Editorial Note

For the proceedings of the Third Committee regarding the several refugee items, January I 2–14, 1952, see GA (VI), Third Committee, pages 151–233. The documentation of these proceedings is found in GA (VI), Annexes, fascicule for agenda item 30 and agenda item 31. For the proceedings in the General Assembly, February 2, 1952, see GA (VI), Plenary, pages 480–484. The General Assembly adopted two resolutions. Resolution 538 (VI) had two parts: Part A noted the General Assembly’s satisfaction at the conclusion of the refugee status convention and invited governments to become parties to the convention “as soon as possible”: Part B of the resolution authorized the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees “to issue an appeal for funds for the purpose of enabling emergency aid to be given to the most needy groups among refugees within his mandate.” The other resolution, Resolution 539 (VI), simply postponed consideration of the draft protocol relating to stateless persons until the next regular session of the General Assembly. For the texts of these two resolutions, see GA (VI), Resolutions, page 35.