330.1/7–2850: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)1
72. Dept desires proceed in general along lines suggestion urtel 142 July 27. Pls consult soonest other appropriate SC dels on basis text of res which fols. Desirable to introduce for meeting Mon2 if assurances sufficient votes for adoption. Desire wide co-sponsorship, if possible all those voting in favor. Sponsorship, including that of US left to your discretion.
Your suggestion on membership not adopted because such membership might affect balance and prestige of Commission. USSR probably will not serve. If they do they cannot veto. Their exclusion wld give them favorable propaganda opportunity and might affect unfavorably support some dels for proposal.
Suggestions by other dels on composition or other points shld be reported urgently.
Resolution follows:
Draft Resolution of United Nations Observation Groups
verbatim text
The Security Council
Affirming the principle of the Charter that international disputes should be settled by peaceful means, and mindful of its responsibility on behalf of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security;
[Page 308]Desiring to take appropriate steps to maintain international peace and security;
Establishes a Security Council Fact Finding and Observation Commission composed of representatives of the States members of the Security Council;
Directs the Commission, or subcommissions appointed by it, to visit or station observers in any area where, in the opinion of the Security Council or of the Commission, such action would contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security; provided that the Commission or subcommissions shall not visit any state without its consent;
Requests the Commission to report to the Security Council as occasion may require;
Calls upon all Governments and authorities to cooperate with the Commission and to assist in the implementation of the present resolution;
Requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary staff and facilities and to make appropriate arrangements to provide the necessary funds required in carrying out the terms of the present resolution.
Repeated for information to: Quito as 24, Cairo as 86, Belgrade as 81, Moscow as 85, Habana as 44, Taipeh as 84. Repeated for action to: London as 520, Paris as 518, Oslo as 62, New Delhi as 134, with the following additional paragraphs:
“For ur info. Fr., UK, and Norwegian Dels, at informal mtg. with USUN today, stressed gravity of decision inherent in this proposal and argued that such proposal would constitute illegal delegation of SC powers. In their view it would be an illegal circumvention of veto which at San Francisco, in 1945, was agreed to apply to appointment of SC commissions of enquiry. [See Foreign Relations, 1945, volume i .]
“Amb. Gross, on a personal basis, suggested to Fr., UK, and Norwegian Dels a device whereby when Commission rather than Council makes decision, Commission would report decision to SC prior to action. This would give SC opportunity to approve or reject Commission’s decision.
“Dept has not yet considered this variant suggested informally by Amb. Gross. Info. regarding this is sent you for background in event FonOf raises matter.”
On July 28 the Department cabled the following instruction to London, Paris, Oslo, and New Delhi: “Please take up with Foreign Office and urge prompt and favorable action.” (telegram 533, to London, July 28, 330/7–1850; repeated for action to Paris as 528, to Oslo as 69, and to New Delhi as 142 and for information to the U.S. Mission at the United Nations (USUN), New York, as 74)
↩ - July 31.↩