Editorial Note
At 7 a.m. on July 21 the Secretary of State received a telephone call from Under Secretary Smith summarized as follows:
“S. [Smith] said one of the Foreign Ministers there will make a statement that a cease-fire has been arranged. The protest against negotiations will be done in the political field. It is the best obtainable by negotiation. They discussed some of the terms, but they will probably come in by cable, and I won’t set down what may be inaccuracies unless someone wants them. There are practically no restrictions on Cambodia’s maintaining an adequate security arrangement. There is international control or supervision of the transfer of some of the people. Re what the Sec. was worried about, the French assured S. it will be given priority—even over personnel. They discussed S.’s statement, and the Sec. suggested putting in something re self-determination as independent and sovereign states. S. agreed and referred the Sec. to the statement made last night. The prohibition of arms and alliances is not forever. They agreed S. would make his declaration. It would be extremely bad if we did not when Mendes has done all he has. S. said today they are going to demonstrate Western solidarity by dining and meeting together. This would be done preparatory to Mendes’ talking with Molotov. S. and the Sec. have their fingers crossed on this. S. assured the Sec. there were no under-the-table deals. S. said he thought his declaration would have been made by the time the Pres. has his press conference. S. read his statement.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, Telephone conversations)
For the text of President Eisenhower’s statement made at his press conference on July 21, see editorial note, page 1503.