396.1 GE/7–2054: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 689. USDel has had request from French delegate (Gros, legal adviser) for views regarding sharing of expense of international control commissions in Indochina. French delegate states British delegate has indicated willingness to share in expenses of international commissions under whatever reasonable formula may be devised.

[Page 1480]

USDel replied to Gros that we had no instructions on subject but believe doubtful US would participate both because of our general attitude toward Indochina settlement and because of Korean precedent where expenses of international commission were borne by belligerents. (Secto 6171 and Tosec 5552). Gros rejoined that of course in case of Indochina, this might result in receipt of inadequate contributions which would hamper effectiveness of control.

  1. Dated July 15, p. 1376
  2. Dated July 16, p. 1396.