320/1–2252: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State


Delga 1143. Re Comite Three agenda. Presently anticipated Third Comite will complete consideration Covenant on Human Rights item about Jan. 28. Two items will then remain on agenda: (1) Sections [Page 817] 2 to 10 of chapter 5 of ECOSOC report and (2) draft protocol on stateless persons.

If present efforts to have only joint Comite Two and Three consider reorganization ECOSOC are successful, Comite Three will have only freedom of info as remaining principal subject for consideration under ECOSOC report. Although we anticipate introduction and wide support for res for postponement freedom of info convention, some two days’ debate expected, through Jan 30.

In view anticipated termination practically all other comites by Jan 30, USGADel proposes urge postponement item on draft protocol on stateless persons until seventh session GA. Even to obtain postponement, likely to be at least one day of debate, thus permitting termination Third Comite by end of day Jan 31.1

Above estimates reflect USGADel and secretariat thinking, if Oatis case is not raised in Third Comite in connection with FOI subject.

Staff of opinion though strong statement shld be made on Oatis case, preferable not submit res, even along general lines of ECOSOC res as result discussions with UK, Fr, Canada, Leb, New Zealand, Neth, Yugo for fol reasons:

Negative sentiment created in Third Comite with regard discussion of individual cases as result of rejection in comite of Polish res on 24 inhabitants of Barcelona and resentment when Israel raised in comite Jan 22 case of two Jews executed in Iraq.
Insistence by US on approval res wld very likely extend session GA additional five or six days.
Difficulty found in comite to obtain affirmative action on res after termination all other comites. Staff particularly concerned that USGADel might be forced to withdraw res in order not hold up termination GA.
Submission of res by other dels on other human rights matters wld be encouraged. Sovs and Arabs likely exploit such opportunity keep GA considering their proposals.

Staff of opinion however USGADel shld make statement in Third Comite re ECOSOC res on Oatis case in connection consideration ECOSOC report. In opinion staff this will extend session Third Comite additional three or four days, since there will be supporting speeches other dels and opposition speeches from Sov bloc. There will also no doubt be many speeches on other human rights matters, such as Negroes in US, Morocco, etc.

Staff estimate accordingly is that with proposed discussion Oatis case in Third Comite, this comite will not terminate its work until Feb2or4.

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Urgent USGADel receive immediate view of Dept on line of action proposed above with respect Third Comite.

  1. Regarding this item, the Department of State responded in Gadel 819, January 24, 1952, 4:43 p. m.: “Department entirely agrees Delegation proposal urge postponement subject item until seventh session of the General Assembly.” (320/1–2252)