320/1–1652: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 767. Re Membership (Delga 1064 and Popper-Hyde telcon). 1. Redraft Belaunde proposal (Delga 1064) represents great improvement [Page 433] over draft contained Delga 1022. While USDel authorized support Res as now stands, it may wish, however, make fol additional suggestions:
Re para 4, suggest “juridical” be deleted.
Re para 5, Dept believes presentation evidence to both GA and SC wld entail unnecessary duplication and wld prefer only presentation to SC. We wld also hope presentation wld be written only. USDel might suggest para be rephrased to recommend to SC that it invite applicant states present evidence pursuant its rules procedure. If Belaunde insists presentation to GA also desirable, additional para inviting presentation to GA and revising rules of procedure if revision considered necessary cld be included.
USDel shld not give any indication that US approval this Res means US might consider eventual GA action to admit states in absence favorable SC recommendation.
2. Tactical situation and timing Re Libyan application and Fr and Sov Res as mentioned Hyde Telcon unclear to us. Request clarification soonest. Is our understanding correct that separate vote is considered desirable on Libyan application before Fr and Sov Res considered and before Belaunde proposal inviting submission evidence is approved by GA?
3. USDel shld support Vietnam application and oppose Viet-Minh. Dept believes latter’s communication to SYG, if it must be considered by SC at all, shld be disposed of in same manner as North Korean 1949 communication.