740.5/8–2450: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State

top secret

Depto 66.1. Following is report of August 24 meeting Deputies.

2. Deputies took up agenda item 2, consideration country replies. Chairman stated US general views (Depto 65) including US estimate [Page 245] that resources of European NAT countries would permit additional defense expenditure $10 to 12 billion total in three year period.

3. Chairman proposed Deputies discuss replies generally, and that working group then be appointed to analyze replies. WG to develop basis for conclusions and general recommendations by Deputies to Council and governments on degree adequacy collective efforts for defense west, nature and extent necessary further action to remedy deficiencies, and steps to translate into immediate action additional defense measures governments now contemplate. Deputies agreed this procedure. Chairman without objection designated UK, France, Netherlands, Norway, and US as continuous members subcommittee plus each other Deputy when reply his country considered.

4. In course general discussion replies French Deputy requested early formal reply French second memo August 17. Stressed French effort contingent integrated NAT effort. Stated France proceeding formation five new divisions 1951 and believed US, British, and Benelux should provide additional divisions Europe same time. French divisions would form one-half total which maximum proposition France willing provide. This ratio placed disproportionate cost on France which should be adjusted by measures for fair distribution financial burdens common defense. He urged integrated defense program, centralized organization, pooling resources, common fund, rapid production standardized weapons. Mentioned possibility elimination regional planning groups (which perturbed Norwegian Deputy). After some discussion Deputies agreed French supplemental memo was in part organizational and not directly related US query and should be taken up as separate agenda item by Deputies without prejudice consideration overlapping aspects in connection replies. French Deputy agreed to decision but insisted organizational proposals essential part of French 15th division program.

5. Belgian, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Netherlands Deputies urged that working group analyze pay basis for country comparisons, Netherlands Deputy asking appraisal fairness present shares of burden.

6. Canadian Deputy indicated Canada’s principal role would be maintain strategic reserves, defend sea lanes, and supply military equipment. He said Canada anxious carry its responsibility and in respect military production urged NATO state specific requirements. He said Canadian Government will shortly ask Parliament remove financial impediment to Canadian transfers military equipment. (Assume Department has received from Ottawa Canadian statement supplementing aide-mémoire August 21.)1

[Page 246]

7. Italian Deputy said economic and political conditions each country should be taken into account in considering replies and he would circulate additional memo today on Italian situation.

8. Norwegian Deputy stressed primary role Norway raising and training manpower rather than production. Asked early reaction to principles Norwegian reply. He said main problem Norwegian defense effort is manpower which fully employed and whose diversion to defense effort will have serious impact Norwegian economy. Stated Norway would carry forward its program with or without help from outside sources, but would appreciate knowing whether aircraft available soon from other countries especially US.

9. Deputies agreed that reports of SG, PWSDFEC, PWSAMPSB, all which now available2 should be discussed together beginning with next meeting.

10. Meeting adjourned until 10:30 a. m. Saturday August 26. WG meeting today and tomorrow.

Department pass Secretary Defense. Sent Department Depto 66, repeated info Brussels 52, Copenhagen 42, Luxembourg 14, Paris for OSR 304, Rome 84, Ottawa 18, Oslo 34, Lisbon 28, The Hague 59.

  1. Not identified in Department of State files.
  2. None printed.