320/12–1451: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 459. Ref Delga 651. Indians SoAfr. Dept strongly opposes Indian proposal estab Comm since SoAfr wld certainly decline appt Rep and UN appt wld be contrary intent last yr Res which was premised on minimum anticipated compliance parties in naming own Reps. Without Reps both parties, character of body wld be basically altered from that of pacific settlement to one of investigation and judgment. Proposed Comm might seek admission SoAfr which likely precipitate chain reaction which could result SoAfr withdrawal from UN.
We wld hope it wld be possible to obtain Res which, tho permitting convocation round table Conf whenever parties agree, in effect wld amount to dropping item from future GA agenda. If this cannot be done, possibility appt single individual to assist in bringing parties together seems to Dept at this time best means countering provocative Indian Res.
Suggested top-level pressure not considered feasible in present climate US-SoAfrs relations.