agreement by the states primarily interested is not met.

Point 1. Appears to be met.

Point 2. Military demarkation line should be assessed on basis that it was best obtainable by negotiation.

Point 3. This is met as to Cambodia. Laos is probably restricted to French instructors and military supplies acceptable to International Commission. Prohibited from foreign bases save where security threatened and military alliances save UN type.

Vietnam prohibited importation arms, personnel, bases and alliances. Very similar to Korean Armistice.

Point 4. There are political provisions which risk loss of retained area to Communist control, but the principal one is that requiring elections in two years, which is the means for complying with Point 5.

Point 5. This is met.

Point 6. This is met, though not as completely as might be desired.

Point 7. The international supervision of the Agreements and of the Elections is by India, Canada and Poland which must act unanimously in important matters. It has no enforcement authority and its powers in connection with the election are not spelled out.

  1. Smith’s handwritten initials appear on the source text.
  2. Reference to the memorandum of points attached to the U.S.-French Position Paper, July 14, p. 1363. This memorandum was also attached to the Secretary’s instructions to Under Secretary Smith, July 16, p. 1389.