330/9–1251: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


334. Re GA matters. As interim report, re Deptel 134, September 10, Laskey (UK)1 states FonOff is communicating with Embassy Washington on question of election to fill Yugoslav SC seat. Laskey had reported US suggestion of compromise candidate and has seen [Page 82] no decision by FonOff, but hears this issue is being discussed between Embassy and Dept. He stated that USUN seemed more strongly opposed to election of Soviet satellite to fill SC seat than Dept view as expressed to Embassy reps. However, we gave Laskey substance of Deptel 134. Jebb2 subsequently stated that he personally inclines toward Byelorussia but he seemed interested in possibility of Ethiopia.

Re GA presidency, FonOff has telegraphed Embassy decision to give up idea of Western European candidate and support Padilla Nervo. This also, according to Laskey, is being handled between Embassy and Dept.3

  1. Denis S. Laskey, Member, Permanent British Delegation to the United Nations.
  2. Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Permanent British Representative to the United Nations.
  3. Documentation regarding the election of a president for the Sixth (Regular) General Assembly is located in Department of State indexed file 320. The United States initially supported the view that there should be a European president, who, however, failed to emerge. By mid-September the U.S. Government was formulating a position in support of Luis Padilla Nervo, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, believing that it was important to secure a strong president. Padilla Nervo was elected on November 6, 1951.