850.33/8–2450: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Secretary of State
1615. Reurtel Paris 631, repeated HICOG 932. Believe that introduction of common defense problem into Schuman Plan negotiations at this time might confuse and retard such negotiations without furthering development of common defense. It would at once raise broader questions for which Schuman Plan negotiations not good forum and which delegates are not qualified or authorized to discuss. Also might weaken support of plan by important sections of German political and public opinion until such time as German position in western Europe is clarified further.
When governments accept principle of integration of western European manpower and productive capacity for common defense, including West Germany, Schuman Plan organization will presumably [Page 747] afford suitable framework for coordination of defense production within its field. Interim report of negotiators states that task of council is to “reconcile the supranational action of the high authority with the requirements of the various national policies” of the member countries. See telegram Paris to Department 808 of 15 August 1950.1 Thus, as indicated reftel, Council would probably be suitable channel for coordinating common defense policies of member nations with activities of high authority.
Sent Department 1615, repeated information Paris 135.
- Regarding translation of a memo forwarded by French officials to members of the French Delegation to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe at Strasbourg; not printed (740.00/8–1550).↩