320/1–2252: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 808. Re Delga 11431 Oatis case. View considerations urtel Dept agrees Del opinion not feasible secure adoption res Oatis case. Sufficient make strong ref Oatis in statement re pertinent Sec ECOSOC Report. However view obvious importance of issue and in absence submission res Dept stresses importance adequate US statement along lines special text of statement re Oatis transmitted to Del by Dept in memo Dec. 11 to Green and Simsarian.2 Dept still hopes Del able persuade other Dels make appropriate supporting statement.

  1. Dated January 22, supra.
  2. Memorandum not found in Department of State files. James F. Green and James Simsarian were Advisers on the United States Delegation, and both were engaged in Committee Three matters.