710 Conference W and PW/2–945: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina and El Salvador 63

For the Chief of Mission. The Department’s approach to Topic II and Topic IV of the agenda for the Mexico City Conference is set forth in the following resume. This information regarding the Department’s thoughts on the political subjects and other matters is for your information only and should not be communicated to the authorities of the government to which you are accredited. It may, however, be used in your discretion as a guide, and on the understanding that it is not definitive, for your conversations with the authorities concerning the general views of this Government regarding the objectives desired to be realized at the Conference.

II. A. World Organization. It is proposed to present or support a resolution declaring the determination of the American republics to cooperate with each other and with other peace-loving nations in the establishment of a general international organization and their intention to participate in the organization and contribute to the realization of its purposes and to make available to it the facilities of the inter-American system on those matters as to which the general world organization will have responsibility.

II. B. It is proposed to present or support a single or several resolutions resolving that the inter-American system “should be further improved and strengthened” through definite measures recommended to be effected by the Ninth International Conference of American States to be held as soon as possible after the United Nations Conference. The measures provide for better definition of the functions of the Conference; strengthening of the role of meeting of Foreign Ministers by giving it additional major responsibilities in the political field, particularly with respect to maintenance of peace; assignment to Governing Board of Pan American Union of enlarged duties of a political character or in the alternative, assigning these responsibilities to a standing committee responsible to the Foreign Ministers; assigning to Pan American Union coordination of inter-American agencies and making recommendations with respect to improvement of inter-American peace instruments and the strengthening of inter-American social and economic ties; establishment of effective relationships between inter-American system and its agencies and general international organization and its agencies. Also to be presented is a resolution of reaffirmation of the basic principles of the inter-American system and [Page 101] the Atlantic Charter to manifest the beneficial results attained by the American republics through their solidarity, to suggest these principles and solidarity as an example for the rest of the world and to proclaim these principles upon which effective peace and progress must rest.

In Topics I or II it is contemplated that a resolution will be presented calling for continued measures, at least until the termination of hostilities, for protection against subversive activities of enemy countries.

IV. The American delegation will not raise the question of a review of the nonrecognition of the Farrell Government of Argentina64 but if this subject is brought up by other governments it is prepared to argue the case against any modification of the present nonrecognition of that regime.

It is proposed to submit under the appropriate topic resolutions advocating measures (a) for increasing and broadening the exchange of cultural information and (b) for assuring maximum freedom of access to information through the press, telegraph, radio, et cetera.

Among possible further subjects which may be included in the agenda are the following with the indicated attitude of this Government thereto.

Inclusion of Canada hi the inter-American system. The Department believes that the moment is not opportune to decide regarding the admission of Canada into the inter-American system but that if this question is raised at Mexico City this Government should suggest that consultations be held prior to the Ninth International Conference of American States in order to reach a decision in this connection before the termination of that Conference.
Problem of recognition of American governments in exile. This Government is prepared to support a resolution which may be introduced by the Ecuadoran Government rejecting extension of recognition to governments in exile in this hemisphere.
Doctrine of recognition—the “Estrada Doctrine”. The Department hopes that the general adoption of the Estrada doctrine will not be pressed in as much as it doubts that the doctrine is a desirable basis for our recognition policy and particularly feels that its adoption under present circumstances might be subject to misinterpretation.
  1. Repeated to Argentina and El Salvador for information only.
  2. For documentation on this problem, see pp. 366 ff.