740.0011 E.W./1–445
The Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 9.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to secret correspondence with the Department with regard to the Mexican Squadron 201 now in training in the United States, and which is destined for a war theatre. …
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Under date of January 2 the Military Attaché of the Embassy, General Harris, received a telegram from the War Department to the effect that General MacArthur has replied to the inquiry which was addressed to him respecting the Mexican squadron. General MacArthur replied that he would be pleased to have this Mexican squadron assigned to his command. The War Department informs the Military Attaché, General Harris, in this telegram that the necessary arrangements are now being made for the sending of the Mexican squadron to the Pacific theatre. The telegram further states that so far as now can be foreseen, general plans are being made for the Mexican squadron to be ready to leave the United States about March 15 for the Pacific theatre.
I conveyed this information to the Minister of Foreign Relations, Dr. Padilla, yesterday, who expressed his great gratification at this action of our Government, which he said would cause the greatest satisfaction to the President of Mexico.2
Respectfully yours,
- Manuel Avila Camacho.↩