320/11–1951: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 201. For Hall from Hickerson. Re Delga 260. Wish you discuss following with Congressmen Vorys and Mansfield and hope matter may be subject further frank discussion delegation, prior to final decision. It is my strong personal feeling that course of action outlined urtel undesirable in that might result in failure obtain first sizeable reduction U.S. percentage as recommended Contribs Comite. As matter my own judgment believe U.S. interests better served by supporting Comite report and thus assuring two point two reduction next year plus promise subsequent two year reduction to thirty three and one third percent, than by running risks of “all or nothing” action contemplated urtel. My judgment this connection supported by Dept legal opinion that on facts this case letters to Chairmen Approps Comites, copies of which I assume Reps. Vorys and Mansfield have seen, constitute reasonable endeavor under consultation provision of approp. act. Realize however that more than legal matter involved and of course wish to avoid any action prejudicial to continued good [Page 174] relations Congressional Comites. With this in mind, and if point of view outlined above not acceptable suggest as maximum Del consider abstention on acceptance Contrib Comite report if proposal to refer report to subcomite fails. [Hickerson.]
