740.0011 EW/1–2345
The Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (Warren) to the Ambassador in Ecuador (Scotten)
Dear Bob: We are tremendously pleased with the telegrams of your progress in negotiations with President Velasco Ibarra on formalizing the status of Ecuador in the war, especially the telegram of today13 which indicated that that country is about ready to make application for membership in the United Nations.
The President has a keen personal interest in the possibility of obtaining a solid front of the American republics in support of the United Nations Declaration10 before the world conference takes place shortly after the Mexico City conference.11 As evidence of this interest he has written a personal letter to each of the Presidents of the six American republics who are members of the Associated Nations, but have not yet signed the United Nations Declaration.
The President desires that you seek an early appointment with President Velasco Ibarra and deliver to him personally the President’s letter.12 In order that you may be in the best possible position to make the action of Ecuador. There is also enclosed a statement13 listing the President Ibarra may raise, a copy of the President’s letter is enclosed for your information.
In view of the very favorable situation of this matter in Ecuador, it is our hope that President Velasco Ibarra will find it possible to take action within the next few days, because we believe that other countries who are a little hesitant will undoubtedly be influenced favorably by the action of Ecuador. There is also enclosed a statement13 listing the [Page 1004] United Nations, as well as the Associated Nations, which should not be without its effect.
With all best wishes,
Sincerely yours,