B. The meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign Ministers, July 1–September 1, 1949
[544] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/7–149: Telegram
[545] Soviet Delegation Draft of Article 35 of a Treaty for the Reestablishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria
CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 115
[546] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/7–649: Telegram
[547] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Council/7–1449: Telegram
[548] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/7–1549: Telegram
[549] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Council/7–2349: Telegram
[550] Mr. Coburn B. Kidd of the Division of Austrian Affairs to the Acting Chief of the Division of Austrian Affairs (Williamson)
740.00119 Council/7–2949
[551] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/8–249: Telegram
[552] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Council/8–549: Telegram
[553] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Chief of the Division of Austrian Affairs (Williamson)
740.0011EW (Peace)/8–1049
[554] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Council/8–1149: Telegram
[555] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/8–1849: Telegram
[556] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Council/8–1949: Telegram
[557] The United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber) to the Secretary of State
740.00119 Control (Germany)/8–2049: Telegram
[558] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/8–2249: Telegram
[559] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Director of the Office of German and Austrian Affairs (Murphy)
740.0011 EW (Peace)/8–2749
[560] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Chief of the Division of Austrian Affairs (Williamson)
740.0011 EW (Peace)/8–3049
[561] The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
740.00119 Council/8–3049: Telegram