740.5/9–550: Telegram
The Charge in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State
Depto 111. State pass Secretary Defense. Please transmit following message to Secretary Johnson on behalf Chairman, NAC Deputies:
“September 1, 1950. The Honorable Louis Johnson, Chairman, North Atlantic Defense Committee, Pentagon Building, Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Chairman: At the request of the Council Deputies there are being forwarded to you under separate cover the replies to Council Deputies’ document D–D/18 revised as regards proposed [Page 267] increases in military forces readily available 1 July 1951, for the defense of the North Atlantic area.
It is the opinion of the Deputies that a military analysis as to the adequacy of the forces indicated in these replies should be initiated immediately so that any interim recommendations resulting from such an analysis may be considered by the North Atlantic Council during their meeting 15–16 September.
The Deputies realize that the Defense Committee and the Military Committee will not have had an opportunity to consider the revised medium-term plan prior to 15 September. However, they hope that by that date such general analysis as may be feasible of the proposed increases in forces can be accomplished. If such an analysis provides a basis for further recommendations, it would be highly desirable for the North Atlantic Council to have such recommendations before them at their forthcoming meeting.
The Deputies are impelled by particular degree of urgency at this time in view of the present stage of preparation of annual budgetary estimates by the majority of NATO governments. Sincerely yours, signed Charles M. Spofford, Chairman, North Atlantic Council Deputies.”