740.5/11–2050: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London

top secret

312. For Spofford from McCloy. Following my comments on questions listed your Depto 193 as requested by Department in their Todep 104.

As general comment feel it highly undesirable that Deputies get into detailed discussion of internal German organization. As you point out, German authorities are not participating in discussions and there can be no assurance that any agreements at which Deputies might arrive would be acceptable to Germany. I believe discussions should be considered merely exploratory to determine parallelism of thinking as to principles and practicality of solutions, rather than with objective of reaching agreements prior to discussion with Germans. It must be borne in mind no formal proposal or plan has been presented to German Government and hence there is no official German Government position.

As pointed out in previous cables, discriminatory or restrictive note against Germany must be avoided in formulating plans and modus operandi of integrated forces for defense of Europe and emphasis [Page 473] placed upon principles applicable to all participating countries in integrated forces. I recognize that in initial stages of formation such forces there will be some de facto discrimination, but such discrimination must be held to only that which can be justified as unavoidable due to complete lack of any military organization in Germany at present, and necessity to adjust existing national military organizations to new pattern.

As to specific questions referred to in paragraph 8, Depto 193, my comments are as follows:

Should recruitment, training, equipment and administration of German units be dealt with by a single German federal agency or by separate agencies in appropriate fields? This will depend to large extent on type of political structure which evolves in Europe and particularly upon functions to be performed by European Minister of Defense if such post is created. Also dependent upon establishment of common pool and budget and European Defense Minister’s control thereof. Specifically, I consider that recruitment can be handled by Labor or Interior Ministry which could also handle majority of administrative problems. Training would be under European army or Supreme Commander direction through issuance of training directives. Supervision of actual training could be by Allied Occupation Forces as designated by Supreme Commander. Equipment could be handled in similar manner as training, with special section set up in Economics Ministry or Central German Procurement Office. Relationships with other nations in European army or in NATO could be conducted by branch of Ministry of Foreign Affairs under State Secretary.
What controls should be exercised over German federal agency or agencies? Under present Occupation Statute, occupying authorities have full reserved powers in fields of demilitarization, disarmament and security, which power has been exercised by enacting AHC legislation. Exercise of any reserve powers discretionary with occupying authorities and AHC laws subject to repeal or modification. Hence, right to exercise controls is unquestioned and should be considered merely from viewpoint of minimum and broadest control necessary. In fields of recruitment and administration, the Allies should supervise screening by Germans of officer personnel to eliminate politically undesirables, and should keep close watch of selection and training of new officer corps to assure its establishment and functioning on democratic basis. Acceptance of role of participant in European army and subordination to training control by Supreme Commander supplies sufficient control element in training. Presume any plan adopted based on balanced forces principle and integrated European production and supply system will prescribe against manufacture of heavy armament and aircraft by Germans. Control over this production limitation could be exercised by occupying powers through Military Security Board. Foreign Ministry agency dealing with international relations aspect of German contribution should have free hand, since control outside reserve powers of occupying authorities but would be subject to procedures in such international agency as may be created or exist in which Germany will be a minority.
By what authority should such control be exercised? This question covered by (2) above.
What should be mutual relationships between SHAPE, the German federal agencies or agency or other authorities concerned? Since SHAPE functions envisaged as purely military, it would deal with German contingent forces in direct line in same manner as other national forces except as allied military supervision might be utilized to aid in initial stages of reororganization and training. Not contemplated that SHAPE would have any direct contact with German federal agency or agencies any more than he would deal directly with departments of other national governments of participating countries. Since inconceivable that German Government would not be represented at political level in some way, either directly in NATO or via European continental defense structure, relationships of federal government with SHAPE and other agencies would be conducted through such representation. Not envisaged that SHAPE would have great need for relations with occupying authorities since occupying authority governments members NATO, and relations in those fields where allied authorities have not, in fact, relinquished powers through agreement to [German] participation in integrated defense system will be conducted as with any other national government. This should not be construed to deny administrative and technical channel between HICOM and Supreme Commander, where mutually beneficial. I believe it must be recognized that Allied High Commission will be entering last stages of attrition.

Organization and principles outlined above, I consider feasible for initial phase of whatever plan adopted. However, such organization would be transitional and certain functions which now require national organizations might be phased into such NATO or continental defense control organizations as may be developed. What has been outlined above is designed to permit getting forward with our immediate objective of strengthening European defense by closer integration and securing the earliest possible contribution of German resources.

I have not commented on principles which should govern establishment of appropriate machinery within NATO, since I feel this is outside my competence.

Sent London 312, repeated info Department 4215, Paris 381.
