740.5/11–2950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London


Todep 127. For Spofford. ReDepto 247 Nov 29.1 We fully realize that if agreement is reached by Deps and MC on Ger participation, a [Page 506] Council mtg immediately following the Def Comite mtg wld probably be desirable particularly in terms of public opinion in NAT countries. On other hand there are important considerations which make us doubt whether as practical matter such mtg shld be held. In first place Council action wld be simply rubberstamping agreement. Secondly it now seems clear that even after NATO agreement on Ger participation we will face major problem in obtaining willing Ger participation. In this connection it seems likely that after we have approached the Gers and have clearer picture of what conditions they may attach to participating in integrated force we will be obliged have Big Three mtg in order reach neces agreement to permit further progress with Gers. Such mtg wld require careful preparation and time wld also be required to obtain clearer picture of Ger problem. Therefore such Big Three mtg cld probably not be usefully held until some time in Jan.

If Council met in Dec for rubberstamp operation the Secy wld in all probability be obliged return to Eur some time in Jan. In view pace of current developments particularly in FE and necessity for Secy’s presence in Wash, it wld be extremely difficult—if not impossible—for him to make two trips to Eur within period of 4 or 5 wks. We realize that failure to have Council mtg in Dec wld probably be disappointment for other Fonmins who do not have same problem. Before reaching any final decision on this we wld like to have your considered views on above. If it proves impracticable to hold Council mtg in Dec, Deps wld in name of Fonmins take immed Council action on Def Comite recoms in Lond. In our immed fol tel we sending you our tentative views (which have not been cleared) on procedure which might be followed by Deps and Def Comite in Lond based on assumption Fonmins will not meet.2 Wld like your views soonest on this procedure. This shld not be discussed outside your immed staff.

  1. Not printed; in it Spofford reported that there was a consensus among the NATO Deputies for a ministerial meeting only if a sufficient measure of agreement was reached at the deputy level. The ministerial meeting would be followed by a council meeting at which both Defense and Foreign Ministers would be present (740.5/11–2950).
  2. Todep 128 to London, November 30, not printed (740.5/11–2950). It suggested (1) that the Defense Committee agree on a German contribution to an integrated force with the recommendation that the representatives of the three western powers be authorized to approach the Germans. This agreement should be sent to the Council for approval. (2) The Defense Committee would also recommend to the Council establishment of the position of Supreme Commander, Supreme Headquarters and an integrated force. (3) Council of Deputies, acting as Council, should approve the actions of the Defense Committee and request the Defense Committee to designate a Supreme Commander.