
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Joseph N. Greene, Jr., of the Office of Western European Affairs


Subject: Italian Admission to the United Nations

Participants: Mr. P. Francfort,1 French Embassy
Mr. Joseph Greene, Jr.—WE

Mr. Francfort had asked whether we had any reply to give him on his Aide-Mémoire proposing a course of action in the United Nations for the admission of Italy to the United Nations. I informed him that our own thinking coincides, in general, with that of the French Government as set forth in the Aide-Mémoire. We had just had word from Paris that the three Foreign Secretaries, Messrs. Acheson, Schuman and Eden had in fact agreed on a course of action substantially as outlined in the Aide-Mémoire. Mr. Francfort thanked me for the information and indicated that it met his requirements for the time being.

  1. Pierre Francfort, French Counselor of Embassy.